Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 879 The battle continues

Although there was no expression on Dr. Manhattan's face, his heart was very heavy. Logan was more powerful than he expected. Although his punch was not at full strength, it could still blast a planet. Exploded, such a powerful punch was easily blocked by Logan's clone. The most terrifying thing was that it didn't even move the hem of his clothes.

You must know that the impact carried by Dr. Manhattan at a speed comparable to the speed of light can easily tear the earth apart.

"The power is pretty good. If it were bigger, it could make me retreat!"

Logan's clone said with a faint smile on his lips.

"It's my turn next!"


After the Logan clone finished speaking, he grabbed Dr. Manhattan's fist.

"Bang bang!"

There was a clear sound of bone cracking, and Dr. Manhattan's right fist was crushed by Logan. However, there was no pained expression on Dr. Manhattan's face, and he just looked at the Logan clone expressionlessly.


Dr. Manhattan suddenly turned his left palm into a knife and cut off his right hand at the wrist, and then dodged away from Logan's clone.


Electric light kept coming out of Dr. Manhattan's broken wrist, and then the lost right hand grew back at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Huh? The regeneration ability is quite strong! It seems you don't need this anymore!"


A black flame appeared on Logan's right hand out of thin air, burning Dr. Manhattan's right hand into nothingness.

"This is not a regeneration ability, but a body reorganization. Even if you completely destroy my body, I can still reorganize it!"

Dr. Manhattan has always had a poker face from the time he appeared until now, with no expression at all and no mood swings. Moreover, Dr. Manhattan's body is an infinite quantum body, so these injuries have no impact on him at all.

"Reorganize? This ability is pretty good, it's countless times stronger than regeneration!"

Logan's clone said with some envy.

Logan's life ability allows him to regenerate indefinitely, but he does not have the ability to reorganize his body.



Just as the Logan clone was about to speak, the environment around him suddenly changed. The Logan clone passively appeared in front of Dr. Manhattan, was hit by a heavy punch from Dr. Manhattan, and flew out.


Logan's clone stretched out his waist and abdomen, and his flying figure immediately stopped. He looked at Dr. Manhattan who was standing there with some surprise.

The mutated Logan clone was also startled. Just as he was about to speak, his position suddenly changed. Moreover, there was no force acting on him to pull him to Dr. Manhattan, but something happened in space. Variety.



The position of Logan's clone changed again, but this time Dr. Manhattan's attack was blocked by Logan's clone.

"The same trick can only be used once on me. I have to admit that your method is very clever. You can actually move time and space at will. The first time I was caught off guard and fell into your trick."

"The second time you come, you just look down on me! In terms of time and space ability, I have never met anyone better than me!"

Logan's clone held Dr. Manhattan's arm and said.

Moving time and space is a more advanced space skill than space travel. It moves the entire universe without moving to make the destination reach its own location, thus playing the role of space teleportation. This is the first time Logan has encountered someone who uses the ability to move time and space. Man, it can be seen that Dr. Manhattan is indeed powerful and terrifying.

"What about this move?"

"call out!"

Dr. Manhattan stretched out his right hand and shot another blue light wave towards the Logan clone.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

The clone of Logan also raised his right hand and tried to use the repulsive force of the Shinra Tenzheng to scatter the light waves, but the invincible Shinra Tenzheng failed this time.


The light wave shot by Dr. Manhattan ignored Logan's clone's Shinra Tensei and hit Logan directly.

"Huh? This power..."

The clone of Logan who was hit by the light wave frowned slightly. He didn't pay attention to Dr. Manhattan's attack before, but after being hit, Logan discovered that it was not simple.

After the light wave hit Logan, it completely enveloped him, and there was an energy that Logan was very familiar with that wanted to turn Logan into nothingness.

Moreover, this energy acts on particles, and its destructive ability is quite strong.

"It seems that I still underestimate you! You actually have a power similar to the Law of Destruction. This is the first time I have encountered it in so many years!"

Logan's clone raised his head and looked at Dr. Manhattan not far away and said.


Logan's clone body shook, dissipating the blue light that enveloped him. The Destructive Force was now unable to cause any effective damage to Logan, let alone energy similar to the Destructive Force.

"It really doesn't work?"

Dr. Manhattan was not surprised that his particle destruction attack did not hurt Logan. His move was very effective on people who were weaker than him, but it had no great effect on people who were similar to or stronger than him. .

"It's almost time to test it out, it's time to get started!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Logan's clone said calmly, and after speaking, he attacked again, but the attack was much more violent than before, and he almost transformed into a humanoid violent beast. The aftermath of the collision between the two could easily tear the earth apart.

Dr. Manhattan was as difficult as he expected. It was also the first time for Logan to come into contact with the infinite quantum. Moreover, he did not understand these mysterious and mysterious things. The clone of Logan could not think of an effective way to counter it, so he decided to use absolute power to crack it.

The ensuing battle became more intense, and the dilapidated and desolate planet suffered a devastating blow. Fortunately, the battlefield of Logan's clone and Dr. Manhattan was far away from other superheroes, and the impact on them was not great. In addition, The six puppets protect the place where Logan's body is, allowing the weaker Batman and others to avoid destruction.

When Logan's clone was fighting Doctor Manhattan, Superboy-Prime did not take action. Now Superboy-Prime has calmed down, and he also understands that it is unrealistic for him to destroy Logan's repair now, not to mention Superman and Supergirl and the others were blocking in front. Even after breaking through the blockage of Superman and Supergirl, there were still six puppets guarding Logan.

Superboy-Prime also has no confidence that he can bully Logan into his side in this situation, so there would be no need for a pointless fight.

If Superboy-Prime doesn't take action, Superman and the others are even less likely to take the initiative. It would be best if they could avoid fighting, but they don't dare to relax. Now Logan's repair has reached a critical moment, and no one knows whether he will return it. There were other strong men appearing, so they all gathered around Logan to prevent anyone from getting close to him.

The battle between Logan's clone and Dr. Manhattan lasted for an hour. Now, except for the space of dozens of miles around where Logan's body is located, all other places have been destroyed. At this time, Logan's body happened. mutation.

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