At the same time, the World Conference also kicked off, and a group of kings of the member countries gathered around a huge round table to discuss the issue of security and order

around the world! At the meeting, King Kobra of Alabastan and King Liku of Dressrosa proposed the abolition of

the Seven Martial Seas System! This proposal was approved by all the kings, and finally the Seven Martial Seas System was abolished!

As soon as the screen turns, the navy begins to carry out the operation of capturing the Seven Martial Seas, and the Seven Martial Waters will completely become an ordinary pirate in the future.

Watching the Seven Martial Seas being pursued by the navy on the screen, the audience in front of the screen suddenly cheered, the Seven Martial Seas system was really abolished! I don't know if the Seven Martial Seas system in reality will also be abolished soon, everyone is looking forward to it!

At this time, a new change occurred on the screen

again, and I saw a pirate ship with a white horse on the bow sailing on the sea, and the pirate flags of the straw hats fluttering in the wind.

People recognize the ship as Cavendish's handsome pirate ship, he is the captain of the first team of the Straw Hats, and it is not surprising that he is wearing the flag of the Straw Hats! Cavendish

tells Sleman his story that he was exiled because he was so handsome that women across the country did not want to marry.

In order to compensate Cavendish, the king also specially sent him 500 million Bailey and seventy-four subordinates!

Listening to Cavendish words, many people still think that this Cavendish was exiled because of his second personality, after all, in the previous video, this guy's second personality is very murderous, and it seems that he is not able to control this personality freely!

When Cavendish said that this was the lowest point in his life, there was a loud cry in front of the screen, where is this low point, this is simply a winner in life! They also want 500 million Baileys, plus seventy-four subordinates!

People suddenly wondered, doesn't the second personality hurt his subordinates when he is asleep? Or is he tied up to sleep every time?


, his bounty has not changed at all in the past three years, from 280 million Bailey a year ago to 280 million when he appeared in the arena two years later! With his strength, it seems that it is not difficult to make a name for himself, and the bounty has not changed in three years, which is very surprising!

They hadn't heard anything about Cavendish in reality, except when he suddenly appeared as a supernova a year ago, and they hadn't heard anything about White Horse at any other time!

They could also tell from the previous video that Cavendish was not a heinous person.

Many people speculated that the reason why he went to sea was also to find a way to control the second personality! It seemed that he had succeeded, and when he appeared in Dressrosa two years later, he had been able to temporarily control another personality

! At this time, a new picture appeared on the screen, a pirate ship approached a town, and this unique ship was the one and

foremost! The next second, Bartolomeo's green cockscomb head appeared on the screen.

The townspeople watched the pirate ships appear and take up arms to meet the pirates, and Bartolomeo easily defeats them. The townspeople raised their white flags one after another! The

mayor trembled and said to Bartolomeo: "We lost, we are willing to be your subordinates, let us go!"

The audience also thought that Bartolomeo wanted to conquer this place as their stronghold.

The next moment, everyone didn't expect him to take out a mini Straw Hat Luffy's badge and a Straw Hat and a group of pirate flag stickers, ready to sell them at a low price.

Bartolomeo said excitedly to the people in the town: "Put this on, let's support

the Straw Hats together!" Everyone was speechless for a while, this guy really deserves to be the number one fan of the Straw Hats, and even the Straw Hats have the periphery of the Straw Hats, this guy can't worship himself, and he has to push it to others!

Are you sure that this will not make the Straw Hat Boy black?

Looking at what Bartolomeo took out, the villagers didn't buy his things, they pointed to the pirate flag behind them! The audience in front of the screen was shocked

when they saw this flag, this was actually the territory of the red-haired Shanks of the Four Emperors! Bartolomeo was very angry when he saw this flag, "Four Emperors? So what! Luffy's predecessor is going to become the man of the One Piece!"

The next second, he commanded his little brother to step forward and burn the flag of the red-haired pirates.

When everyone saw this scene, they immediately gave Bartolomeo a thumbs up, this guy is quite a cow! He even dared to burn the flag of the red-haired Shanks! This burning the pirate flag was equivalent to declaring war!

Did he not know the relationship between the straw hat boy and the redhead? If he knew, he probably wouldn't have burned it, right?

Many people suddenly realized a problem, Bartolomeo

is a fan of the Straw Hat Boy, the Straw Hat Boy is a red-haired fan, the fan pot, the idol pot, the fan of the fan's pot, is it a red-haired back? Finally, people came to the conclusion that this pot is red-haired!

As soon as the picture turned, Lao Cai, the captain of the fourth team of the Straw Hat Boat, and the Eight Treasures Water Army appeared on the screen, and Lao Cai had become a new pillar at this time, and he returned to the Flower Country with the Eight Treasure Water Army!

At this time, a very majestic woman came to Lao Cai and put on a bewitching posture, she was Lao Cai's fiancée Huo Lisha

! Huo Lisha said to Lao Cai shyly, the wedding date has arrived, how to prepare for the wedding? Seeing this, Lao Cai told Huo Lisha the truth, and after listening to Lao Cai's words, Huo Lisha directly punched Lao Cai to the ground, and then left angrily! She said to her younger brothers: "It's rare that this girl plans to accept him as the twenty-sixth husband, and she really doesn't know what to do!"

Listening to Huo Lisha's words, everyone felt sympathy for Lao Cai, this lady was really terrible! She already had a twenty-five husband

! People couldn't help but think of another equally terrible woman, the Four Emperors BIG MOM! Her pirate group was established with her family as the core and blood ties as the bond, as if there were more than 100 children alone!

It can be said that the BIG MOM Pirates were completely born by her!

This woman doesn't know how many husbands there are, looking at her children of all races

, there must be a lot of them! Lao Cai on the screen successfully broke off the marriage contract with Huo Lisha after being beaten by Huo Lisha, and married baby5 as she wished, which can be described as a winner in life

! This makes many people envious!

At this time, the four Edio on the screen also formed a pirate ship, and when they came to a small island, they saw several people on the island fighting, and Edio and others joined them.

After they caught the group of people and asked, they found out that this was a thousand-year battle between the Long-Hand Clan and the Long-legged Clan! Edio asked them to stop fighting to help repair the ship, and after the ship was repaired, several people set sail, and they said to the Long-Hand and Long-legged people on the island: "If you want to reconcile or continue to fight, it's up to you!"

Hearing the words of a few people, looking at the harmony between Edio and Brukili, the Long-Hand and Long-legged clans did not continue to fight!

They might as well try to live together peacefully like Edio and Brukili!

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