The days passed quickly.

The headquarters of the Navy is in full swing of reconstruction.

Those high-ranking admirals of the Navy also left the Navy headquarters one after another and returned to their respective military bases.

As for Karp, of course, he went to the New World to prevent Kaido from retaliating against the naval headquarters of the New World.

Ron also followed Karp and left the naval headquarters together for the New World.

Originally, Ron planned to go alone.

But thinking that Drought Jack was killed, Kaido must be very angry, it is better to follow behind Karp, there is something on Karp.

Who let him now be a little worse than Kai.

When he is more powerful than Kaido, he can hang Kaido, there is no need to worry.


On a sea area, Ron was resting, and suddenly a person jumped on Ron’s warship.

“Boy, don’t rest, it’s better to get up and compete with me to see who eats more doughnuts.”

Ron rolled his eyes, completely ignoring Karp.

Although he eats a lot, he doesn’t have the heart to compete with Karp, and he still eats donuts in competition.

And he had just finished cultivating, how could he have that time.

“Okay, Ron, young man, don’t be so lazy, you should have some luck.”

Karp patted Ron’s shoulder with a big hand.

These hands were very powerful, and Ron felt that his arms hurt a little.

Sure enough, Karp is also worthy of an iron fist, he doesn’t look very big, but his strength is very large.

Ron’s heart was even more speechless, and there was no rest to rest.

That donut eating competition, there is a chance.

Not only Ron was speechless, but the peach rabbit on the side was also speechless.

If it weren’t for Kapu’s strong strength and relatively high status, Peach Rabbit would definitely have to reprimand Karp.

Actually disturbed Ron’s rest.

Ron had just trained and was exhausted and needed a good rest.

“Lieutenant General Karp, Lieutenant General Ron has just trained and is already very tired, please let him rest.”

Peach Rabbit eventually walked out.

“I know, I know, Ron is tired and needs to give him a break, okay, that’s it.”

Karp burst out laughing, not knowing what Peach Rabbit thought of Ron.

But Karp didn’t say it, just smiled.

Although he was just laughing, Peach Rabbit’s face was still red, and he turned his head a little embarrassed, not daring to face Karp directly.

I always felt that Karp’s smile was a little weird.

“Karp, what else is going on with you? If nothing happens, I suggest you go and take a break, because it won’t be long before Kaido comes to the door, and then it will trouble you. ”

Ron couldn’t help but say.

Having just practiced and exhausted physically and mentally, Ron really wanted to take a break.

The main thing is that Karp is usually a bit of an idiot, who knows if he stays here and will not affect himself.

Idiots are said to be contagious.

Karp is full of black lines.

If he remembered correctly, Kaido was provoked by Ron, and even if he wanted to find trouble, it should be trouble for Ron.

Why should he solve Ron’s troubles?

“Smelly boy, if I remember correctly, it was you who caught Drought Jack, even if Kaido is coming, it is still a trouble for you.”

Karp said unwillingly.

With this opportunity, it is better to go home and waste time here.

His grandson was just born.

“Karp, whether you go or not at that time, I won’t go anyway, when something happens, it’s also your business.”

Ron would never take the initiative to find Kaido.

At least not at this stage.

Only when his strength is enough and Kaido is no longer in his eyes, Ron will go to Kaido.

Karp didn’t say anything more.

If Kaido comes, only he can block it.

As for Ron, although he can fight Kaido, it is estimated that the defeat rate is extremely high, and he will definitely run away when the time comes.


New World, G5 base.

Since the advent of the era of pirates, there have been a large number of pirates every day, and the burden on the navy has increased significantly.

Especially throughout the New World, there are wars every day, and there are a large number of pirates competing with each other.

In order to fight for the ethereal One Piece.

The Navy was under particularly high pressure and had to abandon some unnecessary naval bases, leaving only this one naval base.

It is precisely because of this that this naval base can be regarded as a bridgehead for the Navy, which is of course very important.

In order to prevent the only naval base in the New World from being destroyed by Kaido, Karp was sent to guard this base.

After Kaido’s mood stabilizes, there is no need to arrange for Karp to be stationed.

“It’s finally here, you can take a good rest.”

Karp glanced at the naval base in front of him, jumped lightly, and jumped directly above the base.

At the moment, there are already a lot of navies waiting here in the port.

After all, it is the legendary hero Karp of the Navy who came today, and there is Ron, a rising star of the Navy, and these people naturally have to be welcomed.

“Lieutenant General Karp, Lieutenant General Ron, you will be in trouble for the next period of time.”

Ron stood behind Karp and glanced at the base commander in front of him.

He didn’t know him, not Doflamingo’s henchmen in the original book.

It is likely that Doflamingo has not yet developed well, and even if it is inserted into the navy, it is estimated that it is just an ordinary navy.

Not everyone is the same as Ron.

“Okay, Lieutenant General Kane, don’t be so polite, in the next period of time, it will trouble you.

If Kaido shows up, I’ll help stop it, so you don’t have to worry. ”

Kane was also really relieved.

He was afraid that Kaido would be angry, and then came to his military base to find trouble, what should he do then.

Fortunately, Karp came.

As long as Karp is here, even Kaido can be leveled.

At most, this base is dilapidated, but as long as the base is still here, it can be rebuilt.

“Lieutenant General Karp, Lieutenant General Ron, I have prepared lunch, I will take the two of you to dinner now.”

Karp said a few words very politely, and then followed Kane.

From beginning to end, Ron just nodded politely, and other than that, he didn’t say a word.

Soon, several people came to the canteen of the naval base and had lunch together.

After that, Ron, led by the navy, came to his residence at this base and settled down temporarily.

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