Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 823 Anger


A shrill cry rang out on the battlefield. Death Girl cried bitterly and collapsed on the ground, shouting at the top of her lungs.

Logan looked at Death Woman with some surprise. He didn't expect Death Woman to have such deep feelings for Stryker. Logan didn't know what Stryker had done to make Death Woman be so devoted to him.

The death woman's screams also woke up other people on the battlefield. They all looked at Logan with horrified eyes. They thought that hell was just a legend before, but the dark door and the terrifying giant claws just now, and they The breath he felt all told that hell was real, and the man in front of him was the lord of hell.

This matter made them unable to accept it for a while. The existence of hell means that heaven also exists. The existence of heaven means that God probably also exists. This series of possibilities constantly refreshes people's cognition.

"Hell actually exists!"

"Why would an Oriental be the Lord of Hell?"

"Hehe, hehe, that's a lie, right? Is it a special effect?"

"It must be fake. How can there be a hell? Hell is just a figment of people's imagination!"

People in front of the TV are not willing to believe that hell is real. People hope that heaven is real, because heaven is a place that everyone yearns for and a place in dreams, but hell is a nightmare for everyone and represents death. He will be subjected to infinite torture in the end, which frightens everyone.

"I didn't expect you to be quite sincere towards Stryker. I'm a little surprised that Stryker, who is determined to destroy mutants, has such a sincere mutant like you!"

Logan said looking at the sad Death Girl.

"You devil, I won't let you go!"

The Death Woman risked her life and said that she only hoped to be banished to hell after angering Logan so that she could accompany Stryker.

"Huh, devil? I'm much scarier than the devil!"

Logan said with a chuckle.

"Kill me if you can!"

Death Woman shouted angrily.

"Originally, I was planning to let you go to hell and watch Stryker suffer endless torture, but since you want to go so much, how can I let you do it!"

Logan's words changed the goddess of death's mood drastically. For her, Stryker was the hope of living. Now that Stryker was thrown into hell by Logan, she had no hope of living anymore. She only hoped to die and go to hell, but Logan's words completely shattered Death Girl's hopes.

"You can't do this!"

Death Woman shouted.

"Why can't I do this? I am the Lord of Hell, and I have the final say in all matters in Hell! If I say you are not allowed to enter Hell, no seducer will dare to take you to Hell! No one can disobey my order!"

Logan said coldly.


"Lord of Hell? You are so awesome! As the Lord of Hell, when our Japanese soldiers were killing the Chinese people, where were you? You are so powerful, where were you when the Chinese people were suffering? You are just a coward. !You hypocritical villain!"

Death Woman is crazy. World War II is a pain for all Chinese people. Death Woman wants to use this to stimulate Logan and let Logan drive her into hell, even if she endures endless torture.


"Click! Click!..."

As Death Woman wished, Logan became furious. Logan's anger triggered changes in the world. Endless thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, dark clouds spread, violent winds rose, the frozen sea surface continued to crack, and the atmosphere began to vibrate. It's an apocalyptic scene.

Logan looked at the unafraid Death Woman without expression and without saying a word. Logan was helpless when he mentioned this matter. When he was in seclusion, Logan also made preparations and tried his best to avoid the tragedy. But the will of the main universe blinded Logan's consciousness, preventing him from receiving any news when the disaster occurred.

Otherwise, there would be so many ghosts pouring into hell, and it would be impossible for Logan not to be alarmed. This is also the pain in Logan's heart. Logan also thought about changing history across time, but the price paid was too great, and he couldn't accept it. At this point, changing the future is completely different from changing history.

The future has infinite possibilities, but the past is the only one. Logan has mastered the ability of time and space, but he does not control the universe, and he cannot do whatever he wants. No matter what level of power he is, he cannot disobey the will of the universe wantonly, so Logan I have always deliberately not thought about that period of history.

But this was exposed by Death Girl, and Logan returned to his true self and was even more sensitive on this issue. Even if he is not from this universe, he is Chinese no matter where he goes, and this cannot be changed. .

What's more, Western countries and Japan are constantly challenging China's patience on this issue. Logan understands that he must do something so that those countries will no longer dare to provoke.

"The invasion of China has always been a tragedy that I don't want to think about. I have tried, but the more powerful people are, the stronger the constraints are. I was blinded by the will of heaven and earth. I missed it. I can't change everything. I can't You can’t do whatever you want.”

"But today you made it clear that if I don't do something, then countless people will think that I, the Chinese, are easy to bully. Today I will tell everyone that the martyrs of China are indomitable heroes and no one can insult them!"

"Do you think those cruel warmongers will be finished when they die? No, in order to punish them, I specially opened a layer of hell for them in hell. They will be trapped in that layer of hell forever. This is the honor of you Japanese people. , I have never done this for any nation!”

Logan's cold voice sounded on the battlefield, and except for Death Girl, no one else dared to say a word.

"No matter how much you do, you can't change your incompetence! What's the point of showing off to the dead? If you have the ability, come to me!"

The Death Girl didn't care at all, she just wanted to anger Logan, and she was determined enough.

"You are smart. You know that the people I kill will definitely go to hell, but do you think I will let you get your wish? I admit that I can't change that period of history, but there are some things I can still do!"

Logan raised his hands expressionlessly. This was the first time since Logan appeared that he had used both hands. Before, he had always faced the enemy with one hand. This showed that what Logan had to do next was difficult, but Logan didn't care anymore. Now he just wants to follow his heart and teach all China's enemies a lesson, letting them understand that China can't be messed with by anyone now.

"The river of time appears!"


A huge river roared in the sky toward the battlefield from far to near.

"That is……"

Ancient One, who had never appeared, looked at the river of time in the sky summoned by Logan in shock.

"Things are in trouble!"

Ancient One murmured to himself as he looked at Logan who was stepping on the people of his motherland.

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