Spandain on the screen took out the golden phone bug to launch the demon slaying order, and the navy on the warship saw the launch of the demon slaying order, and immediately prepared to shell at any time!

Seeing the launch of the Demon Slaying Order, everyone was shocked, they were no strangers to the Demon Slaying Order, and it also appeared on the previous video, this kind of indiscriminate and devastating attack, no one in the entire O'Hara was estimated to be spared.

Is this why O'Hara was left alone with Nico Robin? Could it be that those ordinary people who are not scholars also died under the demon slaying order?

Nicole Robin on the screen sees Olvia, and she recognizes the man as her mother.

Nicole Robin revealed that she was also a scholar in order to recognize her mother, and when Spandyne heard this, she immediately said: "I'd rather kill by mistake than let go, remember her appearance for me, and not let her escape from this island!"

Hearing Robin's words, Olvia finally recognized Robin, and at this time, Saulo also arrived, and Olvia entrusted Robin to Saulo.

At this time, the demon slaying order has been launched, and the scholars are still rescuing the books, and Saulo and the crying Robin want to escape.

At this time, the navy on the warship spotted Saulo's figure, and he immediately said to the pheasant next to him: "Vice Admiral Kuzan, the people on the island are Vice Admiral Saulo who escaped!" The

people in front of the screen were shocked when they heard that Saulo was actually a vice admiral, which was a bit unexpected for them, they thought that this person was an ordinary giant who drifted to O'Hara, but they didn't expect it to be a vice admiral!

It seems that there are also quite a few people in the Navy who do not seem to agree with the justice of the Navy! But it's no wonder that justice in the Navy really went wrong!

Saulo on the screen said to Robin as he ran away with her, "Robin! Your mom is great, O'Hara is great, and the history of this island will one day be told by you, Robin! Tell everyone that O'Hara fought the world bravely!

As soon as the scene turned, Saulo, who had not yet left, was ordered to arrest the scholars who studied history, and they arrested one historical exploration ship after another, and Saulo was very puzzled, and he did not understand why these archaeologists had to die.

He questioned Sengoku: "The other party is just a scholar, why do you have to do it to that extent?" The people I've caught so far, in my opinion, really just want to learn about history! If that research was so dangerous, wouldn't the government help them! The people who took people's lives at the scene were us, and you gave me a proof that they were completely wicked!

Sengoku replied, "Are you suspicious of the government?" Obediently follow orders! Hearing

this, Sauro developed a strong distrust of the justice he was carrying, and he released the captured Olvia, and he became a traitor to the navy!

"With this sense of distrust, I can't stay in the army, although I am acting according to the law, but this operation is too cruel, I just obey the justice in my heart!" Go to your hometown and inform them! Listening

to Saulo's words, the audience developed an extreme affection for this never-before-seen navy, and everyone had a different understanding of justice.

From the perspective of ordinary scholars, they are not pirates, just a group of ordinary people who want to know history, history is something that belongs to all mankind, no one has the right to prevent people from exploring it, no matter what kind of history it is, human beings should accept it all!

From the perspective of world government, although O'Hara's scholars are not bad people, they do break the law by studying forbidden history privately.

But what the world government is doing is really just?

As that Saulo said, this operation was too cruel, in order to eliminate some scholars and even launched a demon slaying order, which is incomprehensible to everyone, there are so many people in the navy who want to arrest some scholars, it is easy, but they launched the demon slaying order This terrible way of attack, those innocent people will not be sent to death in vain?

In the end, O'Hara only had one Nico Robin left, which proved that other ordinary people had also died under the Demon Slayer Order, but people didn't expect much, the navy itself was in the service of the Draconians and the world government.

They also know what kind of existence the world government and the Celestial Dragons are, and the tragedy of the former white town is still vivid.

For the sake of money, the world government concealed the fact that Per lead was poisonous, which made a country go to ruin in a short period of time, and the boy who once wanted to be a doctor finally embarked on the road of pirates!

There is also that high amount of heavenly gold, and how many countries have been harmed will be destroyed. How many people were forced to become pirates because of this?

They're so much more hateful than those pirates! It's completely cannibalistic and doesn't spit out bones!

The navy on the screen aims at Saulo, who tells Robin to flee and he goes to block the navy's attack!

At this time, Robin heard this and ran in the direction of the refuge ship, but the people on the refuge ship did not let her get on the boat!

On the other side, the pheasant blocked Saulo, and he said to Saulo: "If the demon slaying order is stopped by the former members of the navy, it will be too embarrassing!"

Saulo looked at the pheasant and said, "Kuzan! Are you proud of this attack? Let's do it the other way around! It's so weird, you should know that this is an example, and for this the government does not hesitate to erase the whole of O'Hara!

The pheasant said: "For the sake of the future development of the world, there is no way, and the scholars have indeed broken the law, haven't they?" Justice is something that changes form depending on the position, so I'm not going to accuse you of justice! It's just that if you want to hinder us, I can't sit idly by! When

the pheasant's words fell, he saw the refuge ship that had set sail in the distance, and it was instantly bombarded!

The three of them looked in disbelief at the refuge ship that had been reduced to ashes in the distance!

At this moment, the pheasant looked at the bombarded refuge ship, and he couldn't help but feel confused about the justice he insisted on!

At this time, the navy was also full of disbelief, they didn't expect that those ordinary people who had escaped from the range of the Demon Slaying Order would finally die in the shelling!

It is clearly said that it is the government that wants to let these ordinary people go, but why is it going to exterminate them all?

At this moment, many people in the navy have doubts about the justice they insist on, and the purpose of joining the navy is to eliminate pirates, not to bully the weak.

In the previous video, the world government's approach has already chilled them, is this kind of justice really what they want?

The audience in front of the screen watched this scene angrily, and they were relieved when they just saw that the refuge ship had set sail, thinking that these ordinary people could escape and be happy for them. As a result, the next moment, the warships of the Navy directly shelled the refuge ship.

It was only at this moment that everyone understood why only one Nico Robin survived in O'Hara!

Countless people clenched their fists angrily, how can such a navy make them trust?

This is the justice of the Navy?

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