Introducing the flames into the body, the one-star dragon found that these flames were extremely weird.

The flames it encountered in the city would soon be completely assimilated as long as they were absorbed by its vital energy, but after these flames entered his body today, even he didn't have time to make a better defense, and he had already begun to ignite all the energy in his body.

At this time, the flames on the body of the one-star dragon began to increase a lot again, and it seemed that he had now begun to turn into a complete fire dragon

Although the mouth of the one-star dragon constantly emitted an inspired Jiang Cheng, and he also constantly mobilized all the energy in his body, trying to forcibly extinguish these flames.

Unfortunately, the faster the energy merges into the flames, the larger the flames become.

It's just a blink of an eye, and Yixinglong feels that he is about to go completely crazy at this moment.

How could there be such an annoying guy in this world as Cage as possible?

A panicked look began to appear in the eyes of the one-star dragon, and he said loudly to Cage.

"What the hell are you doing, what have you done to me? I advise you to be honest and get this out of the way for me, or you'll pay the price for what you've done today. "

After seeing the other party's words, Cage nodded with a smile and continued to ask the other party, "Is that the case?" Then of course I also want to see what kind of price you can bring me. "

"After all, although you guys can be regarded as dragon gods, they are nothing more than the evil energy inside the dragon god's body, as long as I completely kill you, then the dragon balls will naturally fall into my palm again. "

As Cage's words fell, another loud shout began to come out of Cage's mouth.

With the appearance of this voice, a large expanse of energy began, along Cage's body towards the surroundings, in a rather strange way, constantly shuttling through the space.

In the process of manipulating these spatial energies, because their traces were completely unnoticeable, the moment the one-star dragon saw these spatial energies, they began to retreat incessantly.

At this time, he already had the idea of running away from Cage completely, even if such an escape might lose his majesty as a dragon.

But Yixinglong believes that when he appears in front of Cage next time, he will be fully prepared, and he will definitely make this guy pay a terrible price when the time comes.

Even at this moment, the one-star dragon still feels that Cage's strength is not as good as him at all, and the reason why Cage can now gain the upper hand is only because Cage's attack method is a little too weird compared to other people's attack methods......

I have to say that this guy is really a proud and arrogant guy who doesn't admit defeat, Cage doesn't care what is going on in the heart of a star dragon.

After this burst of his energy, Cage had already begun to show his Super Saiyan state at this time, and golden energy appeared in his eyes.

Wherever the golden energy passes, it can continuously consume rapid energy to the surroundings.

Even when Cage's energy was placed on the body of the one-star dragon, the one-star dragon at this time felt a kind of cut-off pain begin to come from inside his body.

He couldn't figure out what the cause of this pain was, but a vague sense of crisis began to appear in his heart.

If this pain continued like this, she feared that she would eventually die at Cage's hands.

The flames in the body of the one-star dragon have not been completely extinguished now, but for the one-star dragon at this time, he can't take care of it so much.

He's going to have to hurry up and fight for more and more energy from Cage's face.

The speed of burning began to increase continuously, and with the burning of these energies, the suppression of the flames by the one-star dragon at this time had begun to be faintly revealed.

But Cage, after seeing this scene, didn't care.

He watched these flames, and after they were gradually swallowed up by all the energy of the one-star dragon, he still had an indifferent smile on his face.

After the one-star dragon had originally used his own burning energy to devour these flames, his heart was full of excitement, thinking that in his current state, he had once again begun to gain the upper hand in the competition between the two of them.

But the longer his eyes stayed on Cage's expression, the more unsure he became of whether it was true or not.

After a moment of silence, the dragon whispered impatiently to Cage.

"What are you laughing at here, don't you think you're going to lose to me soon?"

Cage asked mockingly, "It turns out that I am about to give it to you, why don't I know about this matter?"

"What does this mean? Don't you think that your current strength has been consumed by me compared to before?"

"Know that without these flames, none of the other attacks you've displayed so far would have had any effect on me if they were of any value to you. "

At this time, the more he said on his face, the more smug he became, and even in his opinion, Cage's current performance was simply deliberately confusing him.

Cage has just tried to attack it with flames, so it must let Cage try it out and how powerful its flames can be!

He would give back to him in the same way, and he would make Cage feel great pain under the power of those flames.

The fire energy generated from the body of the one-star dragon became more and more, and even in the end, the one-star dragon was actually forced out of the body of the fire energy, not a drop of which was left.

The one-star dragon smashed this ball of fire energy towards Cage's head, and the moment the fire energy that he thought was waiting for was cracked, Cage would eventually turn into complete ashes and dissipate in the entire space.

When the Martian energy reached Cage, the Martian energy that the dragon in the cup had given high hopes for had fallen behind in Cage's hands in an instant.

Looking at Cage's proficiency in the process of fiddling with fire-based energy, One-Star Dragon even felt that these energies were not cultivated by himself at this moment, but were originally stored in Cage's body.

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