"The white tiger roars!"

"Yang Yan!"

In mid-air, Ryan and Ace faced off against each other. As a result, neither of them faced off against the other, and an explosion occurred in mid-air.

"Brother Marco, throw me on the island. If you carry me like this, you won’t be able to let go."

Marco grabbed Ace with one paw and Ace shouted to him.

"Okay, then you have to be careful."

Marco raised his paw and threw Ace towards the island.

"This is really lucky, and there is express delivery to your door."

Crow was looking up at Ace and Marco in mid-air, wanting to see their battle with Ryan Crowe.

As a result, Marco threw Ace directly towards him.

""Dragon Fist: Full Strength Attack!"

Kuro's right arm instantly swelled, and the entire hand was wrapped in armed color, exuding a terrifying aura, and from time to time, several black and red lightning bolts appeared.

Facing Ace who was flying over, Kuro raised his hand and punched out with a terrifying punch, directly hitting a sonic boom.

"not good!"

Ace, who was still looking back at Marco, heard a sound coming from the front, turned his head and found that Kuro's fist had arrived.

"Boom! ~!"

Ace had no time to elementalize. Kuro's punch hit him directly in the face, and the powerful impact directly shattered Ace's skull.

""Boom~ (Cracking sound)"

The moment he was beaten, Ace lost consciousness. His whole body was hammered to the ground by Kuro, and the ground was directly shattered into spider webs.


When Marco saw Ace being knocked unconscious, he rushed towards the island anxiously.

"Phoenix Seal!"

Marco's claw was burning with eternal flames, glowing with seven colors, and carrying a terrifying aura, it struck towards Kuro's chest.


When Kuro saw Marco coming, his armor hardened instantly and he withstood the kick. Then he was kicked directly into the depths of the forest.

"Ace! Wake up!"

Marco held the unconscious Ace in his arms and quickly used the Undead Blue Flame to stabilize Ace's injuries.

"There is a flaw, Devil's Blade!"

Kro descended from the sky, taking cat steps, accelerating continuously, his right hand formed into a sword shape, slashing down at Marco from top to bottom.

""Whoosh, whoosh!"

Cloe's attack directly cut through Marco's upper body, but then Marco's body ignited with immortal blue flames.

The cut healed immediately, and Cloe's attack did not work.

"What kind of damn ability is this? I clearly cut him open, but after a while, there was no injury at all."

Klo turned back to look at Marco. The place that was burned by the Undead Blue Flame was as if it had not been attacked. He said with difficulty.

"I don't believe he can really not get hurt at all!"

Ryan jumped up with a mace in hand and rushed to Marco's head.

"Tiger power!"

Ryan released his abilities with both hands, causing the fangs on the mace to protrude, and then the armed domineering energy wrapped directly around the mace.

Ryan held up the huge armed mace and smashed it down!

"Immortal thistle!"

Marco used the immortal blue flame in his right hand to create a rotating circular shield, which directly resisted Ryan's attack.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Ryan's eyes were red, and he kept adding strength to the mace.

"You have so much strength, you guy!"

Marco felt Ryan's strength and couldn't help but sigh.

Then he held Ace in his arms and flew up directly, avoiding Ryan's mace.


Ryan's mace hit the ground, and a crack was created in the ground.

"Damn it, he actually dodged it!"

Ryan was unwilling to accept it, looking at Marco flying in the air.

"What a hard kick, Marco!"

Crow came from the forest. As he walked, he looked at Marco in the air and pulled out the Budou Soul.

"Blood Blade Kuro!"

Hearing Kuro's voice, Marco turned to look at Kuro, his eyes full of wariness.

"Since I have received such a great gift from you, I have to show something."

Kuro's eyes revealed a fierce light, and Overlord Color continued to pour into Budu Yuhun. Under the feeding of Overlord Color, Budu Yuhun began to grow.

Soon it rose to three meters six, and the blade continued to exude a bloody aura. , and at the same time, the Overlord color wraps around the blade, constantly firing black and red lightning.

"The overlord's one-sword style kills the heaven and the earth!"

Kuro swung his sword towards Marco, and the black and red slash flew out, directly washing away everything on the ground and slashing towards Marco in the air.

In Marco's eyes, everything between heaven and earth disappeared. With only this slash from Kuro, his whole body seemed to be pulled into another space. No matter how hard he struggled, he could only watch the black-red slash flying towards him. He opened his own chest and cut his body open.

Then his whole body spurted out blood and fell from the sky. Together with Ace in his arms, they both fell into the sea.

"What a terrifying knife"

"The captain's strength has increased again!"

When Ryan and Clo saw this knife, they had only one thought in their minds: the captain is becoming more and more terrifying.

"Ah Da, go and fish them out."

Curo lifted the overlord color's feeding, and Budu Yuhun slowly returned to its original state. Kuro put it into the scabbard.

"Captain, why don't you kill them?"

When Ryan heard Kuro say that he wanted Ah Da to go to the sea to rescue them, he looked puzzled.

"Because there is no need. Every pirate is a partner on the road to hegemony. Unless they are enemies of life and death, there is no need to kill anyone."

Crow said this to Ryan and Crowe with a serious face.

"I understand, Captain. I am too narrow-minded!"

"The captain actually treats all his opponents as partners, how cool!"

"The captain will definitely become the Pirate King!"

"The captain has the courage to become a king!"

""Long live the captain!"

When the crew heard Kuro's words, everyone was shocked and puzzled at first, and then they all looked excited.

They were all impressed by Kuro's generosity and felt honored to have such a magnanimous captain.

""Captain, I'm going to the sea to rescue them now. Suoxi Huangmao, follow me."

After saying that, Ada ran straight to the shore, and this time Suoxi followed Ada obediently, not making trouble like usual.

The three of them went into the sea and soon fished out Marco and Ace.

Both of them were like a puddle of mud. They were already seriously injured and fell into the sea, which made them weak.

"Old man, I'll leave them to you."

"I understand."

After saying this, Mr. Hua Si directed Ada and the other two to drag them into the cabin's clinic and put them next to Bista's bed.

Then Mr. Hua Si began to treat the two.

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