Cage thought that he would rush to King Vegeta in the fastest time.

But the reality is still unexpected.

When they reached a forest, a large amount of red light was released from the forest.

When such a light appeared in front of Cage's eyes, Cage's brows furrowed slightly, and his face changed.

Suddenly, he felt that he might be hit hard.

Cage didn't dare to get involved in this matter, and after stopping the spaceship, he beckoned Broly, and the giant quickly headed for the place where the red light was released.

Suddenly, there was an eggshell that was a man tall in front of him, and it was already covered with cracks, and these red light sheets were emitted from the eggshell, and when I saw this scene, I suddenly thought of a guy.

The moment that guy appeared, he had already caused great damage to the entire planet, and then the god Wukong and they all died at the hands of the other party, and now looking at this scene, Cage feels that it should have a great relationship with Sharu.

He didn't dare to get any closer, instead telling Dobrowly to take a few steps back, and Cage took the opportunity to fix his gaze on the eggshell, which suddenly sounded sound.

"Why are you here, if you leave here, you may still be able to survive, but if you continue to stay here, eventually your strength will be swallowed up by me. "

Seeing the other party's words, Cage did not answer, his eyes were still fixed on the top of the eggshell.

The energy value possessed on the eggshell was too high, and Liby did not dare to get close to the past easily, and the most important thing for him now was to think about what kind of method to use to kill this guy.

Shalu saw that she was pregnant, and she didn't get a response from Cage after that, and in an instant, there were more cracks on it, and she might not be able to deal with it, and now this move has sucked Shalu to the extreme.

At this moment, more and more red light began to rush into the sky, and Cage even felt that under the effect of these red lights, his skin began to appear one wound after another.

If it weren't for the fact that the system was mobilized to replenish his body in the fastest time, Cage even felt that he would eventually die under this guy's attack.

Thinking of this, Cage didn't dare to stop any longer, and he quickly retreated dozens of steps back.

At this moment, these red lights are at their peak, and they don't dare to easily confront them head-on.

Sharu felt Cage's retreat, and suddenly shot red light in the direction where Cage was.

Seeing that the other party was so stubborn, an energy barrier was released by Cage, and the red light was blocked in an instant.

Perhaps it was because Cage's energy reflected too much energy, so the moment the energy frequency appeared, the eggshell completely exploded at this moment.

As soon as the streamer arrived, it suddenly hit the eggshell straight up, and rushed quickly in the direction where Cage was.

His feet were firmly on the ground, his fist drilled into the well, and was about to fall on him, when Libai's movement hit the opponent's shoulder hard, and after a few laps in the air, Saru stood back not far from the gate.

At this moment, he looked at Cage, and his eyes were full of solemnity.

I thought I could take this opportunity to kill this guy, but I didn't expect to be blocked by the other party in such a quick time.

"Who the hell are you, and why are you here?"

"My name is Cage, but I just happened to pass by this place. After hearing Cage's words, Shalu looked at Cage's eyes with suspicion.

Sharu didn't believe what Cage said, and even in his opinion, everything Cage appeared in this place was premeditated, and it was only because he happened to break the ground early that Cage's conspiracy was completely shattered.

Shalu began to approach Cage step by step, showing a cold murderous aura, it seemed that in the next time, when he would launch the most violent attack on the quilt, he gradually stood in front of Shalu, and did not attack Shalu, but his eyes continued to examine Shalu's body.

According to the setting in Dragon Ball, Sharu's strength is quite strong, and he can easily kill Goku with it.

Cage also wanted to see how strong this guy was.

Cage never attacked him, and in Shalu's opinion, this was Cage's provocation to him, and after snorting coldly, Shalu quickly charged at Cage.

Shalu was extremely fast, and when he got to Sharu, he didn't even have time to make any more attacks, because he could only use his fists to fight against the proof.

However, during the first attack, Shalu did not touch Cage's attack strength, so he was able to barely block it when Cage blocked it.

But this time Shalu was fully prepared, Cage's blocking obviously didn't make much sense, Cage retreated dozens of steps back, shook his hand, and unloaded all the remaining part of the strength in his palm.

At this time, he looked at Sharu, and his eyes began to show a solemnity.

"You guy is showing such a rampant appearance in front of me, it turns out that you have so much confidence in your own power!"

"Do you mean I'm not strong enough?" Sharu looked at Cage and smiled mockingly.

Cage shook his head: "Your strength is really good. "

"Even if that's the case, it's impossible for you to win me. "

After this sentence fell, all of a sudden, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, his entire body shape had turned into a streamer, and he quickly re-arrived in front of Sharu.

At this moment, Cage's body is much taller than Shalu's body, and when Sharu saw Cage's sudden move, his brows furrowed slightly, and he didn't understand what Cage was doing this thing for.

Although Cage didn't say anything to him at this time, and didn't make any other aggressive behavior, Shalu vaguely felt a wave of fear rise in his heart.

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