Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 878 War begins


A burst of white smoke floated up, and the statue of Shura Pluto completed its mission and returned to hell, while Pain's six paths formed a hexagram formation to protect Luo Ben's body.

At this time, Logan's body closed his eyes and fell into silence. He put most of his energy on the clone, leaving only a small part of his energy to maintain the body and repair the universe.

Fortunately, the repair of the universe has entered the mid-to-late stage, and it will not be long before the repair is completed.

"Sorry, it took a long time, but this is the first time that the clone appears in this form, so please forgive me!"

Logan's clone said with a half-smile expression on his face.

This method of improving the strength of the clone was also something Logan thought of when he was bored. This is the first time he has used it. It uses the Six Paths of Pain as a carrier to induce the power of the Six Paths of Hell to be given to the clone, so that the clone can greatly improve its strength. It can reach up to 80% of the original body's strength.

This method is not low in risk. The puppet's physical strength is much inferior to that of the main body. It cannot withstand too much power from the six paths. If one exceeds the upper limit, it will easily explode the six paths puppet.

Although the risk is not low, the effect is also considerable. At least now the clone can use most of Logan's abilities, including the ability to strip away everything.

Logan has been working hard to give the ability to deprive clones and split bodies. This ability is one of Logan's most powerful abilities, especially in the DC world and Marvel world. Deprivation can combine these two abilities. If the superpowers in this universe are deprived of their abilities, even the bug-level superpowers who can breathe air in seconds will have their superpowers suppressed to less than 50%. The results can be said to be very obvious.

Logan's deprivation ability has been qualitatively improved compared to when he first obtained it, especially after adding the power of reincarnation. Now there is almost nothing that he cannot deprive. Even if there is something that cannot be completely deprived, it can be greatly improved. Amplitude suppression.

Of course, deprivation is not invincible. When encountering some abilities that touch the power of the law, deprivation cannot play a big role and can only be used as a means to surprise the enemy.

It can be said that the current deprivation has become Luo Gen's most powerful trump card besides the power of time and space, reincarnation and rules.

"My dear, what happened just now? Why did another Logan appear on Logan's body?"

Flash yelled, startled.

The Six Paths of Pain and the Statue of Shura Pluto that were suddenly channeled by Logan just now startled him, and he didn't react until just now.

"This should be an existence similar to Logan's clone, right? His aura has increased tremendously in a short period of time, which makes me feel suffocated!"

Batman Bruce Wayne looked at Logan's clone solemnly and said.

"Is that Shura Pluto statue really the Pluto of Hell? After I took a look at it, I felt like my soul was being sucked away!"

Neptune said with lingering fear.

"That should be it! Logan once told me that he was in charge of all the hells in the universe. I thought he was joking at first, but now it seems that it is true!"

Batman swallowed hard and said hard.

Hell is an existence that everyone talks about. Logan once had a few chats with Bruce Wayne. At that time, Bruce thought Logan was joking, but now he understands that it may all be true.

Regardless of whether it was Dr. Manhattan or Superboy-Prime, their eyes were full of solemnity at this time. The sense of oppression brought by Logan's clone prevented them from being distracted in the slightest.

"I'll leave that brat to you. Don't let him affect the main body. Although there should be no problem with Payne's six-path protection, there is no guarantee that something will go wrong. Leave this bald man with blue light all over his body to me!"

Logan's clone said in a cold tone.

"Oh, okay, got it!"

Superman was awakened by the words of Logan's clone. The more powerful a person is, the more powerful he can realize the power of Logan's clone, so Superman has been in a state of confusion just now.

"You want to start a war with me?"

Dr. Manhattan asked, looking at the Logan clone.

"Boom, boom..."

"Wrong, you want to start a war with me! I can use you to test the results of my research to see if there is anything that needs improvement!"

Logan's clone moved his body and said.

"Then there's nothing more to say. After traveling so many universes, I haven't met a single being that interests me. You are still the first. Let me try how strong you are!"

Dr. Manhattan would not have the emotion of fear if he lost human emotions, but he could still feel the terror of Logan's clone, but he also wanted to give it a try, so he did not choose to give in.

"Really? That's just your short-sightedness. There are many people stronger than me, but it's just a little difficult to deal with you!"

"Stop talking nonsense, time is tight. Once the body is repaired, I won't be able to have fun, so hurry up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Logan's clone was covered with a hazy light, making his figure begin to blur.

"call out!"

He had never seen Logan's clone make any move, but his figure suddenly appeared behind Dr. Manhattan.


Logan's clone twisted and kicked the stunned Dr. Manhattan directly away.

"Boom, boom, boom..."


The result of Logan's clone's kick was that the earth shook and mountains collapsed. Dr. Manhattan crashed into several mountains and fell into the rubble.

"call out!"

Logan's clone moved with the shadow again, and when it reappeared, it was already above the rubble where Dr. Manhattan was.


Logan's clone raised his right hand, and a ball of lightning flashing with black light kept swimming above Logan's head.


Logan's clone waved his hand downwards lightly, and a black lightning bolt with a diameter of tens of meters hit the rubble pile in a ten thousandth of a second, directly blasting out a bottomless hole with a diameter of hundreds of meters. pit.


"It's so, so, so terrible!"

Flash swallowed hard and said in shock.

"Can you escape this speed?"

The old man Batman asked in a calm tone. It was not that he was not shocked, but he was just numb from the shock.

"Probably, maybe, maybe, you shouldn't be able to escape!"

Flash shook his head bitterly and said.


At this moment, a huge blue light wave shot out from the deep pit, targeting Logan's clone floating in the air.


Logan's clone slapped the blue light wave away.



At the same time, Dr. Manhattan followed the light waves and attacked the Logan clone. He waved his right fist wrapped in blue light and hit the Logan clone hard. But what he didn't expect was that the Logan clone lightly stretched out its right palm. He easily blocked his attack without even moving his body.

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