Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 850 Persistence

"What do you think after reading this? Tony!"

Logan asked looking at Tony who said nothing.

"Is humanity really hopeless?"

Tony thought back to the world he had just seen, which was destroyed time and time again by humans themselves, and the disasters suffered by countless people because of the ambition of one or a few people. These scenes kept emerging in Tony's mind, and for a while, he had a deep understanding of human beings. Lost confidence.

At the same time, he also somewhat understood why some people are so extreme that they want to exterminate the human race. It is entirely the fault of human beings. Unrestricted exploitation of natural resources, environmental destruction, and wars caused by greed are all constantly destroying the earth's ecology, and are gradually destroying the earth's ecology. Pushing humanity to extinction.

"Everything has two sides. There is a good side and a bad side. There is a world of destruction and a world of rebirth. There is a heaven controlled by God and a hell controlled by me."

"If you only see one side, it means you have gone to an extreme, which means you are not far from destruction."

"Didn't it mean that if God wants to destroy a person, he will definitely make him crazy first? What he is talking about is those extreme people who stubbornly insist on their own beliefs and think that their choice is the best. However, they do not know that it is their ignorance that brings about the consequences. destroyed."

"However, there are always some people who will continue to work hard to change and save. It's not about how great they are, but they think it is right to do so, like them!"

After Logan finished speaking, the scene in front of Tony changed again.

"Those were destroyed worlds before, and what you see next is a world that has been reborn. It is easy to destroy a world, but it is difficult to protect it. The road is long, and there must be no slack!"

Tony watched blankly as the picture in front of him continued to rotate. He saw a world where the Antarctic glaciers were melting due to the greenhouse effect, leading to a prehistoric virus outbreak and triggering a crisis of annihilation.

And there is a group of people who desperately protect the only expert who has the chance to develop a vaccine in order to completely eliminate this virus that has almost destroyed all mankind.

There is only one battleship in their hiding place. These more than a hundred soldiers guard the only female doctor. Not only do they have to resist the invasion of the virus, they also have to face the harsh environment and enemies who want to snatch the female doctor.

After going through untold hardships, they finally succeeded in developing a vaccine, which saved the remaining human beings and allowed mankind to continue. The world was reborn, and people built new homes on the ruins.

But the virus can be eliminated, but human ambition and selfish desires cannot be eliminated. The virus was eliminated, but the female doctor who saved all mankind was killed by the immune people who tried to control the world. The ugliness of mankind once again blossomed into evil flowers.

"Is everything she has done being taken away from her? Why don't good people get rewarded?"

Although Tony didn't experience that, the pictures he saw made Tony extremely angry, and he hated those careerists even more.

"You have to understand that no matter what the world becomes, as long as mankind does not become extinct, there will always be people like this. This is the bad nature of mankind. Although there are not many such people, their destructive power is extremely powerful!"

"Although the female doctor died, she saved mankind and the world. Although ambition cannot be eliminated, it can be defeated. As long as there is always a group of people firmly guarding their beliefs, there will be hope!"

Although the female doctor died, the soldiers who guarded her are still there. They have been fighting against those careerist dictators. Although the process was extremely difficult and although they paid a heavy price, they finally won.

But they will not rest on their laurels and not make progress, but will work harder to make the world a better place, because there will always be enemies, and as long as they are around, the enemies will not succeed.

"Did you see it? From the day you put on the armor, it means that you have embarked on a completely different path, but how you go on this path depends on you. Whether you become a patron saint to protect mankind, or become a Only you can decide who will destroy the world!"

Logan said looking at Tony whose expression had eased.

"I don't think too much, I just want to protect the people around me, and if possible, I will help those in need!"

Tony hesitated and said.

"Then you should think about it carefully now. I used to have the same idea as you, simple and direct, but later you will find that you are actually the one who brings disaster to the people around you. It is easy to put on the armor, but it is easy to think about it. It’s hard to take it off!”

Logan said.

"If, I mean if, if I become a destroyer who destroys the world, will you stop me?"

Tony asked looking at Logan.

"Maybe, maybe not. I really don't care whether humanity is destroyed or not. The earth has existed for billions of years, and more than one civilization has appeared. But the previous civilizations were eventually destroyed. This is the law of nature and was caused by themselves. of!"

"So whether humans can survive forever or whether they will eventually be destroyed like other civilizations depends entirely on you. I won't interfere too much. Maybe I will save some people and send them to other worlds. Maybe I will Will watch all mankind perish, and then wait for the birth of new creatures."

"I won't think about the specific choice now. However, as a human being, of course I hope that human beings can continue forever. But judging from what you are doing now, in a thousand years at most, human beings will be completely extinct or escape. The Earth then goes into a long period of dormancy, waiting for new life to be born.”

Logan said.

"You have been watching the birth and destruction of the world with cold eyes, haven't you been touched at all?"

Tony asked.

"Of course there is, but what can I do? Forcibly change humans? It's unrealistic. Datong society does not exist. Even artificial intelligence will have selfish desires in the end, let alone humans?"

"I said, I can save mankind once or twice, but I cannot save mankind without limit, but you can, as long as there are people like those soldiers, who are enemies of those who want to destroy the world. , then there is hope for mankind.”

"And this world is far more complicated than other worlds I have experienced. There are many powerful people here, some of whom can even compete with me. What's more, I still have enemies from the original world who are always watching, ready to plot. Me, so I can’t do whatever I want here!”

"In the end, the only thing you can rely on is yourself. When you become Iron Man, you must fulfill the obligations of Iron Man. People are watching you and relying on you to save them, so don't let down their expectations!"

Logan patted Tony on the shoulder and said.

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