"I'm going to see that guy."

The bored Cage and Spandam chatted.

"Hahaha...That Cage brought me so many delicious foods, he must have been frightened by me. I didn’t expect that I, Spanda, was so powerful."

Spandam was eating and drinking in the room. In fact, at this time, Cage was standing by the window. Listening to these idiotic remarks, he began to doubt his own IQ. How could he care about such a stupid guy? Is your head too wet?

"How does it taste?"

Seeing Spandam enjoying his meal, Cage leaned on the window sill with his arms and reminded lazily:"If it's not enough, you can add food."

"I didn’t expect the food in your Rogue Town to be so good, I will definitely..."

Listening to the familiar voice, the joy on his face suddenly froze. Spandam suddenly felt that the voice seemed familiar. He turned around and saw that it was Cage's face. The previous joy immediately disappeared.

"How did you come?!"

Spendam's appetite suddenly disappeared, and his throat seemed to be choked by something. He smacked it hard, and his body reflexively stood up and stared at Cage. He subconsciously held his saber, Spandam has always been a little scared of Cage. After all, in order to excuse himself, he passed part of the responsibility to Cage, and this guy has always been determined to avenge himself.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to see if you are eating and drinking well, there is no other intention."Cage smiled kindly, then turned around and left.

"Leaving now?!"

Spandam was extremely surprised. What the hell is Cage doing?

"There must be some conspiracy, right?"

Spandam's face changed drastically. If Cage beat himself up, he would feel more at ease, but like this, he feels more and more uneasy.

Isn't there a saying called the calm before the storm?

"Hum hum...Even if he is dissatisfied, I am the special envoy of the World Government. Can he kill me? Unless Cage himself doesn’t want to live anymore."

Spandam quickly relaxed. With the World Government standing behind him, he didn't panic at all.


Time passed day by day, and finally there was news on this day. Of course, it was not news about Charlotte Snickers, but about Trafalgar Law.

Cage received a special piece of information from the navy of the Chambord Islands. The content was very simple - Traufalgar Law appeared in the Chambord Islands.

Spangdam also learned the news and quickly rushed to Cage's office to urge him, calling:"I said Lieutenant General Cage, what are you waiting for here? Trafalgar Law They have all landed on the Shampoo Islands. I guess that guy is going to coat the ship, then dive into the Fish-Man Island, and finally rush to the New World!"

"He knew a lot, even his route."Cage glanced at Spandam, and then sighed:"That kid Rona...The counter-reconnaissance method is really good. Unknowingly, he has reached the Chambord Islands. I thought he was hiding."

Spandam, this stupid pig, guessed right. It is estimated that this is what Luo planned to do. He would coat the ship and rush to Fish-Man Island, then enter the new world and escape completely.

"We will take a boat to chase him immediately!

Spandam waved his arms excitedly,"At that time, once Trafalgar Law is arrested, each of us will receive half of the credit given by the World Government.""

"Don't think everyone is like you. Cage glanced at Spandam in disgust,"I have other things to deal with. I'll allocate the manpower for you. Ain can go with you. As for me, I won't go. I still have to guard Rogge Town." , I don’t have time to fool around with you"

"snort...What a one-minded guy, he doesn’t need all the credit for it!"Spandam looked at Cage with idiotic eyes, and then walked away swaggeringly, humming a little song, feeling proud of all the achievements.

"You are the stupid one, Spandam. Although your merits are good, unfortunately they are not as important as your life."

The chill on Cage's face disappeared in an instant. The boy's death had come.

Half an hour later, Ain and Spandam set off, and Cage came to see him off.

In fact, Spandam and Ain didn't know Yes, the two had just set off, and Cage secretly followed them by boat.

Before leaving, he called Tina over, handed over everything in Rogge Town to Tina, and told her that he wanted to I'm going to the mountains for two days to exercise. If you need anything, call me.

"Tina understood."

Tina was not surprised when she heard this. She had heard about it when she first came to Rogge Town. Cage always likes to go for a walk in the mountains and fields alone. Cage, who was born as an Orion, especially likes the tranquility of nature.

Probably in the evening At that time, after several hours of sailing, Ain and Spandam arrived at the Chambord Islands one after another. Not long after, Cage arrived.

After Cage arrived, he was not in a hurry to show his face. He came on this trip The purpose is very simple. The first is to hunt down Spandam, and the second is to steal Trafalgar Law.

These two things...They were all private and shady activities, so after arriving at the Chambord Islands, Cage was covered up tightly, his whole body was airtight, and even his face was covered.

All that was exposed was a pair of eyes and two hands, and a rifle hung on his back.

"I have cordoned off all the Chambord Islands, and searched every house for that Trafalgar Law boy!!!"

As soon as he landed on the island, Spandam waved his hand and ordered the navy to block the island and search the entire Chambord Islands. Although Ain felt uncomfortable, there was nothing he could do. Cage had already The power was handed over to Spandam, and Ain was just a deputy. There is another advantage of actually doing this. Once something unexpected happens, Spandam, the brat, will take all the blame. Now it seems that he will pass the blame to him. Who.

After Spandam's order was passed on, the navy brought by Rogge Town, plus the original garrison of the Chambord Islands, made the huge islands a mess.

In fact, this is true for It is very advantageous for Cage to hide in the dark, and his movements are much easier. The more chaotic the situation, the easier it is for him to fish in troubled waters.

The new book needs everyone's care, I hope you will give me a lot of support

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