At this point, the screen turns, and the young Nicole Robin appears on the screen. At the age of eight, she took the doctoral exam and became an archaeologist with a perfect score!

Robin, who was on the Sky Island, saw this scene and immediately trembled all over, it was a nightmare that she did not want to remember for the rest of her life. The others sensed that something was wrong with Robin and comforted her.

The audience in front of the screen also learned from their conversations that this is O'Hara, a former archaeological mecca. Most people don't know what's going on here when this O'Hara disappeared overnight!

And Nicole Robin, the only one in O'Hara who is still alive, was also offered a reward of 79 million by the Navy, and the reason for her reward was for destroying the warship, but everyone didn't believe it too much, after all, how could an eight-year-old child destroy the indestructible warship?

And it was also said in the previous video that Nicole Robin is the only historian in the world who can decipher ancient texts, and it's not for this reason!

Is the destruction of O'Hara also related to the world government?

At this point, Dr. Cloba admires her as a rare genius, and when he hears that Robin wants to study a hundred years of history, Cloba asks her to swear not to go near the basement again, otherwise Robin will not be allowed to enter the institute and the library again!

Robin, who didn't want to swear, pushed him away and ran out! She didn't understand why she couldn't study the historical text?

Looking at Robin who ran out, Kloba said with a serious face: "She doesn't know what happened a few days ago, Robin's mother Olvia has been arrested, and her fate can be imagined!"

Robin, who didn't hear this, naturally didn't know that Klobah had good intentions for her.

On this day, Robin arrives at the beach, where she meets Vice Admiral Saulo, a giant of the navy who has drifted to O'Hara!

Robin was attracted by Sauro's distinctive laughter and laughed along.

Saulo said to Robin, "My name is Saulo, Haguvar D. Saulo!"

Robin, who heard D for the first time, said suspiciously, "D?

Saulo: "I don't know very well, but I know that our family members all carry this letter. The

audience in front of the screen didn't expect that the giant in front of them actually had a D, and this D seemed to be all over the world, and there were many people who had D, but they had never heard of it. Everyone pondered, what is the special meaning of this letter?

On the screen, Saulo tells Robin that he is being hunted and cannot be discovered, and Robin says, "I won't say it!" The

two became friends in the aftermath of their relationship.

A few days later, Robin, who was chatting with Saulo, accidentally revealed his mother's name, and then Saulo realized that this was O'Hara, and he didn't expect that he would drift here!

Saulo suddenly became nervous, and he said to Robin, "The navy's warship should be heading towards O'Hara by now!" To erase the scholars of this island! You must not tell people in the government that they are academics!

Robin, who heard this, loudly asked Saulo if he was lying to her, and Saulo said anxiously: "It's true, I won't lie to you!" You should go back to town right now and see if anything is out of the ordinary! Maybe your mom has returned!

Robin was stunned when she heard this, and she hurried back to town!

At this time, Olvia told the scholars on the island that the navy was coming to capture them, and after hearing Olvia's words, the scholars of O'Hara did not intend to run away, and there were books they had accumulated for generations. They won't give up here easily!

At this time, the officials of the World Government also came here, and they informed all those who were not scholars to take the items to the refuge ship with their identification!

Residents of O'Hara also realized the gravity of the incident and rushed to the refuge ship to the west.

On the other side, Spandain found the fleeing Olvia, and he said to Olvia: "Your relationship with O'Hara is no longer important, as long as you search the roots, you will soon be able to find evidence of your research on the historical text, and the government is 100% sure." The arrest of you, who have been on the run for six years, is only a small opportunity for the world government. Do you know why the government looks for people from all over the world who are searching for historical texts to connect with O'Hara?

Olvia was shocked: "Is it to warn the people of the world by eliminating O'Hara?"

Spandain got up from the ground and said, "That's right, as long as the destruction of the archaeological holy place of O'Hara is definitely a big event in the academic world, so that the world can see the end of a hundred years of exploration!" Olvia

asked him: "What about the warships on standby at sea?"

Hearing this, Spandain said, "This is so that the sinners who are on display will not slip through the net!" "

Saying that he asked people to solve Olvia!

On the other side, Kloba told Robin to hurry to the refuge ship, and at this time, Spandain came to the scholars with the seriously injured Olvia!

He answered the call of the five old stars, and Kloba said to the five old stars on the other side of the phone bug: "History belongs to all mankind, and no one has the right to stop people's curiosity to explore it!" Five

Old Stars: "If you interpret the historical text, it is possible to awaken the ancient weapons and bring a crisis to the world, even if you have no malice, if there are evil people who want to take advantage of this, the result will be the same!"

Klobah retorted: "No matter what history is, as long as it is created by human beings, we should accept it all, and if we can understand everything without fear, then there will be a solution to whatever happens!" The

five old stars replied: "You are idealistic!"

Kloba: "Really? I think it's because there are secrets in history that you don't know! ... Why did the ancestors deliberately choose to use ore to record history and pass it on to future generations? They will engrave history on hard stone and scatter it everywhere, fearing that if it is written on paper or in books, it will be destroyed. In other words, there are forces in the world that are hostile to them!

The people who heard this all looked at Kloba on the screen with bated breath. Everyone has a premonition in their hearts, and the next words will definitely exceed their imagination.

It is very likely that the hostile force that Klopa is talking about is the current world government, so what is written on those stones is very intriguing!

If it were only the whereabouts of the ancient weapons, the World Government would have allowed these scholars to tell them the location, but they were trying to kill everyone who studied the historical text, which means that the things recorded on it are likely to threaten the rule of the World Government!

Everyone couldn't help but look forward to Kloba's next words!

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