On the screen, Frankie looks at the people around him accusing Tom and angrily wants to refute it.

At this point, Tom stops him and takes charge of the attack on the Justice ship.

He said to the presiding judge: "If the construction of a sea train can offset a crime, I hope to use it to offset today's guilt." The

presiding judge replied, "Even if I accept your request, I will only return to the original point, and it will be enough to sentence you to death by making the ship of One Piece!"

Tom said, "It's better!" I'm incredibly proud to be a part of someone like Roger!!

Tom said to Frankie: "Although I have been charged with the crime of 14 years ago, everything is different from before, and this island is already full of vitality!"

Henceforth... No matter what I will do, I want to help the city's dream finally... It was realized..."

Everyone watched this scene speechlessly, Tom had given too much for the island, but the island did not give him anything in return, and the people who lived on it fell into the ground!

It's sad!

On the screen, Spandam ordered the arrest of the three men at once, but the presiding judge stopped him: "Wait!! The charges have changed... Thought One Piece Gore. D. Roger's charge of building a pirate ship takes shipbuilder Tom to the island of justice! The verdict is as above. Hearing

the presiding judge's words, everyone suddenly had a good impression of the presiding judge, this presiding judge was okay, and he was the one who delayed Tom's sentence before.

Hearing this, Spandam was upset, but he agreed with the presiding judge's verdict, and he stepped on Tom's face and asked the navy to escort him to Justice Island by sea train!

At this time, Frankie couldn't bear Spendham's behavior anymore, he took out a stick and hit Spandam in the face, yelling, "Give me back Mr. Tom!" Frankie

chased him to the tracks of the Sea Train, and in the face of the oncoming train, Frankie raised his weapon to stop the Sea Train!

The audience didn't expect this Frankie to do this!

But his behavior is tantamount to blocking the car with a mantis arm, which is of no help at all, and maybe he himself may die on the spot!

Frankie on the screen was as everyone expected, and he was knocked out of the air at once.

After being knocked into the air, Frankie was unconscious for an unknown amount of time, and finally woke up, when an abandoned ship appeared in front of him, and he used scrap to reshape his body on board.

On the other side, Esbagu inherits Tom's legacy, and he decides to change the city!

Four years later, Esbagu was nominated as a candidate for the next mayor.

At this time, his secretary Kalifa appeared on the screen, looking at this secretary, everyone already understood that the world government at this time had not given up, and sent CP to continue to lurk around Esbagu.

The audience knows that Esbagu is indeed holding the blueprint of Hades!

At this point, Kalifa reported to Esbagu that a man who identified himself as Kati. Flam's guests wanted to see him, and upon hearing the name, Esbagu immediately understood that it was Frankie, and that he was still alive!

But now that he also realizes that he is being watched by the government, Espagu hides his excitement and asks Kalifa to drive Frankie away!

Privately, the two meet, and Frankie accuses Esbagu of doing things for the government, while Esbagu thinks that Frankie killed Mr. Tom, and the two have a big fight.

Esbagu gave the blueprints of Hades to Frankie and told him not to use Katy. The name Flam, now that the world thinks he is dead, it is safest to hand it over to him!

Esbagu said to Frankie, "You leave the island with this!" Frankie... Tom's Studio's Katy. Flam is dead!! As long as you don't use that name, I'll have nothing to do with you!

And as long as you get out of here... The blueprints will disappear with you!

At this time, Frankie listened to Aspargu's words and said worriedly, "What would you do if they came to you for a design?"

Esbagu said: "This design plan related to the future is the great Mr. Tom in exchange for his life!" Don't forget that the woman named Robin can bring weapons back to life!

As long as the danger exists, it must also exist as a countervailing force!

I'm holding... Even if they are killed by the World Government, I will not hand them over!!

Esbagu explained to Frankie and told him that the two would never see each other again.

The audience didn't expect Esbagu to hand over the blueprints to Frankie at this time, but CP9, who pretended to be a secretary, didn't recognize Frankie!

Then everyone figured out that Frankie had been using Kati before. Flam's name appeared before the world, while Katy. Flam had already died before, and this was still the news announced by the World Government, and it was estimated that she thought that the person was just a person with the same name and surname!

People can't help but rejoice, fortunately, Espargu handed over the design to Frankie early, otherwise maybe the group of CPs would really find the design, and when the time comes, the world government has really created Hades, which is definitely not a good thing for them!

If the world government sees which island the people and countries are unhappy, just find a reason and excuse, and go straight to the past, this country will cease to exist!

At that time, there was really no place to redress the grievances!

Spandam watched as Esbagu handed over the Hades blueprint to Frankie, and was so angry that they were almost going to get the Hades blueprint!

It's no wonder that CP9 has been undercover by Espargu's side for five years, and he has found nothing, and the feelings, the blueprints of Hades have been handed over to Frankie early!

At this time, Lu Qi and the others looked at the screen with a little difficult face. Flam had already appeared in front of them, and they had missed the blueprints with Hades!

If only he had recognized Kati at the time. Flam is the Frankie after that, and they don't have to waste five years in the Water City!

That's so much to do in five years!!

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