"Really? That's really good news. I can finally sleep in a different place. This broken warship is shaking back and forth when I turn over!"

Kuro didn't have any intense reaction when he heard Akainu's words. He just said lazily.

"Huh, you can still be brave at this time, take him out!"

When Akainu heard Kuro's words, he snorted coldly and ordered the flying squirrel and ghost spider.

"Are they two coming to carry me? I'm afraid I'm not qualified!"

Crow hit his head and knocked back the ghost spider that was coming towards him!

"You bastard!"

Seeing this, thick smoke began to come out of Akainu's body, and half of his cheek began to transform into an element!

"Hahaha, what an arrogant boy, he is not qualified, then I will carry you!"

Kuro looked up and saw old man Garp walking down the stairs with steady steps, grinning, his tiger eyes were majestic without anger!

"The Warring States Period really thought highly of me, and even the hero Garp was sent out to greet me."

Crow looked at Garp, the corners of his mouth raised, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his mind.

"Let's go, you bastard!"

"Hey, lift it up a little, I feel uncomfortable!"

Mr. Garp grabbed Kuro's shoulder with one hand and raised it high. Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider held Kuro's body and legs respectively.

Akainu and Kizaru walked in front, and the three of them held Kuro 's body and legs. Luo walked behind, and the group walked onto the deck and watched the huge door of justice slowly open.

""Squeak, squeak."

With the sound of metal friction, the Gate of Justice opened!

"Wow, there are a lot of people here, isn't Sengoku here?"

Kuro tilted his head and looked around. The periphery of Impel Down was full of naval warships, and the hulls of the warships were full of naval soldiers.

They saluted them. When Akainu and the others heard Kuro's question, they ignored it. The group passed through the Gate of Justice and walked towards the gate of Impel Down!

"Welcome General Akainu"

"Welcome General Kizaru"

"Welcome Vice Admiral Garp!"


On both sides of the road to Impel Down City's pier, there were prison guards from Impel Down City, making military salutes to Akainu and the others, and shouting welcomes!

Kuro listened to the shouts on both sides of the road and felt bored.

"Mr. Garp, you haven't taken a vacation recently to visit your grandson in the East Sea. He is almost 18 years old. I heard that he has been practicing in Windmill Village."

A group of people stood in front of the gate of Impel Down, waiting for the prison guard inside to open the door.

Kuro had nothing to do and wanted to chat with Mr. Garp about family matters. He immediately thought of Luffy.

"What do you mean?!"

When Mr. Garp heard that Kuro was spying on Luffy, he thought that Kuro was going to do something bad to him. He glared and a domineering aura suddenly broke out!

"Hey, calm down, calm down, I don't mean anything else, Ace is my friend, he talked to me about you and Luffy."

Kuro was lying on his back, feeling like a thorn under his back, and said lazily

"Humph, you and he are both bastards. Ace gave up his job as a marine to become a pirate!"

"And that old guy Whitebeard is misleading people!"

When Garp heard that Qrow recognized Ace, he snorted coldly in his nose and put away his domineering aura!

Then he began to scold Ace and Whitebeard!

"Oh, everyone has their own destiny, for example,"

"In order to save the people who had been harmed, I killed that bastard Aaron and the rat colonel who was harming the people."

"But what happened? You actually put a bounty on me and forced me to become a pirate."

"You know, when I first went out to sea, I wanted to be a bounty hunter."

Kuro looked up at the sky, his eyes fixed on the clouds that had stopped moving, and began to lie to old man Garp.

"Huh, that mouse you mentioned deserves to die. You killed him well."

"But Zhan Guo thought that even if he was to be killed, it should be done by the navy. You should have crippled him and then handed him over to the navy."

"Let the navy judge him!"

When Garp heard Kuro talking about Colonel Mouse, he was also very angry.

But his old friend Sengoku was also trying to maintain the balance of the sea.

If someone killed all the navy and was not rewarded, then a bunch of navy killers would appear on the sea!

"Come on, in five years, Aaron killed a lot of humans under the protection of rats, Mr. Garp!"

"Among them was a retired navy soldier who was brutally murdered to protect his child!"

"He didn't die in the hands of pirates, but died in the hands of the devil protected by the navy. How ridiculous is this, Mr. Garp!"

After Kuro lay down, he kept spitting out words, using the yin and yang theory he learned in Zaun in his previous life, to attack Mr. Garp crazily!

"If the navy has to step on the bones of ordinary people to save its dignity, then what exactly is justice?"

Crow looked at the sky and said a killer sentence in a calm tone!

"Big fire!"

Akainu roared angrily, and hit Kuro's mouth with the giant lava fist, instantly smashing Kuro to the ground at the dock. The giant fist of lava exploded instantly!


"Akainu, are you sick? You put stinky lava in someone else's mouth!"

Kuro raised his head and spat out the magma in his mouth. His mouth was filled with the pain caused by burning. He shook his head and cursed Akainu!

"The justice of the navy is not something a pirate like you can understand!"

Akainu roared and punched again!

"All right, Sakaski, the gate to the city is open!"

Mr. Karp, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up to stop them, and then pushed the gate of the city open, and there was a sound of pushing.

"Crash, crash"

"Okay, let's go."

The sound of the door axis turning was heard, and the gate of the impel city slowly rose. Mr. Garp grabbed Kuro and walked inside.


The heavy gate of Push City slowly opened from the inside. Inside the gate, the deputy director of Push City was saluting with a look of���Looking at Mr. Karp with a smile!

"Ah, Admiral Akainu, Admiral Kizaru, Vice Admiral Garp, welcome to my Impel Down!"

"Ah, my ambition is exposed. I am only the deputy director Hannibal. Please give me your guidance!"

Hannibal saluted and extended his right hand to Akainu.

"Well, where is Magellan? Didn't he get the notice to receive the war criminals?"

Akainu stretched out his hand to shake hands, holding a cigar in his mouth, and looked around, but couldn't find Magellan, and then shouted loudly!

"The warden has something to do now. He is in the warden's room on the fourth floor underground. Please come with me!"

"Let this prisoner be handed over to the warden for baptism!"

Hannibal pointed to Shiliu of the Rain and made arrangements.


When Kuro heard these three words, he raised his head and looked at the big-faced man in front of him, who was cold and holding a cigar.

Kuro's mouth corners rose, and a red light flashed in his eyes that no one noticed!


"Ah, before every prisoner enters the prison, they have to strip naked and be sterilized in 100-degree boiling water before they can enter the prison!"

Hearing Akainu's confusion, Hannibal immediately explained!

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