Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 990 What is supposed to come has come.

"It's really awesome. If only I could knock people out with just a snap of my fingers!"

Tony returned to Stark Tower and said with envy.

This is what he thinks now. After he meets Thanos, he will probably snap his fingers to death. Killing half of the population of the universe with a snap of his fingers is much more cruel than Logan sending him home with a snap of his fingers.

"Tony, why did you suddenly disappear and then reappear suddenly? And your armor also flew away suddenly. Did you encounter any danger?"

Hulk Bruce Banner looked at the muttering Tony in surprise and asked.

"Oh, it was a big shot who summoned me. The steel armor was detained, and he sent me back because he didn't have anything to do with me."

Tony said helplessly.

"Big shot? Who is it? Who took your armor?"

Bruce asked curiously.

"Who else can do such a thing besides Lord Hades? The armor was left as a toy for the children who were rescued by him. To think that the equipment I used to save the world was actually used as a toy. My heart hurts so much!”

Tony said pretending, holding his chest.

"Are they the children rescued from the cult?"

Bruce asked.

"Yes! Those children are so distressing to see! Fortunately, Hades has erased all the children's nightmare memories, otherwise those children would not be able to live a normal life."

Thinking of the innocent smiles of those children and their admiration for Iron Man, all the dissatisfaction in Tony's heart disappeared. The smile that saves the children also saves the world. It can bring a satisfied smile to the children, and Tony also I feel very satisfied.

"Really? It feels good to be able to bring joy to those children and your armor will not be in vain."

Bruce Banner, who has not transformed into the Hulk, is actually a very gentle person, without a violent temper. Just looking at Bruce's appearance, who would have thought that there is a terrifying monster inside him.

"Hey, didn't you see the way those little guys saw my Iron Man suit? Their faces turned red with excitement and their eyes were full of admiration. They almost regarded Iron Man as their most admired hero!"

When Tony thought about how the children looked when they saw the steel armor, he was so proud that his face was filled with joy.

"as long as you are happy!"

Bruce said with a smile.

"Oh, fortunately, Hades discovered the evil deeds of those cults, otherwise the fate of these children must be very miserable!"

Tony sighed.

"So, Hades is the god that people really respect. Other gods don't care about these things at all!"

Bruce said.

"Our God of Thunder just wants to find out, but his ability is not enough!"

Tony said.

"Tony, do you think that if Thor finds out, will he stop it?"

Bruce asked.

"Yes! Thor, the God of Thunder, is different from other gods. I have different feelings for the earth. If he encounters me, I think he will definitely take action, but it will definitely not have as big an impact as the God of Hades. We can’t save all the children!”

Tony thought for a moment and said.

"Yes! Thor is still very different from Hades, but, Tony, do you think Hades is so powerful?"

Bruce asked curiously.

"I don't know how powerful he is specifically, but it's no problem to destroy the universe. I talked with him and heard a lot about him from Xiaopang, which is unimaginable!"

Tony couldn't help but shiver in his heart when he thought about some of the things Logan told him about the upper-dimensional universe and the lower-dimensional universe.

"Destroy the universe? Is it really possible? I believe in destroying the earth, but destroying the universe is a bit too exaggerated, isn't it? Even if God wants to do it, it would be difficult, right?"

Bruce said in disbelief.

"The reason why gods are gods is because they are powerful beyond human imagination. Things that are impossible for us may be easy for them."

Tony thought for a moment and said.

"Maybe! When Thor comes to Earth next time, I will ask him. Thor will definitely know many things that we don't know."

Bruce nodded and said.

"I don't know what Thor knows, but Thor will definitely not be able to destroy the earth, let alone the universe."

Tony said with a smile.

Tony has always felt that Thor, the so-called God of Thunder, is a false god who uses the power of a hammer to discharge electricity. In Tony's opinion, Thor should not be called the God of Thunder, but the God of Hammers.

"Thor can't do it, but his father should be able to do it, right? After all, his father is the God King Odin! Many mythological stories about Odin say that Odin can destroy the world and is the most powerful in the universe. God."

Bruce thought for a moment and said.

"Who knows, anyway, I feel that mythological stories are very exaggerated. Isn't Thor, the god of thunder, also described as being more powerful than imagined? Maybe it's all the exaggerated depictions of the gods in ancient times!"

Tony pouted and said.

Anyway, Tony feels that the so-called gods in Asgard are unreliable. It can be seen from Thor and Loki that the gods in Asgard are obviously exaggerated.

"Let's discuss this issue later! Let's first think about how to solve Ultron's problem! I have no clue at all right now! And I feel like it's wrong for us to secretly conceal the team's private research on artificial intelligence."

Bruce said worriedly.

"Haven't we already discussed this issue? We must not tell others before we succeed. It's not like you don't know Steve's character. If Steve knew that we were studying artificial intelligence in private, he would definitely object. Moreover, once SHIELD knows about our research on artificial intelligence, they will never miss this opportunity!"

"So, we must hide this from everyone, at least until we succeed, we must not let anyone know, otherwise all our hard work during this period will be in vain."

"And, Bruce, don't you want to be the first scientist in the world to create artificial intelligence? This is the dream of all scientists!"

Tony kept persuading.

It was Tony's idea to hide the research on artificial intelligence from everyone. He knew that if it was known that he was studying artificial intelligence in private, someone would definitely stand up and object, especially Captain America Steve Rogers, who would definitely be The first person to speak out against himself.

So Tony simply didn't tell anyone. When the research came out, even if someone knew about it, it wouldn't be able to change the established fact. What Tony was prepared to do was to kill it first and reveal it later.

There will be people who will stop the research before it is done, but after the research is done, no one will destroy it. Instead, it will be robbed. This is the reality, and it is such a contradiction.

"Bliss, how are you and Natasha doing lately?"

Tony ran out of things to talk about while reviewing the program.

"Natasha? Natasha and I are fine!"

Bruce covered it up in a panic.

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? We all see that you and Natasha have a special relationship, what are you hiding?"

Tony said amusedly.

"No, Natasha and I have a working relationship. You are overthinking it!"

Bruce said quickly.

Bruce admitted that he had a crush on Natasha, but because of the Hulk, Bruce was unwilling to cause trouble to Natasha. When he was in love with his ex, he got into a lot of trouble because of the Hulk, and He can't get excited. Once he gets excited, Hulk will appear.

How could the two not be excited when they were intimate? This is one of the reasons why Bruce has been restraining his emotions. Hulk made him indestructible and became the most powerful Avenger, but it also brought him There are considerable restrictions, which is why Bruce has always been a lonely person, trying to stay away from the crowd before he was forced to join the Avengers.

It wasn't until he was able to suppress his anger well and prevent Hulk from coming out casually that he gradually returned to human society, but he did not dare to have too much contact with humans, because no matter how strong a person's restraint is, , I can't always suppress my anger.

"Bruce, if you don't want to express your feelings because you are worried about the Hulk, there is no need to do this. We are Avengers, different from ordinary people. Maybe others are afraid of you, but we treat you as a companion. You don't have to Worrying will hurt us, and I will also help you find a way to solve this trouble."

"So, if you really have a crush on Natasha, confess it boldly! We can all see that Natasha treats you very well. Natasha has been trained as a spy since she was a child and is very cautious about relationships. I have known her for a short time, and I have never seen him treat any man the way he treats you."

"But if you really don't have feelings for Natasha, you should say it directly. The longer it takes, the deeper the damage will be. Of course, this is a matter between the two of you. I am just giving you advice as a friend. , the final decision must be made by yourself, no one else can interfere.”

Tony kept moving his hands, focusing on two things.

"I see!"

Bruce's heart was full of emotions and contradictions. Some men would not feel anything for a top-notch woman like Natasha. Bruce still remembered the feeling of his heart beating faster when he saw Natasha for the first time. That feeling lasted for a long time. Never felt it before.

It's just that he can't cross the hurdle in his heart. No matter what Tony says, Hulk is a huge obstacle between him and Natasha. If the Hulk problem is not solved, Bruce really doesn't dare to be with Natasha. Together.

If Hulk goes berserk while being intimate with Natasha, then Natasha will definitely be seriously injured or even killed by herself, which Bruce will never allow.

"Sir, SHIELD is calling!"

Just when Bruce was thinking wildly, Jarvis's voice rang.

"These officials are really difficult to serve!"

Tony stopped what he was doing and complained.

"Put it through!"

Tony and Jarvis said.

"Stark, Loki's scepter, which was lost during the Battle of New York, has been found!"

Nick Fury's bald head appeared on the virtual screen in front of Tony.

"You, SHIELD, are good enough! The scepter we fought so hard to get back was thrown away by you so easily. I even suspect that Hydra has penetrated deeply into SHIELD."

Tony said angrily.

The Battle of New York cost Tony half his life, and he almost ended the game. That horrific experience left Tony with a psychological shadow, and it took a long time to get rid of that nightmare.

"We'll talk about this later. The key now is to get Loki's scepter back. The scepter cannot fall into the hands of Hydra, otherwise the world will be in danger!"

Nick Fury was already used to Tony's lackluster appearance. In addition, he was originally wrong in this matter. The Cosmic Cube was brought back to Asgard by Thor, but the scepter was actually stolen by Hydra people. Gone, which makes Nick Fury lose face.

"Okay, where is the location? Who is participating in the operation? Is Thor coming?"

Tony asked impatiently.

"On the outskirts of a city in Sokovia, the Avengers are all out. Thor has arrived. Hydra has a secret base there. According to intelligence, Hydra is studying how to use Loki's scepter to grant power. People with super powers may have achieved unexpected results, so you must be careful when the time comes!"

Nick Fury didn't waste any words and told Tony all the information he got.

"Loki's scepter has the same power as the Cosmic Cube. If this power is really mastered by Hydra, it will be a devastating blow to the world!"

said Bruce, who had been listening to Tony and Nick Fury's conversation.

"So, you must take back the scepter. There can be no mistakes in this operation!"

Nick Fury said.

"Understood, let's go there now and let others get ready. When we arrive, take action immediately!"

After saying that, Tony cut off the call.

"The research here is left to you, Jarvis. Collect all the data and analyze it further after we arrive. I have a hunch that we are very close!"

Tony said to Jarvis.

"Okay, sir, I'll continue the simulation."

Jarvis said.

"Let's go! Bruce, it's our turn!"


Tony said as he walked to the secret room where the steel armor was stored and opened the door of the secret room.

"I'd better go by car!"

Bruce said.

"Time is urgent. I'll just take you there. You're taking too slow in the car!"

Tony put on the steel armor and said.



As soon as Bruce said the words, he was carried by Tony and flew out, regardless of Bruce's objection.

"call out……"

Tony flew to the SHIELD building at high speed.

"Trouble is coming again! There are always troubles in this kind of world!"

Logan, who was sitting among the children, looked at Tony flying over the Hades Building and said softly.

"Look! It's Iron Man!"

A little boy also saw Tony flying over and jumped up excitedly and shouted.

"Isn't Iron Man here? Why is there another Iron Man?"

A little confused looked at the steel armor in front of him and asked in a low voice.

"Because, because Iron Man has a younger brother, the one we have here is the older brother, and the one flying over is the younger brother."

The little boy rubbed his head and thought of this reason.

"Really? Iron Man has a younger brother?"

"I also want to have a younger brother!"

"I want to have a sister!"

"Me, me too!"

"Beep, bab, bab..."

The little ones went off track while talking, and Logan did not correct the children's mistakes. He looked at the chattering discussion of a group of little ones with a smile.

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