At this time, Kloba on the screen continued: "Assuming that they were destroyed by some enemy, then their enemies should still exist in the following history, coincidentally, at the end of the blank 100 years, that is, 800 years ago, the world government was born!!"

"If the enemies of those who have been brutally erased are the current world government, then the blank 100 years can be understood as the black history of the world government single-handedly erasing the unfavorable facts!"

"By deciphering documents from a long time ago and several historical texts, we finally discovered that there was once a country that existed! The literature shows the majesty of a huge kingdom, which once seemed to have great power, but now the information about it has been completely erased!

"I'm afraid that at that time, they realized that they were going to be defeated in front of the United Army in the name of the World Government, and in order to pass on their thoughts, they engraved all the truth on the stone tablet, which is the historical text that has survived to this day!"

Everyone was stunned to hear Kloba's words, the Giant Kingdom? Isn't that blank 100-year history the process of the World Government's coalition forces overthrowing them?

But if it is only the demise of one country, why would the world government choose to erase this history and not allow others to study it?

Could it be that there is something else wrong with the demise of this country?

Everyone was curious, and they looked at Kloba on the screen expectantly.

After listening to his conjecture, the five old stars on the screen said: "I see, what a bold idea!"

Kloba: "Ancient weapons do pose a threat to the world, but the existence of the kingdom and their minds that will be revealed along with history are the real threats to you!" As for where it threatens you, we haven't seen it yet, but the key to all the mysteries, the name of the kingdom that once flourished—"

The audience in front of the screen all looked nervously at Kloba on the screen, expecting him to say the name of the huge kingdom!

But just as Klobah was about to say the name of the huge kingdom, the five old stars on the other side of the phone bug immediately ordered: "Kill him!"

His nervous expression showed that Klobah was right!

This made the audience even more curious, just a name, the world government is reluctant to let them say it, could it be that there are some special characters in the name of this huge kingdom that can make people find the corresponding thing in reality?

Chat room

: Apu: "Good fellow has opened his eyes, a kingdom that has disappeared, and the world government has to go to great lengths to erase the traces of its existence, how terrible is that kingdom?" And he didn't even let the man say the name of that huge kingdom, it was just a name! Hawkins

: "I don't know what this huge kingdom is, but at least it proves that the world government is so afraid of its existence that it forbids people to study its history!" Becky

: "This huge kingdom should have a very powerful power, and that ancient weapon, the Hades, is very likely to be the handiwork of that huge kingdom, and there is a high probability that it cannot be created with the current technology, otherwise the world government will not go to great lengths to get the Hades!"

Becky: "And maybe there are remnants of that great kingdom in this world, we don't know, but that doesn't mean they don't exist!" The World Government did not let those scholars name the Huge Kingdom, most likely because the name of the Giant Kingdom had some conspicuous signs!

Apu: "It's very likely, didn't that Luo Nandi say that the D-one clan is the natural enemy of God, is there such a possibility, this D-one clan is actually related to that huge kingdom, and the Draconians overthrew that huge kingdom, so there is a saying that D is the enemy of the Draconians?"

Kidd: "In the previous video, Whitebeard also said that finding the treasure would turn the world upside down, and that huge battle. Let's say that ONE PIECE is not a treasure, but a historical text about that huge kingdom, that is, a hundred years of history in that blank space. Kidd

: "The 100-year-old text that contains a blank record is probably in Ralphdrew, and only by finding the correct historical text or signpost can you reach Ralphdrew, and in the process of finding the signpost, you will know the whereabouts of the ancient weapon." So the world government forbade people to go looking for ONE PIECE! And those historians can understand those ancient texts, so the world government wants to kill them! Kidd

: "As long as there are no historians who can read ancient texts, no one will be able to find Lovedrew, nor will they be able to find the whereabouts of ancient weapons." There will be no threat to the world government, and the so-called great battle will not come! Hawkins

: "Upstairs, it's very likely that in the previous video, Nicole Robin once asked Reilly if he knew the blank 100 years, and Reilly replied 'yes', he had been to Ralph Drew, so OPE PIECE could really be the historical text that recorded the blank 100 years!" Hawkins

: "The reason why the World Government offered Nicole Robin a bounty was for destroying warships, is it also because the World Government didn't want the pirates to know that Nicole Robin could read ancient words?" If they knew that to go to Lovedrew, there must be a scholar who can read the text of history, then the Four Emperors should not let go of this only person who can read ancient texts!

Apu: "If this is the case, then Roger, who conquered the great voyage back then, did he also have a man on his ship who could read ancient writing?" Now that he has reached Ralphdrew, why hasn't the secret of Ralphdrew and the great kingdom been told? Isn't there any other reason? Hawkins

: "Isn't Roger's time running out, even if he wants to do something, he has more than enough energy!" But there may be other reasons!

Apu: "If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that none of us would have been able to reach Ralph Drew without Nicole Robin?" Hawkins

: "If we really need signposts with ancient texts on our way to Ralph Drew, we really don't have any hope!" Kidd

: "The Straw Hat Boy is the chosen one, maybe he might become the King of the Pirates!" But I'm not going to give up! "


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