The screen returned to the previous picture again, and Esbagu, who had got the blueprint, was shocked when he saw the content.

He didn't expect that Mr. Tom was going to hand them over such a dangerous thing!

Frankie excitedly said to Espargu, "That's amazing, Esbagu!" Let's try this!!

Hearing this, Esbagu punched Frankie directly in the head, this guy is really afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Tom pulls out another bounty warrant, and it is Nicole Robin.

After seeing Nicole Robin's bounty, everyone immediately understood that Nicole Robin was the only one who could read the text of history, and Tom should be worried that someone would use her to resurrect ancient weapons.

At this point the time came three days later, the day of the verdict.

The judge on the judicial ship had a smile on his face, he had already taken the sea train, he was very satisfied with the sea train designed by Tom, and he intended to exonerate Tom from his guilt!

The people of the Water City also arrived, and they were all waiting for Tom to come to the Justice Ship, when the Justice Boat was suddenly attacked!

The audience in front of the screen watched very strangely, who was attacking the judicial ship?

Frankie looked at this scene and blamed himself for the ship he had built as a tool for Spandam to frame Mr. Tom!

At this time, the people who were attacked came outside in a panic, and saw a row of fleets appear on the sea, and someone recognized it as the battleship made by Franky.

Frankie on the screen was also full of disbelief, he didn't understand why the battleship he made suddenly appeared here?

And at this time, a person appeared on the screen, looking at the appearance of Spandam, everyone immediately understood that it was Spandam who manipulated the fleet to attack the judicial ship!

As soon as the screen turns, Spandam leads people to Shipwreck Island to arrest Tom, and Spandam puts Tom on the charge of attacking the Justice Ship!

And the crowd of onlookers looked at Tom who was arrested, and did not understand why Tom would attack the judicial ship, and he was about to be exonerated from the crime.

But the audience has already understood, Hades blueprint!

I didn't expect that Spandam to frame him in order to get the blueprints of Hades!

This is also shameless!

Everyone was furious!

The people of the world government are so shameless that they can't find Tom's crime, and they forcibly create crimes to frame him!

How many unjust, false and wrongful convictions have arisen in this way?

Many people are afraid, if the world government wants to arrest someone, even if he abides by the law, the world government will have various reasons to arrest him, and even if he doesn't, they can frame him like in the video, after all, the video has clearly told them.

Then there was a feeling of powerlessness, and no matter how unacceptable the actions of the world government were, there was no better choice for them now.

They just want to live this life in peace.

Many people comfort themselves that as long as the knife does not fall on them, they can barely accept this government!

Spandam didn't expect this scene to be exposed, and he was immediately a little panicked, this kind of thing is completely fine to do in private, after all, what he does is for the world government, and for being promoted.

But at the same time, this matter is also shady, once people know about it, he will be finished!

The five old stars looked at the screen with some displeasure, and the displeasure was that the system exposed all this, they felt that there was nothing wrong with everything that Spandam had done, and for the sake of the Hades design, this method was understandable.

The only embarrassing thing is that this matter has been exposed, although Spandam did everything to get Hades, but now they need a scapegoat, and they can't protect Spandam, and this matter has to be explained to people.

At this time, Frankie on the screen roared angrily: "The criminals who attacked the Justice Ship are not us!! It's a guy named Spendham standing there!! Hearing

this, the onlookers burst into laughter, they didn't believe Frankie's words, after all, why did the people of the World Government attack the Justice Ship?

The people in the Water City in front of the screen watched this scene in shame, they already knew that Tom was wronged, and that the attack on the Judicial Ship was done by their own people!

How could they have believed that Spendham's words so easily?

Tom was the hero who rescued them from their difficulties, but without Mr. Tom's sea train, they might have been a pile of bones by now!

They didn't even believe their savior at all, and they didn't even think about why Tom attacked the Justice Ship.

Obviously about to be acquitted, at this juncture, how could Tom attack the justice ship, such a simple question, they didn't realize it at all, they were all led by the nose!

Countless people lowered their heads in shame, embarrassed by their hilarious self on the screen!

On the screen, Spandam pointed to the warships and said to Frankie, "Aren't those ships all made by your company?!"

Frankie loudly denied it: "The ship that did that kind of thing is no longer my ship!"

Hearing this, Tom broke free of the chain and punched Frankie in the face, Esbagu looked at Tom in disbelief, this was the first time Tom hit Frankie!

Tom panted and looked at Frankie and said angrily, "'It's not my ship!'" 'Frankie... There is only one sentence that can never be said!!

Frankie retorted, "Am I wrong about that?" I regret it so much! If it weren't for those boats, everyone wouldn't be hurt!!

Tom said to him, "It doesn't matter what kind of ship it is... There is no such thing as good or evil in shipbuilding... It doesn't matter what ship you want to build in the future!! But... The ship you build, no matter who you hurt, even if it destroys the whole world, as its parents, you must love it!! Don't blame it!!

Since you built your own ship!! If it's a man, lift my chest!!

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and they didn't expect Tom to break free from the chain and refute Frankie because of this.

At this point, Tom on the screen has realized that it is absolutely impossible for him to turn over.

He punched Spendham in the face.

Looking at the beaten Spandam, the audience suddenly felt comfortable, this guy is really speechless!

Spendam on the screen immediately ordered the surrounding navy to shoot!

Looking at the fallen Tom, Spandam sneered: "Haha~ You stupid fish man, you deserve it!! He

was then ordered to be arrested immediately.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers around looked at this scene and shouted, "I didn't think Tom was such a dangerous guy!"

What the hell was he thinking?

That guy really sold his soul to the pirates!!

They built battleships... Just to wait for this opportunity!! The

people who saw this scene were speechless.

These guys actually accuse Mr. Tom!!

They were the least qualified of the group to blame Tom.

If it weren't for Mr. Tom's sea train, these guys would have starved to death.

As a result, now they are in turn and will take revenge! What a pack of white-eyed wolves.

At this time, the people of the Water City were too ashamed to raise their heads, they really didn't look at themselves on the screen.

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