"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu It's true. Brother Bista was penetrated by the blood blade and then fell to the ground. Blood flowed all over the floor."

"And they didn't even spare Brother Bista's body, they even took the body aboard the ship!"

The Explosive Head cried to the phone bug. The tragic situation of Bista was really sad for the listeners and shed tears for the listeners.

As a result, the people in the White Group exploded directly on the spot.

"This is impossible!"

Ace shouted, threw away the phone bug in his hand, stood up and ran towards the boat docked on the shore.

"Calm down! Ace!"

Marco jumped up and pressed down Ace's body, yelling at him loudly.

"You mean, Bista was killed by the kid from the Shichibukai?"

The white beard who had been sitting on the stone pier, holding a big bowl and drinking wine, put down the wine bowl in his hand and stared at the phone bug on the ground.

"Is it Dad? I'm Ques, wuwuwu, that's right. Brother Bista was killed by the Shichibukai. I want to take revenge, but I can't beat that guy."

"And he also said that dad, you are already old and can no longer shock the pirates of the new era!"

Afro-head Quess was still embittering the phone bug.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was angry. Their companions could be defeated, but they would never allow anyone to insult their father like this.

"Gu la la la la, what an arrogant kid! Marco, I'm going to see this kid in front of me tomorrow, do you understand?"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, his domineering look rising to the sky. Marco knew that his father was really angry. The murder of his son was the most unacceptable thing for him.

"I understand, Dad. I'll go catch that Shichibukai brat right now."

Marco said, and then he activated his ability, spread his wings, and flew into the sky.

"I'll go too!"

Ace said as he jumped into a speedboat in the sea, activated his ability, and flew over the sea with flames.

Afro cried with Whitebeard for a while, then put away his Den Den Mushi and hid in the woods, watching Kuro who was drinking.

"You should be happy now, because when dad comes, it will be your death!"

After Afro said, he lurked down. He wanted to keep an eye on Kuro and the others in case Kuro and the others evacuated at night.

After a silent night, Kuro got up early and glanced at Bista, who was still sleeping, and walked to the deck. Start eating the breakfast Paul prepared for him

"Paul, there is not enough bacon this morning. I can't even eat enough."

Kuro complained to Paul, holding up the empty plate.

"Captain, it’s not that there’s not enough bacon, it’s that your appetite has increased again. Well, this is the fifth time I’ve doubled the food for you."

Paul held the spatula and looked at Kuro helplessly. Recently, the captain's appetite has become more and more alarming. Every time the amount of food is doubled, it is still not enough for him.

"No, I don't think I've been eating a lot lately, I'm even trying to lose weight."

Kuro immediately denied that being able to eat a lot didn't exist, he was even starving himself.

""Okay, okay, I'll prepare another breakfast for you now."

Paul said and went back into the kitchen to prepare the meal.

Kuro was left sitting on the boat. He picked up the newspaper on the table and wanted to open it to read the latest news. As soon as he opened the newspaper, he saw a headline:

"fire punch!"

A fire fist suddenly sounded, hitting Kuro directly, and then sent Kuro flying into the woods on the shore.

Ace and Marco arrived

"Enemy attack!"


Ryan ran out of the cockpit, transformed into a human-animal in an instant, held a mace at Ace, raised his hand and struck out with a slash

"Fire Fist!"

Ace threw a fire fist to block it. As soon as the two sides came into contact, a huge explosion occurred.

Then Ace's lower body turned into an element, and he flew directly to the deck on fire.

"Call out your captain! The Whitebeard Pirates are here to seek revenge!"

Ace said loudly, staring at Ryan fiercely.

"If you want to see the captain, you are the only one who sets fire to me!"

Clo and the others also walked out of the cabin and stared at Ace after transforming into beasts.

"Yang Yan!"

Ace didn't waste any words, and directly hit Clo with a flame. Clo saw this and opened his mouth.

"You are the only one who knows how to play with fire!"


A black flame spurted out of Clo's mouth and hit Ace's flame directly. It was like gasoline meeting fire, and it directly ignited Ace's flame.

"Damn it, what kind of ability is this!"

Ace quickly cut off the flames output, and the black flames instantly burned out Ace's flames.

Then he rushed towards Ace

"Immortal thistle!"

Marco suddenly appeared, his wings burning with immortal fire, and blocked the blow.

"Is there another enemy?!"

"God’s sanction!"


Seeing Marco's appearance, Enel raised the golden scepter in his hand and fired a lightning bolt into the sky.

Then a lightning column fell from the sky and hit Ace and Marco.

Marco saw the lightning column coming and immediately grabbed Ace with his claws and flew into the air to avoid the attack.

The lightning column hit the deck and directly blasted out a piece of charcoal.

"Go fight under the boat, otherwise the boat will be torn down by you guys."

Master Kulei saw the damage to the deck and shouted loudly.


Claude directly spread his wings on his back, flew into the sky, and chased Marco. Clouds were also surrounding his feet, and Ryan stepped on the clouds and rushed into the air.

Enel even turned into elements and soared into the sky, appearing directly. Behind Marco's back

"Twenty million volts! Discharge!"


Enilu stretched out his right hand and aimed a lightning thrust at Marco.


With the blessing of Eniro's full sense of domineering, he really succeeded in sneak attack. Marco and Marco were directly electrocuted and exploded.

A thick smoke rose in the air.

"Crane Claw!"

Suddenly Marco rushed out unscathed in the thick smoke, raised his right foot and kicked it at Enel.

Because the speed was too fast, Enel could not elementalize, so he could only rely on the strength of his arms. Armed Forces withdrew the kick, and then his whole body was kicked directly onto the island, smashing a row of trees.


Enel was kicked and spit out blood as he stood up.

"So strong! Is this the Four Emperors crew that Big Brother mentioned?"

"Well, the guy who kicked you away is the number one captain of the Yonko Whitebeard, Marco the Phantasmal Beast. I guess he wasn't seriously injured."

At this time, Kuro appeared behind Eniro, with his upper body naked, staring at Marco flying in the sky.

"Brother, I'm fine. I was able to withstand the kick just now with the help of my armor."

Anilo said, patting the armor on his arm.

"Well, not bad, hahaha, how about it, do you want to continue playing?"

"That’s for sure, just watch here!"

Enelu said as he flew up into the sky and rejoined the battle.

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