The waters of the North Sea.

This was the first time for Cage to step into this sea area. The task given to him by the Warring States Period was very simple. It was to escort the royal family of a certain country.

"Really...Do the Vinsmoke family still need my escort? Who dares to offend them in Beihai?"

While the naval warship was sailing in a certain area of ​​​​the sea, Cage stood on the deck of the navy and complained.

The purpose this time was very simple - to escort Germa 66.

This is a powerful family. Although it does not have a fixed territory, it Even the World Government and the Navy Headquarters dare not underestimate its power.

Let me ask...Does such a powerful family still need a major general from Cage to escort them? Totally unnecessary.

But not until we met...

"All right...It turns out they are still a bunch of brats."

Two hours later, Cage came into contact with Germa 66, and Cage also looked at all the members of the Vinsmoke family in detail.

Vinsmoke Reiju and his younger brothers, it seems They are still little kids in their fifteenth or sixteenth grade. Although they have great potential in the future, they have not grown up in a real sense yet.

"Nice to meet you."

After seeing Cage, the commander-in-chief of the Vinsmoke family, Gaji, cupped his hand, and Cage nodded to him.

After a few pleasantries, the group set off for Marigioa..along the way...Encountered many pirate attacks, but were eventually defeated by Cage. The group finally returned to Mariejoia safe and sound.

"Lord Cage..."

After arriving at Mary Joa, Gaji's eyes towards Cage changed obviously. With a smile on his face, he said in a particularly friendly tone:"We, the Vinsmoke family, want to make friends with you. You seem to be good at using guns? Our Vinsmoke family can equip you with the top guns."

Vincemoke Gage respects the strong, and Cage's strength won his favor.

"Thank you, I will definitely visit you if I have time."Cage also smiled slightly, and he still understood the reason why he stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling man.

After saying hello, Cage planned to leave. He had been delayed at Mary Joa and the Navy Headquarters for several days, and Ain had called him last night. The phone call urged him to go back.

Cage left, and many pirates came out again.

However, Vince Mokgarji did not intend to let Cage go easily, and his burly body suddenly blocked Cage.

"There is something...I want to discuss this with you."

Vinsmok Gaji's eyes were shining with a faint light, full of ambition,"My daughter Vincemok Reiju, Major General Cage has also seen it. Do you feel satisfied?"

"Why are you asking this suddenly? Cage frowned, and then said truthfully:"Princess Reijiu is extremely outstanding in terms of strength, temperament, and appearance. She is a rare hero among women.""

Cage praised without hesitation, but...It seems inappropriate to praise a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child as a heroine, right?

Of course, Gaji won't care about this....

"Major General Cage seems to be a few years older than my daughter. I see that you two are very affectionate. Wouldn’t it be beautiful if you became a couple? In the future, it will also be possible between Germa and the Navy..."

"Stop it!"

Cage's face twitched, concubine Lang Qing? Are you really blind? He obviously didn't even say a word. He looked at Gao Zhi speechlessly and asked with a dark face. :"Is this what you want to say?"

"That’s right!"

Gaji nodded heavily and looked at Cage with great satisfaction. The strength shown by the other party shocked Gaji. He had such strong strength at such a young age and was even a rear admiral. Give Cage a certain amount of time. Not to mention marshal...After climbing to the position of admiral, Gaji felt that there was no problem.

There may be a navy admiral as my son-in-law in the future. Just think about it....Jiazhi felt very happy. It was not a problem for them, Germa 66, to dominate the North Sea again.

"Sorry, I don't have that thought right now. I'll talk about it later. Besides, Reiju is still very young and doesn't have such a thought."Cage declined politely.

"It's okay, I can wait!"Jia Zhi just went all out and didn't have any shame.

"What the hell..."

Cage had one head and two heads. At this moment, the phone bug BuluBulu in his arms rang, and he found an excuse to leave.

It was a call from the Warring States Period. It had no mission, it was just a compliment.

Half an hour later, Cage boarded the naval battleship, and when he was about to leave, he received a special summons.

In an empty room in Mary Joa, Cage stood up straight at the moment, not even daring to breathe too loudly.

There's no way, the old men in black in front of me are too powerful - the Five Old Stars!

"No need to be nervous!"

The blond Wu Laoxing who was leaning against the window showed a smile, and said in a gentle tone:"We called you here because we have a task for you. I heard from Warring States that your task completion rate is Extraordinarily high"

"You have almost completed all the things that Warring States asked for, so we are going to give it a try today."

"I try my best."

At this time, Cage didn't dare to brag and answered very humbly.

"very simple...Have you heard of Nico Robin? We hope you will find that woman in Xihai quickly and hand it over to the government."

Wulao Xing, who was holding a big sword, said in a deep voice.

"I will definitely try my best to complete it."

Cage nodded solemnly. In fact, he felt strange. Since he was so afraid of Nico Robin, why not just kill him? He had to hand it over to the government.

"Are these old men planning to find out the whereabouts of ancient weapons from historical texts?"

Cage's heart skipped a beat.

The new book needs everyone's care, I hope you will give me a lot of support

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