"Teacher, the closing time is 22 o'clock, and it only takes 4 hours each way, so it's still too late to go faster. "

As soon as he heard this, One-Punch Man was no longer in pain, and he was suddenly pleasantly surprised, "It's too late to hurry up, isn't it? "

One Punch Man rushed straight to a place where it was obvious that there was no Doctor Gate.

And Genos was also following closely behind, and under the punch just now, the Asura Unicorn Immortal was instantly blasted.

This state of battle made Genos excited, and he felt that he would learn something if he followed One-Punch Man.

As for Cage, who was outside the door, he couldn't help but smile after feeling that the aura of the Asura Unicorn Fairy had completely disappeared.

Under this battle, he has almost learned the strength of One-Punch Man.

"I'm looking forward to fighting you. While thinking, Cage's form also disappeared here, and he also needed to finish his own business.

As for the doctor, he was a little shocked in the room, and he also thought to himself that he might as well not do this kind of research.

He didn't dare to think about it at all, and as for One-Punch Man and Genos, he was even more furious, and he didn't expect to directly smash a huge hole in the wall here and leave.

"It's up to me to make a change. The doctor smiled, too, and now he knew what to do.


In D City, the rain has been falling for several days without stopping, but there are no strange people appearing, like a peaceful city.

But in the city, there is a green liquid, and there is a smell of blood in the air.

Unexpectedly, on the ground of the city, there are countless wreckage, and those wreckage do not look like human beings, but more like fish.

They have a name, they are called the Sea People.

There is no reason for the appearance of marine people, because of human pollution, they are unable to survive in the ocean, so they will go to the land to take revenge on humans.

When these people from the sea went to the city one after another, they all died unexpectedly.

Because there is a supreme hero in people's hearts, and that is Cage.

Cage just rested at home, and after the duel he had seen a few days earlier, Cage stayed quietly at his home to train, just waiting for the weirdos to come to the door in person.

Sure enough, the next day the heavy rain kept falling, and there was even a possibility of submerging the city, and those ocean people slowly rushed out of the ocean, I am afraid that this heavy rain is also their masterpiece.

However, there is a deep sea king in the ocean, but at the beginning, this deep sea king did not appear, he just let his subordinates, that is, those ordinary ocean people, investigate, but each one has no return.

With the appearance of the Ocean Man, Cage fired from his home with just one shot, and the bullet did not need to be fired, but he just wanted to let the bullet fly for a while, so in the past few days, the whole city has become like this.

And in the city, because of the rain, and because of the fishy smell in the city, people also stayed at home and did not show up.

From time to time, they hear gunshots and explosions, but they also know that the strange people of the sea are not going to endanger their lives.

Even at the headquarters of the Hero Association, it was troubled by the appearance of sea people in D City.

But because of Cage's existence, they didn't send heroes to reinforce it, even if Cage alone was able to protect the entire city safely.

When all the batches exploded, the people in their hero associations were completely relieved, and it seemed that Cage's strength was still going to continue to improve Cage's level.

Compared to the somewhat chaotic City D where Cage is located, the suburbs of Z City in One Punch Man are deserted, because it is always infested by weirdos.

But in the center of Z City, people will still live a fast-paced life.

But now in Z City, there is a group of bald men, these bald men are wearing black armor and combat uniforms, and they are constantly telling their ideal society.

"We will never work, so we have to change and build an ideal society by me staring at the hammer!"

"Let people who want to work work to support others, that's our ideal hometown. This is the Taoyuan regiment led by my hammer head!"

The bald man at the head shouted his ideals, and the battle suit he wore wore was emblematic of flames.

As they said this, the people in the streets looked at them as if they were looking at them.

"Boss, no one listens to you!" said a younger brother in the back a little speechless.

"What!" the dripper yelled.

"Damn, these stupid masses!" looked at the people below who were still busy with their own business, and stared at the hammer head in anger.

"Let's set off and first tear down the home of Zeniele, the richest man in the city, and let them know that we are not joking!"

As they spoke, they had already started to make their way to a tall building.

"The mansion is a symbol of inequality!"

"Yes, boss!"

The younger brothers in the back also shouted, they firmly believed in the concept of the boss.

And when they watched this group of bald people leave behind them, the ordinary people looked puzzled, I don't know why they yelled, and last time I thought they were stupid.

The bald men stopped in front of a tall building, and one of the toothy boys said, "This building is Zenier's house!"

Looking at this high-rise building, the hammer at the door turned black, that is, for anger, he gritted his teeth, and his heart burned with anger, "This guy must have done something bad to earn it, and he can't spare him!"

The hammerhead roared, and a little brother behind him came to the house.

"Yes, Boss. Then he raised his ordinary-looking fist.

But then I didn't expect that the little brother's arm was swollen, and he quickly bulged a big bag, which looked like a muscle.

But this is actually the amplification combat form of the combat suit.

Immediately after that, the little brother punched the tallest building.

Suddenly, the building was knocked out of its original foundation, and even tilted as a whole, and then began to collapse from the bottom up, smashing up bursts of smoke.

And looking at this scene, the people around them also quickly ran away, for fear that they would be affected.

And under the smoke, the Taoyuan regiment showed a cruel smile, "It's worthy of the newly developed combat uniform, it's not in vain that I risked my life to steal it from that organization." Ding Hammerhead said with a smile.

He also felt the power of the suit. _

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