Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 849 The way to destroy the world (two in one)


Tony only appeared on Logan's balcony wearing his suit.

"Little guy, you are the first person who dares to fly to my balcony so blatantly!"

Logan said looking at Tony's armor.


Tony stepped out of the suit.

"How about I go down and take the elevator up again?"

Tony asked, sitting next to Logan.

"Tell me! What's the matter?"

Logan asked, glancing at Tony.

"Don't you know everything?"

Tony quipped.

"I'm very busy, so I don't pay attention to everything! If you don't tell me, get out of here!"


Logan snapped his fingers, and Tony levitated.

"Hey, hey, OK, OK, I said, I said OK!"

Tony yelled.

"Nick Fury said that he came to ask you about forming the Avengers, and you told him that when I became a superhero, it was the time to form the Avengers. He now invites me to join, but I am not interested, So I’m here to ask your opinion!”

Tony looked at Logan and said seriously.

"This is your business. What's the point of asking me? The key is your own choice. If you ask me, you are not qualified to join the Avengers now. You are too arrogant and selfish. What happened to you last time just made you A glimmer of awareness, but it doesn’t really make you aware!”

"But have you ever thought about who is the most harmful person to ordinary people in this world?"

Logan asked.

"What's the meaning?"

Tony looked confused and couldn't figure out what Logan meant.

"It's very simple. The most dangerous people in this world are always those smart people. These kind of people will either become the saviors of the world or the culprits of destroying mankind!"

"For example, you, Tony, are very smart, much smarter than most people in this world. The armor you invented is decades ahead of others. Even I admire you for this."

"But if your technology is obtained by terrorists or politicians, what do you think it will bring to the world?"

"I don't need to say this, you can imagine it. Your original intention is to protect the world and those who are bullied, but your reliance will also become a weapon for others. When the time comes, others will not remember how many people you have saved, they will only I will remember how many people died because of you!”

Logan said.

"I have already expected what you said. I can guarantee that no one can get my skills. I am still confident in this aspect!"

Tony hesitated and said.

"I believe you, but how long can you guarantee it? Ten years? Twenty years? Fifty years? There is no shortage of smart people in this world, and you have to admit that there are people smarter than you, whether in the past, present, or future. There are many people out there, and your confidence cannot guarantee absolute safety, you can’t deny this!”

Logan said.

"You mean I shouldn't develop the armor?"

Tony asked.

"No, I'm telling you that the same thing used in different places and by different people will have very different outcomes. You can be confident or arrogant, but you can't relax your vigilance. Nothing is absolutely safe. Yes, even my father can’t guarantee it, let alone you as a human being!”

"As for your armor alone, I can tell you that it would be very easy for me to steal it. None of your protective methods can protect it!"

Logan said.

"Of course, you are unstoppable in this world, and you can get whatever you want!"

Tony pouted and said.

"You are wrong. I can get your armor technology without my intervention. Do you believe it?"

Logan asked looking at Tony.

"What's the meaning?"

Tony didn't understand.


"This is one of my puppets. He can control electromagnetic signals, so he can invade any network. No defense measures can stop him. Even artificial intelligence is vulnerable to him!"

Logan summoned the hell realm and said.

"Puppet? This is obviously a person!"

Tony said as he circled the hell tunnel.

"Yes, it was made by dead people. This is not the point. What I mean is to tell you that the enemy will always have methods you don't know to take away the things you are confident that you can protect. Therefore, just because you are in the lead now does not mean that you We will always be in the lead and never let down our guard at any time!”

Logan said.

"I know, I will pay attention to what you say! I admit that there will be people smarter than me, and there will be people with methods beyond my imagination, but I also have confidence in myself!"

Tony nodded and said.

"Let me show you something!"

Logan said.


Tony asked.

"Look at the world!"

Logan said.


Tony didn't know why.


Logan waved his hand and a scene appeared in front of the two of them.

"This is New York? But it seems different!"

Tony looked at the picture in front of him and said uncertainly.

"Yes, this is New York, but not the New York of this world, but the New York of other worlds!"

Logan nodded and said.

"What did you want me to see?"

Tony asked as he looked at the picture in front of him.

"Did you see that woman?"

Logan asked, pointing to the woman in the picture.

"I see, she has a nice figure and looks like an average girl. It's a pity she's not from the same world, otherwise I can make a date with her!"

Tony said with some pity.

"Is sex the only thing on your mind?"

Logan said helplessly.

"No, there are too many things in my mind!"

Tony said shaking his head.

"This woman's name is Riley. From the outside she looks like a successful white-collar woman, but her identity is an extremely powerful top hacker. There is a machine in this world called the Explorer."

"It can predict in advance who will bring disaster to the world and who will be in danger. The explorer monitors everyone's every move. No one can escape, and this woman's purpose is to find the location of this machine."

"Then she turns this machine into her weapon, and she has already advanced very far. If her opponent doesn't hurry up, she will probably succeed!"

Logan told Tony about the woman.

"Hacker? Explorer?"

Tony was a little surprised. He didn't expect the beautiful woman in the picture to be so ambitious.

"Yes, this explorer was invented by a man named Foley. His purpose was to protect mankind, and this project is extremely secretive. Only a few people in that world know of its existence."

"But Riley also knew about the existence of the Explorer through her hacking skills. She has killed many people in order to find the Explorer. Can you tell that she is the kind of woman who kills without blinking an eye?"

Logan asked.

"I didn't expect it to be a venomous and beautiful snake!"

Tony's eyes changed when he looked at Riley. He had always stayed away from this kind of woman.

"This woman is extremely smart and extreme. It can be said to be a common problem among many smart people. They believe that the world is sick, and their mission is to cure the world."

"When he first created the Explorer, in order to ensure that no one would use the Explorer for evil, Foley did not leave any backdoors. This was to guard against existences like Riley."

"But Riley is very confident that as long as she finds the Explorer, she is confident that she can crack it and control the Explorer. For this reason, she will not hesitate to kill people for the great cause in her heart!"

"The Explorer is just like your armor. It was invented to protect the world and humanity, but it is used in the right place. If it is used in the wrong place, what do you think will happen?"

Logan asked.

"A disaster that will destroy the world, humanity may become extinct!"

Tony said with a serious face.

"The ownership of this explorer can lead to different endings. What you are going to see below is the world after Riley gets the explorer!"


Logan waved his hand, and the scene changed. New York was still the same New York, but there were no more people in the once bustling streets of New York. Everyone was hiding and afraid to come out. Factories stopped working, shops closed, and the whole world became depressed. Up, there is no popularity, and people are in panic all day long.

"What you see now is the world after Riley got the Explorer. People are in panic all day long, afraid to go out, and are precarious, struggling on the edge of life and death!"

Logan said.

"What did she do?"

Tony asked in shock.

"She destroyed technology, destroyed electricity, and she wants to degrade mankind to the Stone Age!"

Logan said.

"Why did she do that?"

Tony couldn't figure out why Riley did what he did, why he went through so much trouble, and why he killed so many people.

"It's very simple, because of what happened to her when she was a child. Riley's family was wealthy, the living conditions at home were very good, and the family was very happy. But one day her father was electrocuted and died while changing the light bulb at home. From then on, Riley changed. Leigh believed that if there were no electric lights and no electricity, her father would not die, so she has vowed since she was a child to return the world to an era without electricity!"

Logan said.

"Is that why?"

Tony couldn't believe that Riley wanted to completely degrade the entire world to an era without electricity because his father was electrocuted.

"Because of this, people's thoughts are very complicated. Sometimes a small thing can completely change a person!"

Logan nodded and said.

"This, this is simply unreasonable!"

Tony said.

"Things that you think are unreasonable are normal to her. I was born thousands of years ago. I feel that humans at that time were much better than they are now. If I were as extreme as Riley, I would do it More outrageous than her!"

Logan said.

"Fortunately, you are a normal person!"

Tony said with a sigh.

"Everyone has normal and abnormal times. What you are going to see below is that Riley did not get the Explorer, but she told the future of the Explorer's enemies to America's enemies!"

Logan waved his hand, and the picture changed. At this time, New York on the picture had turned into ruins. As the picture changed, countless people lost their homes, the whole world became devastated, and the prosperity of the past was no longer there.

The sky is filled with huge amounts of radiation, and humans are no longer visible on the ground. The only remaining humans can survive by hiding underground.

"What happened?"

Tony asked in shock.

"Once the information about the explorer is leaked, countless forces and countries will want to get it, so a war will naturally break out."

"First it was a small-scale infiltration, then a frontal war, and finally it triggered a world war. It was difficult to end it at this time, so nuclear weapons were naturally used. What you see is the world after a nuclear war broke out."

"There are only a few hundred thousand people left in the world now. Others have died in wars or due to intense nuclear radiation. Humanity has reached the brink of extinction!"

Logan said.

"Can a woman actually cause a world-destroying disaster?"

Tony asked in disbelief.

"I have experienced countless worlds, and many worlds have been destroyed. Most of them were destroyed because of people like Riley. So do you understand why I say that the most dangerous people to mankind are smart people?"

Logan asked looking at Tony who was still in shock.

"Since you can see the future, you can definitely stop it!"

Tony asked looking at Logan.

"Yes! It's very simple for me. I've done it before, but now, I rarely do it anymore!"

Logan nodded and said.


Tony asked.

"Every world has its own future. It is impossible for me to interfere with the development of all worlds. Moreover, my task is not to prevent the destruction of human beings, but to protect the earth from being destroyed by human beings. Therefore, the destruction of human beings is even a piece of cake for me." Good thing!"

Tony couldn't accept what Logan said.

"But you are also a human being! These are your companions, how can you just watch them be destroyed! This is too cruel!"

Tony said.

"It's not that I don't want to save, it's just that I'm tired. I can stop it once or twice, but I can't stop mankind from destroying itself countless times!"

"Only when people are truly in pain can they learn how to cherish everything they have. Unless it is really hopeless, I will also give them a chance to start over, but there is only one chance. If they can't seize it, I will I will personally destroy them, anyway, I have done it more than once!"

Logan said.

"I can't accept what you said. If I had your strength, I would definitely stop it, absolutely!"

Tony's determination made Logan seem to see himself in the past, but after experiencing too many human self-destructions, Logan was numb, or it could be said that he was unable to change.

"Really? If you can still say firmly that you will do it after reading the following, then I promise to give them a chance!"

Logan said looking at Tony.

"What's down there?"

Tony asked.

"It's the worlds I've experienced that were destroyed by humans. Maybe after reading it, you'll understand why I made the choice I did!"


Logan waved his hand and the scene in front of him changed again. It was exactly what Logan experienced when he came to the worlds he saved after coming to the lower-dimensional universe.

Tony stared at the screen without saying a word, and the determination in his eyes began to change to hesitation. Everything on the screen impacted him again and again, making him begin to understand why Logan was like this.

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