A group of three people is heading towards the Champot Islands.

Bai Jing now wants to go to Reilly first and learn to be domineering, at least to learn to be domineering.

Originally, he wanted to ask Ace for advice, but he always felt that Ace was a little unreliable.

It's still taught by Reilly, and there must be something taught by the deputy captain of One Piece.

Now he is not strong enough, if he is strong enough and has enough fruit ability, he will go to the naval headquarters and meet Karp and Sengoku first.

He was also very excited about the ability of the Golden Buddha Fruit of the Warring States.

Of course, if you have more ability, then go to the place where the Celestial Dragons live and kill all these beasts.

By the way, collect the supreme fast knife again, it's just beautiful.

There is still a long way to go.

After another 10 days at sea,

a huge warship in the distance slowly sailed towards them.

On the blue navy warship is the familiar seagull flag.

Fully automatic, large naval warship, Bai Jing looked at the blue warship in the distance, his eyes glowing with blue light.

said excitedly, "Ace, look, little Oz has fallen."

"Their naval warship is so big, enough to accommodate the huge body of Little Oz. "

Bai Jing is definitely the most arrogant pirate, and generally pirates run away when they see a warship.

How can he be like Bai Jing, who still has to rob a warship.

Oh no, I forgot that there is also an iron Hanhan, who is also not afraid of the navy.

(Who do you think

Lao Tzu is!) (Lao Tzu is Jack!) is

Jack's stupid hat, who actually rushed up and hit the warship, and finally broke one of the elephant horns that were beaten.

Fire Fist Ace put on his hat and was excited in his eyes, "Navy?" "

I haven't seen you in a long time." Although

Bai Jing wanted to rob the warship, he didn't mean to cause too much killing.

If the Navy doesn't know what to do, then he can't be blamed.

As a person who has crossed over, he is the most reasonable, and the navy should understand the principle of bartering, right?

Exchange your little pirate ship with their big, fully automated naval ship.

Makes sense, doesn't


"Vice Admiral Mole, it seems that there is a pirate ship ahead, do you want to shoot it down?"

The naval sergeant behind him looked at Bai Jing's side from afar, and immediately reported to the vice admiral in front.

And this lieutenant general Bai Jing is also familiar with it, that is, there are many episodes of moles in the pirates.

He picked up the binoculars, looked at it from afar, and when he found that there was really a pirate ship, he immediately gave the order.

"Pirates, they should be captured on this sea, and since we have encountered them, let's bombard. "

Give the order to go down, go full speed, get close to this pirate ship, and blast them into the water with a cannon.

After listening to Vice Admiral Mole's arrangement, the naval sergeant behind him immediately straightened up and saluted.

"Yes. "

On this huge naval warship, a whole 10,000 navy, above this.

This navy warship, which is 300 meters long and 10 meters wide, makes Bai Jingna like it very much.

Such a large naval warship must be bold when it goes out.

Anyway, he only needs to use this naval warship to get to the Champot Islands, and the rest is not something he has to consider.

As for being pursued by the navy

, don't make trouble, he has the Thunder Fruit on his body, and the Burning Fruit, plus Ace, Little Oz, and the proper three Seven Martial Sea combat power.

Unless the Admiral came, no one could stop them.

"The pirates in front, obediently surrendered, and there was still a glimmer of life.

"Otherwise, don't blame us for being under the cannon and showing no mercy. The

voice of the navy, from above the warship, came from afar and fell into the ears of the three people.

Ace and Bai Jing had calm faces, and drove the pirate ship in the direction of the warship, without the slightest intention of evading.

And little Oz leaned forward behind the pirate ship, blocking his huge head from being discovered by the Navy, which could have a surprising effect.

Although there is only one naval warship, it is enough.

Bai Jing alone is enough, because his body is not afraid of Hailou Stone, and he is not afraid of sea water, but he still has the ability of Devil Fruit.

This kind of bug setting is destined to make him invincible.

As the warship got closer and closer, the mole saw that the pirates did not have the slightest intention of repentance, and said, "Open the cannon and blast down the pirates on the other side." At

this moment, this huge cannonball shot out of the pitch-black muzzle.

Dozens of shells, a salvo towards the pirate ship.

Ace's body was lit with a raging flame, and his two hands stretched out their index fingers and crossed them into a cross.

Aiming at the incoming shells, he said, "Crossfire." The

two index fingers crossed to form a cross and a cross-shaped ray of light emanated from the fingers.

After aiming at the opponent, it shoots flames into the cross-shaped light and shoots it at the target.

This flame, from the index finger, shot out in a steady stream, shooting a pillar of fire in the sky, straight through the dozens of cannonballs.

This pillar of fire swept through all the shells.

The cannonballs exploded in unison before they could touch the pirate ship.

After doing all this, Ace squatted slightly with his feet and forcefully walked in the direction of the warship in the distance.

When he was in the air, his hands burned into fists of fire and burst out towards the sea, and with the help of a huge reaction force, he smoothly landed on the naval warship.

Bai Jing looked at Ace who had passed, and couldn't help but speak, "I'll have to find the yellow ape another day."

"His glittering fruit would have allowed me to cross such a distance, otherwise there would have been no force. "

His Thunder Fruit has the strongest Thor form, and when he transforms into Thor form, he can also fly for a short time.

His whole body turned into an arc of thunder, rushed towards the naval warship, and disappeared into the pirate ship.

The two of them came to the navy ship suddenly, and the navy had not yet reacted.

When he really saw the faces of the two of them, the eyes of the vice admiral mole were full of disbelief.

His pupils were shocked, his face stiffened, and his hands and feet were slightly cold.

"Fire Fist

, Ace!" "How is it possible, aren't you already dead?"

In the battle of the Top War, he witnessed Ace die after being punched in the chest by Akainu.

How could he not be surprised that he was now in front of him intact

, and that his ability to burn fruit was still there, which was completely out of line with the conventions of the world.

Bai Jing was still shocked when he saw so many people, and he took the lead in breaking the silence of everyone.

"There's nothing to guess about.

"I opened this mountain, I planted this tree, and I want to pass by and leave it to buy road wealth."

"My favorite thing to do in my life is to make friends and barter.

"My pirate ship was generously given to you, and you give back to me this naval warship, isn't it too much?"

Bai Jing smiled, and kept scanning above to see where the warship was driving.

And everyone came back to their senses, and when they heard what Bai Jing said, they couldn't help but be furious, "Boy, you are delusional, what are you dreaming about in broad daylight?"

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