Everyone scolded and scolded, but the first thought that came to their minds was that I, as a navy, had been robbed.

And they're pirates!

How could there be such bold pirates?

Robbery, robbery, actually robbed their navy.

What is wrong with this world

? Shouldn't pirates run like mice see cats when they see the navy?

Fortunately, this man took the initiative to jump from the pirate ship onto the navy's warship, and the two of them didn't run away in the face of their 10,000 navy, and even went on a reverse robbery!

Could it be that his brain was burned out?

"Boy, are you okay, are your brains broken?"

"We are the navy, you are a pirate." "

Do you know the identity difference?" the

naval sergeant on the side couldn't help but remind.

Bai Jing nodded, of course I knew very well, that look was very innocent.

He said, "You don't want to lose your life because of a warship.

"Besides, whoever said that whoever is on a pirate ship must be a pirate. "

I'm standing on the Navy ship now, why don't you say I'm a Navy?" Lieutenant

Admiral Mole looked at Fire Fist Ace and clenched the long knife in his hand.

The justice behind him will definitely not make him take a step back.

Even if on the opposite side is the Fire Fist Ace who has the strength of His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas.

Ace greeted Lieutenant General Mole slightly, "Lieutenant General, don't come unharmed."

"I didn't expect it to be more than two years since I said goodbye to the war.

"How do you think I should give back to you navy?"

As soon as the words ended, Ace's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

He shouted, "Divine Fire, Ignorant Fire!"

After turning his hands into flames, he threw a flame spear composed of fire and stabbed his opponent.

Burns and deals damage to opponents while piercing them, and is suitable for melee combat.

His hands burned with raging flames, and long pillars of flame formed, allowing him to have enough impact speed to kill the lieutenant general mole.

Before the lieutenant general mole could react, he hurriedly waved the long knife in his hand, his hands turned black, and his armed color was domineering, and he bombarded Ace.

But Ace's speed was too fast, and this move also achieved a surprising effect.

The two huge spears of fire passed through the body of the mole lieutenant general.

Fortunately, he was armed and armed in time, otherwise under this blow, Lieutenant General Mole would have to bleed.

He was knocked back a few steps, and after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he still had a lot of combat power.

The lieutenant general is definitely not just talking, he also has great strength, and the long knife in his hand suddenly turned into a black long knife, and the armed color is domineering.

Perform the Navy Six Style and fight with Ace.

The navy on the side saw that it was Fire Fist Ace, and he already had a retreat in his heart.

Seeing that Bai Jing was a newcomer he didn't know, they all went to kill Bai Jing.

Persimmon has to pick a soft pinch.

These thousands of people quickly gathered and blocked the water in Baijingwei, one circle inside and one circle outside.

With a gun in his hand, he kept shooting at Bai Jing, trying to shoot him to death with a gun.

Shirai didn't have the slightest intention of resisting, and let the guns penetrate his body.

His whole body was elementalized, and after this gun penetrated, a spark was brought out, and the whole person turned into a burning man.

He grinned, "Salute first, then soldier, this is the etiquette in my hometown."

"It's not about right or wrong, it's just a difference in position, and I promise I'll be lighter."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Jing's hands burned into a raging flame.

His whole body spun in place and went up to the sky, shouting, "Flame Ring, Pillar of Fire." "

After using the Flame Ring, the collected flames are rotated by both hands to turn them into a long flaming pillar, and then instantly shoot upwards and hit the sky.

While in mid-air, it is also possible to shoot downwards to blast the ground to clear enemies below.

Countless small flames continued to fall from the sky, cleaning up the surrounding navy.

The moment the flame fell on them, it burned violently, and everyone hurriedly rolled in place to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

When they extinguished the flames, Bai Jing's figure was like a ghost, constantly shuttling back and forth on the boat, turning into thunder.

The whole person is constantly elementalized again.

The fist was covered with high-voltage thunder and lightning, and one punch went down, stunning one to death.

In just a few blinks of an eye, the number of fallen navies beside him has reached hundreds.

And the number is still increasing, and the fighting over there can only hear the screams of the navy.



surrounding navy collapsed, lost its voice in terror, and shouted loudly.

"There are actually two people with the ability to burn fruits on this naval warship!" One

is Fire Fist Ace, and the other is Bai Jing.

Lieutenant General Mole's face was already speechless with shock, there were actually two people with the ability to burn fruits!

Even the current naval government, the world has not developed such fruit capabilities, and Baker Punk has not developed the same fruit.


didn't think about it, but he didn't care about anything else, and in the battle with Ace, he had already begun to lose the upper hand.

Lieutenant General Mole hurriedly waved the naval long knife in his hand, hurriedly resisting Ace's punch after punch.

Ace's fist also has an armed domineering spirit.

Two black fists, in constant hand-to-hand combat.

Although the long knife in his hand was covered with armed color domineering, it still didn't have any effect on Ace, and his elementalization was too domineering.

Ace was able to be killed so easily by the Red Inu because of the restraint between the fruits, but now he is not a fruit powerhouse.

The strength of the lieutenant general should be about the same as that of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, but what he is facing is Fire Fist Ace.

"Can you tell me why you suddenly came back to life?"

"I've seen you die in the top war.

Vice Admiral Mole asked, puzzled.

The long knife and fist in his hand were still waving, and the movement did not stop.

The flames on Ace's body became more and more turbulent, and they struck around the body of Vice Admiral Mole, and sparks filled all around.

Ace just laughed.

"There's a lot more you can't think of.

"New hatred and old accounts can be counted together today. The

flames in Bai Jing's hands slowly disappeared, and thunder and lightning appeared.

The domineering of this thunder fruit, it is definitely not a problem to kill many navies on the field.

However, if he still kills these people, what difference will he have with those pirates who slaughter villagers at will?

Although he disdains the navy, he has to admit that most of the navy is indeed carrying justice.

And most of the pirates are the madmen of the sea.

He did no harm to the world, but he longed to sail freely and freely on the sea.

So, be a One Piece, how free!

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