Zoro followed Luffy all the way, running and turning his head around a corner, and Luffy grabbed the collar and brought it back, "Zoro, you are really hopeless."

Zoro's face turned red, "You're embarrassed to talk about me, and you're not much better."

Luffy laughed, "I can't run straight and turn a corner."

Merry looked at the two of them with a headache, neither of them was much better, and the eldest brother laughed at the second brother.

The two taunted each other all the way, and after a while they came to the beach, the heavy rain obscured the view, but Merry suddenly sensed the Sunshine that was parked in the distance.

She pointed the two in the direction, and Luffy immediately said that he could take the two of them over.

Merry stopped him, Luffy's fourth and fifth gears were hugely expensive, she didn't have much combat power, but she could manipulate ships that were within her perception range.

Luffy asked, "Do you have any good ideas?" "

There's a ship around here, I can steer it to get here, and you're in charge of dealing with the navy up there." As she spoke, Melly closed her eyes and felt everything around her, and within her perceptual range, all the boats appeared in her mind very clearly.

She steered the nearest ship toward them.

And at this time, one of the colonels on the ship looked at the ship that was suddenly heading in one direction and immediately asked, "What's going on?" Who gave the order to sail the ship? The

navy on board looked at each other, and they didn't know who gave the order to sail the ship.

The navy at the helm over there looked at the rudder that suddenly moved on its own, and hugged it tightly, trying to control it, but it was useless, and the ship was still heading in a certain direction.

Luffy and Zoro looked at the ship coming towards them in the distance and shouted excitedly, "It's coming, it's coming!" As he spoke, he grabbed Zoro and Merry and stretched out his arms in that direction, and jumped directly onto the navy ship with the two of them.

The navy looked at the Straw Hat Boy and Roronoa in disbelief. Sauron, couldn't help but take a few steps back, the colonel's face was covered with cold sweat, and he shouted in disbelief: "Straw hat boy, why are you here?"

Luffy didn't answer him, grinning, Zoro looked serious, and said as a matter of course, "We requisitioned your ship." "

What are you kidding?!"

The colonel immediately gave the order, and all the navy raised their weapons to attack the two, and Melly ducked to the side, quietly maneuvering the ship towards the Sunshine.

After a few moments, the two of them dealt with the navy on the ship and threw it out into the sea.

The navy in charge of the lookout on the navy warship was very puzzled when he saw the naval ship that appeared, and hurriedly reported the incident.

A rear admiral on the warship took the binoculars in disbelief, and after seeing the real navy ship, he angrily shouted to the navy next to him: "What's going on with that ship?" Why don't you do what you're told? Contact them now! The

navy next to him trembled a little, "We are in contact."

As soon as his words fell, the phone bug in charge of contact had been connected, and Luffy's voice came over there, "Moses Moses, I'm Luffy, and I'm the man who wants to become the King of the Pirates!"

Before he could finish speaking, a crisp voice with a fist on the head sounded, followed by an ethereal voice from a child, "You idiot, why are you answering the phone?" Didn't the Navy know that we were in control of this ship? With

a chirp, the phone was abruptly hung up.

The navies looked at the phone that was hung up, they didn't expect it to be the straw hat boy who answered the call, and the rear admiral who reacted roared angrily: "What the hell are you doing?" I didn't even know that the Straw Hat Kid had snatched the boat! Then

he ordered an attack on the naval ship, and the navy on the side asked, "What if there are any of us on board?" The

rear admiral looked indifferent, "The moment you become in the Navy, be prepared to die!" Whether the Straw Hats have done good deeds or not, they can't change the fact that he is a pirate.

As long as it is a pirate, we will destroy him, and it is glorious to die to destroy the pirates! This is the meaning of the existence of the Navy! When

the surrounding navy heard this, they all went into action and aimed their shells at the naval ship.

On the other side, Luffy had a big bag on his head, kneeling on the deck as if he was admitting his mistake, Melly next to him pointed to his head with some annoyance, and Zoro clasped his hands on his chest and looked like he didn't care about himself.

Melly looked at the two of them tiredly, the long black hair that was wet from the rain was tightly pressed against her face and looked very desolate, she was just a child, why should she worry about such a thing?

Every minute of missing Nami's sister.

Just as the three of them were in their own fugues, the shadow of the Sunshine appeared in front of them in the distance.

At this time, the dense cannonballs rained down on the ship, Luffy got up from the deck and looked into the distance, then stretched out his arms, grabbed Zoro and Merry with one hand and flew towards it.

Just as they left, the naval ship under their feet was instantly sunk by a shell.

The navy in charge of the lookout over there immediately reported when he saw the ship sunk, and the rear admiral nodded in satisfaction, even though he knew that the Straw Hat Boy was unlikely to die as a result.

Nami and the others on the Sunshine looked strangely at the naval ship that was hit in the distance, and said with some confusion: "What's the matter?" How did they fight themselves?

When Usopp brought his binoculars to take a closer look, a long hand reached out from a distance, and Luffy flew over with the two of them, landing firmly on the deck.

Everyone on the ship shouted excitedly after seeing the three of them, "Luffy! Are you alright?

Chopper hugged Zoro with tears in his eyes, and Zoro pulled him away, "Okay, let's find a way to get out of here."

Melly was relieved to look at a few people, she didn't want to go alone with Luffy anymore.

Robin patted her head comfortingly, and Melly looked up at her, all the tiredness swept away for a moment.

Sanji said to her, "When it's safe to get out of here, I'll make something to eat for you." Hearing

the food, Luffy's eyes immediately lit up, "Sanji, I want it too, I want it now, big fish and big meat don't want vegetables."

Sanji: "If you die, can't you bear it?"

Luffy clasped his hands on his chest and pouted, wanting to say something, but Nami punched him in the head, and Luffy, who was holding the bag, immediately said, "Zoro is right, let's get out of here first."

Seeing Luffy, who had changed in an instant, Merley suddenly looked at Nami with bright eyes.

Nami was embarrassed by Merina's adoring eyes, and although she wanted to ask them what had happened, the top priority now was to get out of here as soon as possible.

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