"Really, every time something happens, Lord Kaido drinks too much, can't you just wake up!"

In the castle on Ghost Island, Runti, a sixth-born member, said loudly!

"Okay, sister, shut up!"

Pejiwan nervously covered Runti's mouth, but was punched away by Runti!

"Xiao Pei, you are actually trying to smother me to death!"

Seeing the two of them fooling around, Jin got angry and kicked them out of the castle.

"Brother Jin, calm down, calm down."

Drought Jack tried to calm Jin down. Just as Jin was about to say something to him, Kaido suddenly fell from the sky and crashed into the castle!

"Hey, Jhin, don’t you think it’s too boring now?"

Kaido returned to human form, holding a wine gourd, and asked while drinking.

"Lord Kaidou, what do you think?"

"Let's make a scene. Since the Blood Blade guy has made a good start, don't let this storm stop!"

"Jin, Jack, you two lead people to capture Lingling's territory. I want to see if she is really crippled by that kid Xueren!"

After saying that, Kaido picked up the wine gourd, drank it all, and then smashed the wine gourd and laughed out loud!

The sky over Ghost Island was covered with dark clouds, and a few lightning snakes flashed from time to time!

On Flower and Bird Island, a news bird landed on the shoulder of an old man who was fishing

"Oh, are you here to deliver the news? Thank you for your hard work."

The old man said as he threw a big fish to the news bird.

The news bird took the big fish in his mouth and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls. He turned around and took out a newspaper and handed it to the old man, and then flew into the air again.

""Hmm, huh?"

The old man put away his fishing rod, opened the newspaper, and saw the news about Kuro defeating Big Mom. Just when he was about to laugh, he saw Kuro, Akainu and Kizaru died together! He immediately stopped laughing, frowned, and his expression was full of solemnity!

"This kid wouldn't die like this."

The old man looked at it twice nervously. After confirming that it was really Kuro, he looked worried.

"asshole! Morgans is looking for death! Notify cp0 to kill him!"

The bald five-star slapped the newspaper with his palm, and the table below was smashed to pieces!

"I will inform you now."

Huangmao Wulaoxing walked out and contacted CP0 to ask them to activate the spies planted in Morgans' place and kill Morgans!

"Immediately edit the photos of Cullo's arrest into news and broadcast them. In two days' time, there will be turmoil on the sea."

The bearded Five Old Star said in a low tone.

"Damn it!"

After the bearded five old star finished speaking, he dialed the phone number of the Warring States Period.



"Zhan Guo, you must immediately spread the photos and news of Xue Ren’s arrest!"

"I have been doing this for a long time. At the same time, I have notified the lieutenant generals of each branch and asked them to broadcast it together!"

Sengoku held the newspaper with an ugly expression, and Garp beside him was eating senbei like a normal person, and the clicking sound in his mouth was particularly harsh!

"If there is nothing else, I will hang up. I have other things here!"

After Warring States finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Garp, you bastard, if you come back from the East China Sea earlier, wouldn’t these things be over?"

"Why do you have to go visit relatives? The Celestial Dragons asked you to be a bodyguard, but you don't want to go!"

Sengoku roared at Garp. Garp had no expression on his face and even wanted to laugh!

"Warring States Period, calm down, how about some senbei?"

Garp said so, holding the senbei bag tightly in his hand, without any intention of giving it to anyone!

"Get out of here, get out of the way to Impel Fortress, receive the Blood Blade, and make sure he doesn't cause any trouble!!!"

The Warring States Period roared, and Mr. Garp quickly ran out of the door, closed the door, stood outside, and picked out his ears with his fingers.

"As a result, this bastard almost deafened me. Mr.

Garp said as he walked towards his warship, preparing to set out to advance into the city.

"Cap, where are you going?"

"Ah, it's Xiaohe. The guy from the Warring States Period asked me to go to Impel Down City and prepare to receive that guy from Blood Blade. What's wrong?"

Mr. Garp heard the voice behind him, turned around and saw Granny He, touched his head and said

"Be careful when receiving it, and be sure to watch the bloody blade enter the prison with your own eyes. I always feel something is wrong when that guy was arrested this time."

Grandma He said in a serious tone.

"I know, I will imprison him personally, don't worry"

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first, so as to avoid that fellow Zhan Guo from nagging me again."

"Well, go ahead."

After saying goodbye to Granny Crane, Mr. Karp boarded his warship. Bogart was standing on the deck waiting for him.

"Okay, let's go and see that kid Blood Blade."

"Yes, Vice Admiral Garp!"

Grandpa Garp gave an order, and the navy soldiers quickly launched the warship and set sail!

Kuro, who had been in a coma for about three days after eating the last time, opened his eyes and leaned against the wall.

Looking at the flying squirrel and ghost spider sitting in front of him

"Flying squirrel, go get me some food, I'm hungry."

Kuro said hoarsely!

"You bastard, do you know you are under arrest now?"

Before the Flying Squirrel could say anything, the Ghost Spider became angry. He raised his eight knives and was about to slash at Kuro!

"Calm down, Ghost Spider. He is now tied up with seastone chains and cannot move. He just wants to provoke you, and then use the attack to cut off the seastone chains on his body!"

The flying squirrel pulled Ghost Spider and looked at Kuro, as if he had seen through your conspiracy!

"I didn't have this idea, but you reminded me, I can try it next time"

"But now, give me food!!!!"

Crow roared, a terrifying sound wave rushed past, and some cracks appeared on the deck!

"Give him food and shut his mouth!"

After hearing what the flying squirrel said, the three navy soldiers turned around and went up to the deck to get food from the cafeteria. Kuro also stopped shouting.

"Where are you going to take me? The naval headquarters is still Impel Down."

While waiting for the food, Kuro asked boredly about the destination of their trip.

After hearing Kuro's words, neither the flying squirrel nor the ghost spider spoke!

"You will be sent to Impel Down City, and you will never come out again in this life, Blood Blade!"

After Ghost Spider finished speaking in a hoarse voice, he took out a cigar from his arms, lit it, and started smoking.

"Pushing into the city?"

Kuro didn't react after hearing this, with an expression that said,"I have already accepted my fate and there is nothing to worry about!"

"The food is here!"

Three soldiers came in with three food barrels and pushed them in front of Kuro.

Kuro sucked the food into his mouth and chewed and swallowed it. In a short while, he had eaten all three barrels of food!

"If it’s not enough, go get dozens more barrels, hurry up!"

After Kuro finished speaking, everyone ignored him. At this time, Akainu and Kizaru came down.

"Blood Blade, the impel city has arrived, prepare to face the dark life!"

Akainu said in a calm tone with a cigar in his mouth, expressionless!

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