
After hanging up the phone, Doflamingo quickly jumped into the swimming pool. The cold water invaded his whole body, and the anger that was rising was reduced by half.

Even so, Doflamingo's face is still dark

"We can't delay it any longer. If Cage dies this time, forget it. If he can't die,...I must find a way to kill Cage. His existence has seriously interfered with my future. If I continue to let him grow bigger, it will only get worse in the future."

Doflamingo emerged from the swimming pool after a long time, his eyes full of determination.

Cage was just a vice admiral, and he already posed a huge threat to him. Almost all his business in the world was lost. This If you become an admiral in the future, why not block Doflamingo at the door of Dressrosa and trample him?


Rogge Town Naval Base, Vergo has already set off.

Cage issued an order to the entire town, requiring the navy to patrol back and forth day and night. The navy in the base took turns to change shifts. Once any abnormalities were discovered, they would be reported immediately.

In Cage's office, he stood by the window, holding a cigarette in his mouth and staring blankly into the distance.

"Lieutenant General Cage."

Ain's familiar voice came from outside the door.

"come in."Cage then came back to his senses.


After opening the door of the office, Ain saw Cage at a glance.

"In the Sihai area, have you found any news about Charlotte Cracker?"Cage's eyes narrowed into a thin line, and the cold light surged violently.

"not yet...News from the Navy Headquarters said that there was only one person on the other side, and it was not easy to find his traces. Ain said helplessly:"All our people have also been sent out to search.""

"Then let nature take its course, what is supposed to come will always come."Cage said calmly

"And one more thing..."Ain's tone was soft,"The World Government just sent a message"

"World government? Cage immediately raised his eyebrows and asked expressionlessly:"What's going on?""

"The government officials heard about Trafalgar Law, a person with surgical fruit ability, and asked us to send this person to Mary Joa at any cost."Ain said truthfully

"snort...Is it an order from the Celestial Dragons?"Cage sneered and thought to himself:"Do those guys still want to have immortality surgery and live forever? A bunch of drunkards and ricebags are still there with their wishful thinking, and they know how to waste resources."

"And it is worth mentioning that..."

Ain's voice weakened, and he looked at Cage and whispered:"The person carrying out this mission is Spandam."

After saying that, Ain quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at Cage's furious face. Because last time Nico Robin escaped, she was beaten up by Spangdam, and part of the responsibility was put on Cage.

I thought Cage would be angry, but……

"Okay, that bastard is finally here. If he had been staying in Mariejoia, I wouldn’t have been able to deal with this brat. Now he’s here, hahaha……"

Cage laughed, not as angry as he imagined. The moment he heard this, Cage was indeed angry, but if he thought about it carefully, it was not worth being angry with such a scum. and...Is it necessary to meet a dying person?

"Where is that guy? Cage asked with a smile on his face, very happy.

"Already arrived in Rogge Town."Ain said slowly

"Very good, serve me delicious food and drink, do you understand?"There was a cold arc at the corner of Cage's mouth, thinking that he didn't have long to live anyway, shouldn't he eat some good decapitation rice?

When catching pirates...It's so normal for one or two people to die. Cage even thought about the cause of Spandam's death - a fierce battle with pirates and a heroic death!

"anyway...Why does the world government care so much about a surgical result? Previously, he used the sky-high price of 5 billion beli to buy the fruit of the operation, and now he is also interested in the Trafalgar Law who ate the fruit of the operation."Ain was full of confusion. A small person attracted too much attention. Even the world government and maybe even the big bosses among the Celestial Dragons were very concerned about this matter.

"The surgical fruit has a special ability - ageless surgery. It is rumored that after this operation, the person who is operated on can become immortal, and the price is the life of the person with the fruit ability. It is for this reason that the World Government and Doflamingo So care about Trafalgar Law."

Cage slowly explained that in the past, because this kid Luo was unknown and very low-key, most people in the world didn't know who had eaten the fruit of the operation. But after Major General Drake used Luo to induce many Don Quixote families, This incident gradually spread and attracted the attention of the world government.

"Immortality! ?"

When talking about this mythical topic, Ain's eyes also shone, and his mouth was actually a little dry for a while.

"I said chick...Do you also want to have ageless surgery?"Cage looked at Ain with interest.

"Nonsense, who doesn’t want to live forever? I was wondering, could it be my turn? Ain rolled his eyes and sighed:"Those are things only the big shots in the world government can enjoy.""


A flash of greed flashed through Cage's heart. Just as Ain said, who in the world doesn't want to live forever? He had had the idea of ​​having an immortality operation before, but unfortunately last time, Luo Na was not destined to die and ran away early.

Even if the Celestial Dragons didn't give the order, Cage has been paying attention to this matter secretly.

The new book needs everyone's care, I hope you will give me a lot of support

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