Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 822: You won’t pay for your life if you are frightened to death! (2-in-1)

"Max, can you do it?"


"No, the speed is too fast. Before I can control it, the nuclear bomb has already exploded!"

Magneto said in a dry voice.

"Who is this mysterious Easterner? Although he didn't attack us, I always feel uneasy!"

Professor X said with difficulty.

"I don't know, just keep watching! Judging from his skills just now, all of us are no match for him!"

Magneto shook his head and said.

"Click, click..."

At this time, the sound of cracking ice in the distance interrupted the conversation between the two people. Everyone looked in the direction of the sound. It seemed that it was the mysterious man who destroyed the nuclear bomb.

"Get over here!"


Everyone saw the mysterious man wave his hand, and a loud sound came from the distance.


Not long after, people saw an American Ohio-class nuclear submarine flying over quickly. This was the first time anyone had seen a nuclear submarine flying in the air, but no one would be too surprised by what happened today.

"Quick! Launch Tomahawk cruise missiles immediately!"

shouted Stryker, who was hiding in the submarine.

"Launch Tomahawk cruise missiles!"

Weaponry replied.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Twenty-four vertical launch tubes on the submarine were opened at the same time, and twenty-four Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired at the same time.

"Missile launched successfully!"

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Missiles roared toward the island.

"act recklessly!"


Logan's cold voice came out, and the twenty-four Tomahawk cruise missiles ended up with the same fate as the nuclear bombs, turning into ashes silently.

"how so!"

Stryker was desperate. How could such a powerful person appear in the world? This is simply not human!


"Click! Click!..."

The submarine was pulled near the island by Logan, and then dropped on the ice. Everyone looked at each other, and things developed beyond their imagination.


Logan waved his hand, and the hatch cover of the submarine's entrance was violently lifted off.

"Stryker, get out of here! How could you not see this big show you directed for yourself! The X-Men and the Super Seven were fooled around by you. Isn't it a great achievement? Feeling it!"

Logan's voice reached the inside of the submarine, and all the soldiers looked at Supreme Commander Stryker. At this time, Stryker's face turned pale and his whole body became weak. He felt that his end had come.

"Don't move. His target is me, and he won't do anything to you! Although we failed today, you are all heroes of the country, and the country will never forget your contribution!"

Stryker knew that he couldn't escape, so he simply refused to let his men who had been following him suffer together. Before he died, he had to show his selflessness and love for his men!

"Colonel, I'm going with you!"

Death Girl said firmly.

"All right!"

Stryker looked at Death Girl and nodded.

He has complicated feelings for Death Girl Stryker. This is a subordinate who is loyal to him and has done many dirty things for him. He even volunteered to become his experimental subject, but in the end he is still a mutant that he hates.

After Stryker tidied up his clothes, he and Death Girl left the nuclear submarine and came to the ice.

"It's this bastard!"

As soon as Stryker showed up, Wolverine showed hatred.

"Logan, do you know him?"

Jean asked, looking at Wolverine in surprise.

"This bastard experimented on me and made me what I am now!"

Wolverine thought that the pain he had suffered was caused by the dog-like bastard in front of him, and he wanted to tear him apart, but because Logan was at the scene, Wolverine did not dare to mess around.

"Who are you anyway? I have information on almost all mutants in the world, but you don't exist at all in my information!"

Stryker knew that his death was imminent, but he calmed down and looked at Logan who was stepping on his motherland and asked.

"My name is Dongfang Xiaowu, and I'm not a mutant! I'm a Chinese practitioner!"

Logan said his real name here. At this time, he represents China and the Dongfang family. No matter which universe he is in, he must reveal his real name.

The Chinese people watching this battle in front of the TV were very excited. They did not expect that such a powerful practitioner would appear in their country. Only a few people's expressions changed drastically after hearing Luo Gen's surname. These people This person is the black hand who destroyed the Dongfang family in the Marvel Universe.

"A member of the Dongfang family?"

Ling Yunzi and his apprentice Dongfang Wu, who had arrived in the United States, were also watching the live TV broadcast. Ling Yunzi was surprised that besides Dongfang Wu, there were other people in the Dongfang family, and they were such powerful masters.

"Wu'er? Do you know this person? Is he from your Dongfang family?"

Ling Yunzi asked Dongfang Wu who was watching with interest.

"I do not recognize!"

Dongfang Wu shook his head and said.

Ling Yunzi thought about it, and it was right. When the Dongfang family was destroyed, Dongfang Wu was still a little kid. He probably didn't remember anything. How could he know him? Ling Yunzi could only take Dongfang Wu to find this person after finishing his trip to the United States. He is suspected to be a strong man from the Dongfang family.

"Chinese cultivators? Impossible! There are no Chinese cultivators as strong as you! The Chinese cultivators have long since declined!"

Stryker is also very familiar with Chinese practitioners. After World War II, Chinese practitioners declined. There are almost no strong people who can take action. There may be some old immortals living in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

"Idiot! Do you want to compete with Haoyue for glory? How many Chinese cultivators have you seen! How dare you say that there are no strong Chinese cultivators!"

Logan's eyes widened, and Stryker felt like a huge mountain was pressing down on him, making him unable to breathe.


Stryker breathed in the air, feeling like he was surviving a disaster.

Logan's momentum quickly faded, but even so, Stryker seemed to be on the verge of death.

"Strike, over the years, you have secretly targeted mutants and used them as experimental subjects. Countless mutants have died directly or indirectly at your hands. Even your son has been turned into a super weapon by you. You are committing a heinous crime!"

Logan said looking at Stryker.

"Mutants are not human beings at all. They are all freaks. The existence of mutants is the biggest threat to mankind. Everything I do is for the safety of mankind. Only by completely destroying mutants can mankind usher in the true destiny of humanity." safety!"

Stryker gave himself a noble reason.

"Your shamelessness really makes me speechless! You only attacked mutants because your wife died at the hands of your superhuman son. Don't give yourself such a high-sounding excuse!"

Logan said disdainfully.

"Do you know how many people die at the hands of mutants every year? If they weren't mutants, those people would all be alive and well!"

Stryker said again.

"I really underestimated your shamelessness! Many more ordinary people died at your hands than at the hands of mutants! How many deaths of ordinary people were blamed on mutants by you? I think You don’t even remember it yourself?”

"It was you who used your son to control the generals of the mutant assassination army, right? Was it you who destroyed a village in South Africa and then blamed the mutants? Was it you who made a deal with evil mutants and let them kill ordinary people? Did you do it?"

"Is it your job to release mutant criminals disguised as prison escapes? Is it your job to instigate human hatred against mutants? Is it your job to instigate the conflict between the X-Men and the Super Seven?"

"You keep saying that mutants are evil and mutants deserve to die, but in fact you are more evil than mutants and more worthy of death than mutants! How many people have you killed for your own selfish desires!"

What Logan said made Stryker break into a cold sweat. He didn't expect that the other party was so familiar with him and that he knew everything he did in secret.

Judging from Stryker's performance, people understood that everything Logan said was true, and the generals in the army were even more angry. They did not expect that everything was planned by the damn Stryker. If Stryker In front of these generals, they can beat him into a hornet's nest.

"You, you, how do you know!"

Stryker asked shakily.

Under Logan's mental pressure, Stryker was unable to refute, and what he said confirmed Logan's revelations.

"If I were willing, nothing in the world could escape my perception. I would have noticed you long ago!"

Logan said.

"I have been observing how many people have prevented or participated in it, but I didn't expect that the X-Men and the Super Seven did not see that they were being used, and started a war because of it!"

"If it hadn't been for me, your plan would probably have been realized, and the mutants would have been destroyed. I have to say that, as an ordinary person, you actually managed to trick the mutants around. It's really not easy!"

Logan's words made the X-Men and the Super Seven lose their temper. This war was actually planned.

"It's all you! If it weren't for you, the end of the mutants would have come, they would be destroyed by us, and humans would never have to face harm from mutants again!"

Stryker has completely let go. Anyway, he will die, so he will vent his hatred.

"Mutants harm humans? How ridiculous!"

"The harm that humans do to mutants is far greater than the harm that mutants do to ordinary people! You are an ordinary person, and the harm you do to mutants and ordinary people is far more than that of mutants. Don't give yourself any high-sounding excuses! "

"More than a thousand years ago, in order to consolidate its position, the church extended its butcher knife to mutants, slandered mutants as messengers of the devil, and massacred mutants. Even ordinary people who were related to mutants were killed!"

"At that time, the whole of Europe was panic-stricken. In the end, I destroyed the church and killed millions of believers to save mutants from the crisis of extinction! Human beings can also live in peace with mutants."

"I didn't expect that a thousand years later, you would appear again. You were also motivated by your own selfish desires and unscrupulous means. Do you want me to kill another million people so that you can truly understand the pain of being hunted by mutants?"

Logan's narration made people understand his true identity. Not many people knew what happened thousands of years ago, but everyone knew it among mutants, so the two mutants in charge of the live broadcast excitedly told everyone People tell the secrets of this period buried in history.

Only then did people realize that mutants had faced the crisis of genocide thousands of years ago, and they also understood why the church declined in a short period of time.

"You, you, are you that devil?! You're not dead yet!"

Stryker also knew that period of history, he pointed at Logan and said tremblingly.

"Devil? I still prefer the name Death!"

Logan bared his teeth and smiled. This smile was like a devil's smile in everyone's eyes, making people shudder. Who would have thought that such a majestic-looking man could actually massacre millions of people.


The mutants on the battlefield swallowed hard. This man looked like he had lived for more than a thousand years! He looks like he is only about thirty years old!

Then people thought about how long this man from the East had lived. Didn't time have an effect on him?

"I have lived for thousands of years and have traveled through countless universes. I have met all kinds of people. Stryker, especially people like you who call themselves saviors will appear in any universe. In fact, You people are the ones who deserve to be destroyed the most!”

Logan's words confirmed people's speculation that this was an old monster that had lived for thousands of years, and it didn't seem to be from this world.

"You, you are not from this world! You have no right to deal with me!"

Stryker started talking nonsense, even saying such childish words.

"Wrong, I am the Lord of Hell! I can judge everyone, even the high gods, let alone you!"

This time people didn’t quite believe what Logan said, Lord of Hell? It's a bit exaggerated!

"Nonsense, there is no hell in this world!"

Stryker yelled.

"Don't believe it? Okay! In the name of the Lord of Hell, I sentence you to eternal damnation in hell!"



As Logan finished speaking, a deafening thunder sounded, followed by strong winds.


There was a harsh sound of opening the door in the air. When people looked up, they found that there was actually a huge portal slowly opening in the air.

I saw that the door exuded bursts of cold air, causing the temperature to drop several degrees. The terrifying ghost king was carved on the door.


Suddenly, bursts of roars came from within the portal, really like howling ghosts.


The door was completely open, and everything inside was pitch black and nothing could be seen.


At this moment, a huge claw stretched out from the door, with sharp nails and thick hair, exuding a powerful aura.


The giant claw grabbed the sluggish Stryker and quickly took it back.


Only Stryker's shouts were left in the air, and the man had been dragged into hell.


As the giant claws grabbed Stryker and returned, the huge portal closed again and disappeared. This scene was so shocking that everyone trembled and did not dare to make a sound.

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