At this time, all the pacifists were concentrated on the shore, and Sentomaru was still thinking about where the Straw Hat Boy was, when a vague but familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

He looked into the distance, and two vague figures in the rain gradually ran towards him.

"Sanji ~ Robin ~ Nami~" Luffy shouted while holding Merry in one hand.

Melly, who was held in his hand, couldn't speak at all, and when she looked up at Zoro and wanted Zoro to stop Luffy, she realized that Zoro was gone.

She shouted a little anxiously, "Luffy, Zoro seems to be gone!" "

Huh?" Luffy stopped and looked behind the empty man, "What a headache, that road idiot lost again." "

Melly, who heard this, glanced at him and wanted to complain about him, 'You yourself are no better.'

Before Merry could speak, Luffy suddenly jumped out of place, and the place where they were still standing was instantly hit by a laser shot.

An axe slashed at Luffy, who was still in mid-air, "The Straw Hat Boy has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Luffy dodged in mid-air and landed steadily in the distance, "Ah, what are you..."

Luffy thought back to his name, thought for a moment, and realized it, "Maruko?!"

Then he said helplessly: "It's really troublesome, I have to rush over to meet Sanji." Can't you just let me go?

Zhan Taomaru caught the axe and roared angrily: "I'm Zhan Taomaru, the captain of the Naval Science Unit, you remember it for me, Straw Hat Boy, I won't let you pass!"

Luffy snapped his nose, "yes, is there anyone else here besides you and those robots?"

Melly watched his movements with some disgust, struggling to break free from his hands.

Luffy glanced at Merry suspiciously, but Merry had no choice but to resign himself to letting him continue to carry it.

Sentomaru's face was full of seriousness. "How could I possibly tell you! Uncle Ben is the world's first tight-mouthed man, Sentomaru! Then

he replied: "In addition to the pacifists, there are six warships at sea, as well as several naval ships, scattered in all directions!"

Listening to Sentomaru's words, Luffy was stunned for a moment, and then thanked happily, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

As soon as he finished speaking, he reacted in hindsight, and was a little annoyed: "Bastard, those were what Uncle Ben wanted to say just now, and he didn't answer your question, but even if he knew, what could he do?"

Luffy looked at the person in front of him strangely, this person was really funny.

Sentomaru looked at Luffy angrily, then remembered something and asked, "Straw hat boy, how did you escape from the old man?" "

Old man? Who? Luffy thought for a moment, "Could it be that uncle?" Doesn't seem like he's too old?

Merry reminded beside him: "The uncle in his mouth is the Admiral Yellow Ape, didn't he eat the Huiqing Pill." Hearing

Melly's words, Luffy suddenly understood, "I see." He looked at Sentomaru, "There's another uncle over there to help, and Sabo and Ivan-chan are too."

"What did you say?" Sentomaru was about to continue to say something, when the rain suddenly formed a waterspout in one direction, and Zoro appeared in front of them panting.

Luffy shouted in surprise, "Yo ~ Zoro!" You're finally back! You idiot attribute should let Chopper take a good look at you. Sauron

was speechless, "It's you who are lost, and in a blink of an eye, you're gone!"

Merry looked at the very confident Zoro, with a helpless face, these two people are not reliable at all, a road idiot, an idiot.

Sentomaru looked at Roronoa. Zoro also appeared here and immediately ordered, "PX, focus on attacking Straw Hat Boy and Roronoa!"

The pacifists around who heard the order all aimed at the two of them, and the laser beam was condensed in their mouths, Luffy and the two looked at the large number of pacifists, and couldn't help but be surprised, "The navy has dispatched all the pacifists?"

Zhan Taomaru looked at the expressions of the two of them, and said with some pride: "This is only part of it, Dr. Vegapunk's research is more than that!" Die, Straw Hat Boy!

Just as the pacifist was condensing the laser, the surrounding rain suddenly stopped in mid-air, Merry looked at the stopped rain with some confusion, Luffy looked into the distance, and saw a swordsman dressed in purple appear there.

When they saw that person, several people were stunned, how could he appear here?

Although the person in front of them was much younger than the one in the video, they still recognized this person as the one on the video who would become the admiral's code name Fuji Tiger in the future.

Sauron immediately prepared for battle, and the man in front of him did not know whether he was friend or foe.

Especially in the video future, he joined the Navy, and although he doesn't seem to be an extreme person, Zoro is not sure if this person is good or bad.

Sentomaru also had a solemn face, this person didn't join the Navy like in the video, what is he going to do when he appears here?

Fuji Hu looked at a few people, pulled out the gravity knife in his hand, and when the scabbard was closed, the ground was instantly pressed out of a large pit, and the pacifists who were still condensing the laser were all pressed into the pit.

Luffy and Zoro looked at Fujitora in disbelief, this person is here to help them?

They don't seem to know him, do they?

Sentomaru looked at Fuji Tiger in the distance and shouted, "What are you doing?" Do you want to be the enemy of the government?

Fuji Hu smiled slightly, "The old man just wants to see what kind of person the straw hat boy on the video is, as for the reason for this, it's just that when he came over, someone asked the old man."

He looked at Luffy, "The Straw Hat Kid has wanted to meet you for a long time!" Then he sighed with emotion: "In reality, you are younger than you look on the video, you are really an amazing teenager!" "

Luffy is puzzled, he knows this person, on the previous video, he appeared as an admiral, but he didn't expect to help him now, but...

Luffy looked at Fuji Hu, this uncle, he doesn't hate it, even if it's the navy, he doesn't hate it, and on the video, he also helped them.

Fuji Hu smiled slightly, "Although I really want to talk to you, but now your main task is to get out of here, and your partners, they seem to have encountered a crisis."

After hearing this, Luffy looked at Fuji Tiger and raised a smile: "Thank you, uncle!" Then he turned to Sauron and shouted, "Go, Zoro." With that, he continued to run towards the beach with Merry, followed by Sauron.

Over there, Zhan Taomaru wanted to stop it, but Fuji Tiger was staring at him from a distance, Zhan Taomaru was helpless, so he had to watch the straw hat boy disappear into his field of vision, this time, they were too aggrieved.

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