Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 989 Tony is going to be in trouble

"Qiang Qiang Qiang..."

As soon as the Iron Armor approached Tony, after scanning the device on Tony's left hand, it immediately turned on its possession state and attached itself to Tony, and Tony transformed into Iron Man.


"iron Man!"

"so hot!"

"I want Iron Man too!"

"Bah bah bah!"

Seeing the transformed Iron Man, the little guys were excited. They immediately ran to Tony's side, surrounded him, carefully touched the steel armor with their hands, and kept chattering.

The little ones who couldn't walk yet crawled towards Tony. In their eyes, this big toy was much more interesting than the small toy in their hands.

"Err, eh, eh, eh..."



A few little guys who couldn't speak pointed at the steel suits and babbling and chatting with each other non-stop. I don't know if they could understand what each other said, but they were having a great time chatting anyway.

Logan was watching the scene in front of him with a smile. Fighting and other things were not as interesting as everything in front of him. Suddenly, Logan missed Hiyori and the children in Hiyori's belly. At this moment, Logan wanted to go back to the past immediately. Dimension Universe, with his wife and children.

But Logan quickly suppressed this impulse. He came to the lower-dimensional universe just to have a safer and better future for his wife, children and family. Now is a critical moment, and he must not give up halfway.

"How are you going to arrange these children? I can find a suitable place for them and ensure that no one will bully them!"

Tony, who had been pestered by the children for a long time, could finally relax. At this time, the little guys were discussing non-stop around the steel armor. It was obvious that they were more interested in the steel armor than they were in Tony. At this time, their There is only steel armor in his eyes.

"No, just let them stay here! I rescued them, so let me be responsible! I wouldn't trust it if it were left to others!"

Logan shook his head and refused.

The presence of these children made Logan feel more relaxed than ever before. He liked this feeling very much, and he also wanted to stay with these children longer.

"Okay! Then I'll arrange for a few people to come over and help you take care of these children! You're too busy yourself!"

Tony nodded and said.

Although he only had contact with these little guys for a while, Tony also fell in love with these noisy little guys. Although they were a bit noisy, the happiness was unmatched by other things.

"Okay, please!"

Logan nodded.

Although taking care of children is a lot of fun, it is also a lot of trouble. Logan alone cannot take care of more than ten children.

"It's okay, I also want these children to grow up happily, after all what happened to them before..."

At this point, Tony stopped. Tony also participated in the operation to destroy the cult and saw the tragic situation of many abducted children. He was full of pity for these children.

"I have erased everything that happened before, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the smiles of these children!"

Logan said.

Although the children are young, they know a lot. They have experienced things that even adults cannot bear. If those memories are not eliminated, these children will not be able to get out of those terrible nightmares.

"They are lucky to meet you. It's just a pity that other children..."

Tony did not continue, but his meaning was already clear. The memories of these children had been erased, but there were more children who were still tortured by those terrible memories.

"Don't worry! All the children who have gone through this will not remember what happened to them, otherwise what I have done will be meaningless."

Logan spoke.

"That's good!"

Tony said with relief.

It can be seen that although Tony is bohemian, he really cares about these children. However, except for those beasts who have lost their humanity, no one will be indifferent to the experiences of these children.

"What has Uncle Fatty been busy with lately? Why is he nowhere to be seen?"

Logan asked.


Before the word "fat" came out of his mouth, Tony was frightened by Logan's look and swallowed it back. Calling him "fat" in front of Logan was really not far from seeking death.

"Fat, Fatty has been with Natasha recently, and I haven't been able to see many people. But I have already agreed that after Ultron is formed, Fatty will come to my place."

I have always addressed him as chubby, but now I suddenly change my name to Tony, which is really not used to me.


Logan was stunned.

"Yes, artificial intelligence. Bruce and I have been studying this, and we already have some ideas. But the key technical issues are still being sorted out. I believe it will be researched soon!"

Tony said confidently.

"Artificial intelligence is a very sensitive topic! I have been to many universes, and countless universes have been destroyed by artificial intelligence. Are you confident that you can control it? If the artificial intelligence created by you and Banner goes out of control, The world can be destroyed easily!"

Logan glanced at Tony and said.

"Don't worry, I won't study artificial intelligence if I'm not sure. I've already considered everything you said! There's absolutely no problem!"

Tony said, patting his chest.

"As long as you have confidence, just don't bring a devastating crisis to the world because of you. If there is any trouble, you can handle it yourself!"

Logan said nonchalantly.

Logan didn't say much about the issue of artificial intelligence. Ultron would be created no matter what. Tony wouldn't have given up if he hadn't suffered a major setback. It was inevitable that Ultron would lose control, but Logan didn't care. , no matter how powerful Ultron is, anyway, the Avengers are in front, and if there is a problem, they will take care of it. It just so happens that Logan can also watch the show.

What's more, this is bound to happen. Even if Logan forcibly prevents the birth of Ultron, there will be other unpredictable artificial intelligences in the future. This is what humans must experience when they develop to a certain level. Only by experiencing constant failures, Only then can we learn lessons and take the truly correct path.

And with Tony's intelligence and unconventional character, the more you stop him from doing something, the more he will do it, so just let him go through it, just to teach him a lesson and let him understand the consequences of doing whatever he wants. What.

"Don't worry! Jarvis is also an artificial intelligence. He has completed his tasks well under my control. It is impossible for the artificial intelligence to lose control. It will never happen to me. Even if something goes wrong, I It can be solved, I’m the smartest person in the world!”

Tony boasted.

This is a typical example of someone who has never been beaten by society! He didn't learn a lesson when he was kidnapped that time! You have to make a big fall before you can reflect honestly.

"Strictly speaking, Jarvis only belongs to quasi-artificial intelligence. It can only be regarded as the primary stage in artificial intelligence. If you want to jump from primary to advanced at once, there will definitely be problems without a buffer. However, humans are in this kind of situation. You grow up in the process of continuous exploration. If you want to do it, do it as much as possible, but you have to clear it before you do it.”

Logan said.

"Understand, Bruce and I have been fully prepared. We didn't expect to succeed immediately. This requires a process, and we are constantly exploring."

"And I want to develop artificial intelligence to protect the earth, protect mankind, and eliminate dangers in advance, so as to minimize casualties and losses."

Tony nodded and said.

It was impossible for Tony not to listen to what Logan said. He knew that Logan had traveled through countless universes and had seen various disasters. There would definitely be no shortage of dramas in which artificial intelligence destroyed the world.

Moreover, the essence of Tony's research and development of artificial intelligence is to protect the world, and he will definitely find a way to avoid the disaster of artificial intelligence rebellion.

But Tony didn't expect that the appearance of Ultron was completely out of his plan and almost destroyed the world as Logan said. It also left a great psychological shadow on Tony. For a long time, Tony didn't dare to Let’s talk about artificial intelligence again.

"By the way, I have a question I've wanted to ask you for a long time!"

Tony didn't want to discuss artificial intelligence with Logan anymore, so he changed the subject.

"what is the problem?"

Logan's eyes were always on the group of children.

"What are you looking at on the balcony every day? Almost every time I come over, I see you on the balcony looking at the sky in the distance."

Tony asked curiously.

"I am observing the situation of the earth in all universes. Once there is a crisis of destruction on an earth, I must stop it."

Logan turned his head and looked at the sky outside and said.

"Can you see all of the universe?"

Tony asked in surprise.


Logan turned around and nodded.

"The universe is much more complicated than you think. Mainly speaking, the universe is divided into an upper-dimensional universe and a lower-dimensional universe. I and I are from the upper-dimensional universe, and your universe belongs to the lower-dimensional universe."

Logan said.

"Shanghai Dimensional Universe?"

Toyou repeated curiously.

"Yes, the upper-dimensional universe does not have countless universes of the same latitude like the lower-dimensional universe. The upper-dimensional universe is the only one, and it is truly boundless and endless. Moreover, the powerful people in the upper-dimensional universe are so powerful that they are beyond your imagination. The most powerful ones were born almost at the same time as the upper-dimensional universe."

"Intuitively speaking, I am already an invincible existence in your universe, but in front of those ancient existences, I am no different from an ant."

Logan said with a wry smile.

"This, so strong?!"

Tony was shocked from ear to ear. He knew very well how powerful Logan was. He had witnessed several of Logan's attacks. The kind of power that could easily destroy the world, but someone could be much more powerful than Logan. This was beyond Tony's ability. imagination.

"It doesn't make sense to be so strong. It's just that there are very few such strong people. There should be only a handful of them now! They won't show up easily. According to our old man, those old monsters that have existed since ancient times have been around for trillions of years. They haven’t appeared since, and I don’t know how many are left, maybe they’re all dead.”

Logan said with a shrug.

"Fortunately, if these old monsters came to our universe on a whim and our universe would be destroyed if they sneezed, then we would be very unjust."

Tony said with relief.

"Don't worry! They can't come to the lower-dimensional universe! No matter how powerful the existence in the upper-dimensional universe is, there is no way to break through the boundary wall between the upper-dimensional universe and the lower-dimensional universe."

"Only extremely rare space-time turbulence will enter the lower-dimensional universe from the upper-dimensional universe. Occasionally, people from the upper-dimensional universe will be brought into the lower-dimensional universe by the space-time turbulence. However, if it is a strong man above the immortal level who enters the time-space chaos, If it flows, it will destroy the stability of the turbulent flow of space and time, and it will not be able to reach the lower-dimensional universe!"

Rogan explained.

"What level of power is the immortal level?"

Tony asked.

"The immortal level is almost the same as Thor's father, God King Odin, so you don't need to worry at all. Even if such a person is lucky enough to survive the turbulence of time and space, he will be seriously injured, even if he recovers , can’t cause much harm to this universe, there are many people who can deal with him!”

Logan said.

"Is the upper-dimensional universe so scary? I really want to see the upper-dimensional universe!"

Although Tony sounded a little scared, he still yearned for the upper-dimensional universe. What would such a universe with strong people appear like?

"With your character, you are lucky to be able to live to grow up. Do you still want to visit the upper dimensional universe?"

Logan glanced at Tony and said.

"I, what's wrong with me?"

Tony was a little dissatisfied. He said that he was lucky to live to grow up. He said that I was a troublemaker.

"Okay! Don't you have something else to do? Just leave the steel armor here. You can leave. Anyway, you still have a lot of armors. Just leave this set here to let these little guys have fun! It's rare for them to I’m interested in this pile of junk.”

Logan waved his hand and said.

"What do you mean by scrap metal? This is high-tech, okay? You don't know how many people in the world have fallen in love with my armor. If I gave it away to others, there would be countless people queuing up to get it!"

Tony said dissatisfied.

"Okay, your armor is the best. If there's nothing else, just get out of here. I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Logan said impatiently.

"The God of Hades is amazing! The God of Hades can summon people here and there like this! The God of Hades..."

"The God of Hades is the most powerful, and I admire the God of Hades the most! The one I admire the most is the God of Hades!"

Tony complained in a low voice, but was frightened by Logan's look and immediately changed his words and began to flatter him.

"You, I'm too lazy to talk about you. Sooner or later something will happen to your character. Don't wait until you suffer a loss to regret it. By then it will be too late."

Logan didn't care about Tony's complaints. He knew that Tony was a talker, heartless, and a child. It was very difficult to change him.

"I'm very popular, okay? Life is short and you have to enjoy yourself in time! And my task is so arduous, so I have to find some fun for myself!"

Tony whispered.

"It's okay for the armor to stay here, but at least you can take me back? I have to walk for a long time by myself, and I don't have any money, so I can't take a taxi."

Tony said.

"Aren't you popular? Can't you take a taxi to scan your face? Do you still need to spend money?"

Logan scoffed.

"That's different. I can't take advantage of ordinary people. That would damage my image!"

Tony said with a frown.

"Okay, you are reasonable and righteous, I will send you this superhero back!"


Logan snapped his fingers, Tony disappeared and was sent back to Stark Tower by Logan.

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