On the other side, Leo and the others also dressed themselves up as pirates, and they put on pirate hats and helped the people start to rebuild

Dressrosa together! The people of Dressrosa made a mini pirate ship for them in order to thank

the Lilliputians for their help! Usopp's face was used as the bow of the ship! The Lilliputians were very satisfied with this! They gave the ship a name called the Ursolando!

At this time, King Liku of Dressrosa summoned them, and he said that he wanted the Lilliputians to be their personal bodyguards at the World Conference

! Leo and the others immediately accepted the task with confidence!

People looked at the screen speechlessly, and there was no one on the bow of the Straw Hats, the previous Bartolomeo's Luffy predecessor, and now the Lilliputian's Usolando, these bows are really weirder than the other!

Usopp on the Merry was very happy to look at the pirate ship on the screen, it would be better if he could replace his face

! Hairding and the others on the other side of the screen also formed a new giant pirate group, and several people handed over their resignations to Bucky, after all, they had joined the Straw Hat Ship Regiment, and they were not suitable to continue to stay in

the Bucky Express Dispatch Union! Hearing this, Bucky was furious, and he rejected the resignation letters of several people, Hairing and the others were the five most profitable generals of his Bucky Express! There's no way he's going to let these guys go

!But Hairding and the others have made up their minds, and even if Bucky doesn't agree, they're going to leave

! Bucky puts a few people on the list of escapees and sends

people to chase them! The audience in front of the screen didn't expect that these people turned out to be mercenaries from the Bucky Express Dispatch Union, which was somewhat unexpected to them!

They knew that this giant clan named Halding was a mercenary, but they didn't expect it to be a mercenary under

Bucky! Some businessmen sighed that this clown Bucky is very capable!

Two years later, he not only became the Seven Martial Seas, but also started a business and established the Bucky Express Dispatch Union.

This guy must have made a lot of money, after all, there are wars everywhere in this world, and it is already a lot of income to make war money!

At this time, those ordinary civilians are looking at Bucky on the screen with hatred on their faces, this Bucky Express dispatches unions to send mercenaries to the world, which greatly increases the unrest and turmoil in the world, and in the end it will only be them civilians who will pay!

The previous

Doflamingo is also, as the JOKER of the underworld sold weapons to the world, he made a lot of money himself, but he harmed them innocent people! This guy is the most hateful, many people hope that Doflamingo can also be caught in the city like in the video, after all, it is because Doflamingo sells weapons to their country and neighboring countries, and their country is in the middle of a war!

Without a source of weapons, maybe the two countries will cease fighting

! At this time, when Bucky saw that he had established the Bucky Express Dispatch Union, his eyes immediately lit up on the screen, and his mind instantly became active, and treasure hunting is not as fast as making money! At this time

, a huge ship appeared on the screen, it was the Jotamaria of Olumbus! It was also the pirate ship with the largest number of people in the Straw Hat Ship!

Olumbus led his younger brother

back to his country, the Kingdom of Stanting, and then submitted his resignation to the king, and the angry king directly threw the resignation letter in his face! Olongbus was not angry, he went back to the room and slept for a while, at six o'clock in the morning, Olongbus got up on time, folded his pajamas into tofu blocks with a serious face, and cleaned up the

room! Looking at the extremely neat and clean room, many people couldn't help but let out bursts of admiration, this person is completely different from what they imagined!

What surprised everyone even more was that everything in the room was completely symmetrical! It can be called a symmetry maniac

! Everyone was full of black lines, but they didn't expect that this Olumbus, a rough old man, turned out to be a Virgo with

obsessive-compulsive disorder! This rough appearance and his serious obsessive-compulsive disorder actually had a little harmony! Everyone couldn't cry or laugh.

On the screen, Olumbus appeared in the cabin at ten o'clock on time to check the hygiene, and after he touched the wall, when he found that there was still dust, his deputy Columbus immediately taught the crew on duty today a lesson

! Looking at Olumbus, who did not allow the existence of any dust, everyone sighed for a while, good fellow, this is not only an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but also an extremely serious cleanliness patient!

After inspecting the hygiene, Olumbus left the kingdom of Stanting with his fifty-six fleets, and when the king saw that he had taken so many ships, he angrily ordered the soldiers to shell them

! Olumbus gave the king one last salute with tears in his eyes and set sail with tears!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Olumbus began to draw up a plan for the behavior of the pirates.

At four o'clock, the first battle of his pirate career began, after discovering

an island, Olongbus decided to occupy it, and then launched an attack on it! At half past four in the afternoon, Olongbus successfully landed on the island with his younger brothers, but what he didn't expect was that it was an extremely poor island, and the people on the island were so poor that even eating became a problem! Even the house was patched, which was unexpected by Olongbus!

He looked at the situation before him, and immediately felt sympathy

, and distributed the food on the ship to the poor people, who lined up to receive the food, and burst into tears of joy. Some of the children excitedly circled around the food. The younger brothers comforted the children and told them to eat slowly, and then brought out a lot of food for them.

An old woman on the island couldn't believe it was true, and hurriedly knelt down to thank them for their kindness!

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Olumbus left them with a large number of supplies, and then left the island with his men to the joy of the villagers.

Olombus, who got on the boat, was very embarrassed and scratched his head, he didn't understand how he did a good thing when he obviously wanted to become a pirate? This pirate's debut plan was a complete failure!

Looking at Olombus, who was a little helpless on the screen, the audience praised him, although this guy looked very vicious in appearance, he was unexpectedly a good person, and sure enough, people can't be good-looking!

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