"You don't think you can really win me, take a good look, I've been on the defensive until now, but even then you haven't left too many traces in front of me. "

"Then when I actually started attacking you, did you think you would be able to hold on?"

After Cage's rhetorical question fell, the face of the one-star dragon began to change rapidly.

He hadn't thought of that before, but in his current state, he found that everything seemed to be exactly what Cage had said.

Could it be that he is really destined to lose at the hands of Cage?

This one popped up in the farmer's heart, and after the idea, he quickly completely destroyed this idea from his mind, in his opinion, as Yi Xinglong, how could he lose to Cage?

All of this is nothing more than Cage's conspiracy.

Thinking of this, the dragon snorted at Cage, and then continued to sing about his rapid impact.

But this time, when the one-star dragon just made a move, he saw Cage's figure, which suddenly disappeared from his eyes, and the one-star dragon looked towards 4 weeks in a panic, and when he turned around, he found that at this moment, Qiqi had already reached him directly with his fist and the attack wrapped in flames.

In a panic, the one-star dragon retreated 10 steps backwards, trying to dodge Kiki's attack.

But at this moment, Cage just reached behind him, and after a star dragon retreated a few steps, he already felt the danger coming.

He turned his head suddenly, trying to stop Cage again, but in such a panicked situation, it was clear that there was no point in escaping.

The dragon let out a terrible cry before being struck to the ground by Cage.


The One-Star Dragon let out a burst of rage, and suddenly, slammed his palm to the ground.

A large number of energy shockwaves accompanied by the light cheeks, constantly spreading towards 4 weeks, at this moment the ground also began to bulge a layer, and then a layer of energy fluctuations, accompanied by the ground of green bricks, continued to impact Cage, Cage looked at the other party's canvas and sighed helplessly, now it seems that this one-star dragon is really a bastard to the extreme, in the current state, not only did not think about fighting with him in the open, but constantly tried to attack him with various conspiracies, Cage felt that this guy really deserved to be called, the most disgusting dragon。

After Cage's loud shout, the surrounding space had begun to spread rapidly towards the 4th week with an extremely strange regularity, and the violent aura completely enveloped the one-star dragon at this moment.

With these violent breaths constantly moving towards Shao Liming's body, they penetrated rapidly, and soon, these violent breaths had already consumed a large amount of the scale armor on the body of the one-star dragon, and once again made a painful sound.

At this moment, Cage allowed the scales to float in the air, and his palm moved.

The first violent suction force began, released from Cage's palm, and those leadership spirits were completely taken into Cage's hands in an instant, and a panicked look began to appear in the eyes of the one-star dragon.

One of the scale armor that Cage got was the original scale armor, such a scale armor would have a great impact on it, without this scale armor, its strength would be consumed at least 1/3, the one-star dragon was not attacking Cage, but he said loudly to Cage with good words.

"Actually, I think you're right, from the beginning, we didn't seem to have anything to do with each other, it was just because of a coincidence, so we were able to fight, you might as well throw the overlords you are holding in your hands directly to me. "

Yi Xinglong said as he spoke, and a smile began to appear on his face, but this guy's appearance was already extremely ugly, and now this smile not only did not add a bit of affinity to him, but still made people feel more and more hideous, after laughing lightly, he only felt that this guy was simply a naked fool, otherwise why would he despise her so much?

After all, the strength he showed from beginning to end should have been treated extremely well, and Cage thought about it and threw them at the ground casually. When Yixinglong saw Cage's actions, there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

However, he quickly suppressed this anger, but only pretended to be careless, constantly on Cage's body, a quick glance, Cage looked at the virtue of a star dragon, smiled and shook his head.

"Tell me why are you doing this, obviously the strength you have shown and the defensive ability you currently have and these leaders in my hands are very related, obviously your heart is now worried to the extreme, why do you still want to be reckless in front of me again and again?"

Cage unceremoniously floated the scales in his hand into the air again, and this time released a flame in Cage's palm.

The solid flames began to burn towards the scale armor, and the leader, who had seemed to be invincible, had begun to turn into a little powder under the attack of these flames.

Such a scene is like the biggest crisis in this life for Yixing Long.

He had subconsciously rushed into front of Cage, and his palm was stretched out, intending to take out the scale armor directly from the flames.

For the one-star dragon, the reason why he dared to make such a move was because he was originally a fire dragon, just because for so many years, the effect that the energy of the spell could produce was extremely low, and it was not even comparable to his body, so he decided to use his body to damage Cage.

Now that Cage has already started to attack, naturally there will be no hands left.

But when flames began to appear on his claws, and after entering Cage's flames, the original one-star dragon had a smug look on his face, as if to say that all these things Cage had done were just small carving skills.

It's a pity that there is a huge gap between the current and the imagination of the one-star dragon, he originally thought that after his body reached these flames, these flames would automatically be sucked by him all near his body, and its strength could be improved in a new round at that time.

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