A month later, the G5 base.

Ron sat on top of the ruins, looking around, a little speechless.

The one who can do this is naturally Kaido the Hundred Beasts.

After returning to the new world, Kaido dealt with the pirates who wanted to occupy his territory for the first time.

Then I came to the naval base and wanted to find trouble with the navy.

In the end, with the combination of Ron and Karp, Kaido lasted less than two days before he was exhausted.

This is also Kaido’s playing style, plus a strong physique requires a lot of physical strength, so he quickly fainted.

Like the red dog and the green pheasant in the original work, it took ten days and ten nights to divide the victory and defeat.

But again, because Kaido is too desperate, Karp and Ron are also physically exerted.

“Really, this bastard, actually came here to trouble me and waste my time so long.”

Karp sat next to Ron with a donut in his hand, eating while glancing at Kaido lying on the side from time to time.

Just after a battle, Karp’s clothes were already worn out, and he was a little tired.

The same was true of Ron, his clothes tattered.

Although Kaido is very powerful, Ron does not dodge and has been fighting with Karp.

Because fighting with the strong can increase proficiency, of course Ron will not give up such a rare opportunity.

After more than a day of fighting, Ron gained a lot.

【Name: Ron】

【Swordsmanship: LV10】

【Two-color domineering: LV8】

【Overlord color domineering: LV5】

After such a long time of fighting, Ron’s proficiency has increased a lot, whether it is swordsmanship or two-color domineering.

It’s just that the sword art has reached the limit of this world, and although the proficiency has increased, the power has only increased a little, and it has not broken through the limit.

On the contrary, it is two-color domineering, with such a long time of training, coupled with the accumulated crime points, both broke through to the LV8 level.

This took Ron’s strength one step further.

Of course, for this reason, all of Ron’s sin points were consumed, and there was nothing left.

In addition to these skills, Ron also has the Navy Six, but in order to upgrade the previous skills, the Navy Six has been LV5 level for so long.

“Ron, what are you thinking?”

Karp saw that Ron was thinking and couldn’t help but interrupt Ron.

“Nothing, nothing at all, I’m just thinking about whether to train two-color domineering or train my body in the next period of time.”

In terms of swordsmanship, it is impossible to increase in a short period of time.

Only by increasing your two-color domineering, as well as your own physique, can you enhance your strength.

“Ron, I personally recommend that you strengthen your physical training.

Only if the physique is strong enough, the two-color domineering is more powerful, as for your swordsmanship, it is already very powerful, do not increase the strength in a short time. ”

Although Karp did not fight Ron, his vision was very vicious and he was well aware of Ron’s flaws.

Ron nodded.

Long ago, Ron knew that his physique was his biggest flaw.

But Ron didn’t have any good options but to train slowly.

After all, the system cannot increase the physique.

Especially after fighting Kaido yesterday, Ron found that his physique was really a big flaw.

“You’re right, it seems that in the next period of time, I will strengthen my physical training.”

Ron thought about it too.

As long as the physique is sufficient, the two-color domineering increases quickly, plus the accumulation of sin points, the upgrade is faster.

Although the simple use of sin value is fast, if you do not have enough physique, it can be regarded as leaving a big flaw.

Ron found that every time he fought, once he used armed color domineering, it was a great burden on his body.

It is estimated that it is because of insufficient physical fitness.

Only by training the physique while increasing one’s two-color domineering can it be regarded as real training.

“Well, Ron, I’ll teach you a very good method, I used this method to train a very strong armed color domineering.”

Karp put one hand on Ron’s shoulder with a very smug expression.

It was because of his hard training that he received the title of Iron Fist.

Few dared to give him a punch.

Ron remembered the picture in the original book, full of black lines, and couldn’t help but look at Karp.

“Lieutenant General Karp, what you shouldn’t say is that if you hit one mountain with your fists, and when you burst five mountains, you can train a strong physique.”

In the original work, Karp used this method to train a strong armed color domineering, and finally punched the head of the green pepper of the cone.

“That’s right, that’s the method, how’s that? Isn’t it nice? I didn’t expect you to think the same, it seems that we have the same idea. ”

Kapu laughed, even more proud.

Ron rolled his eyes and glanced disdainfully at the triumphant Karp.

But seriously, this method is still very good, otherwise Karp would not have become so strong.

It’s totally this perverted training.

But Ron has a better way, and that is to fight Karp.

Combat is the fastest way to train.

Karp also noticed Ron’s eyes, and immediately turned around, covered the donut in his hand with his hand, and looked at Ron warily.

“Smelly boy, I tell you, this donut is mine, I won’t give it to you, you died this heart.”

Ron: “………”

Is he that kind of person?

He doesn’t have any special hobbies for donut reclamation, and naturally can’t compete with Karp to eat.

And look at the doughnut, caught by Karp’s dirty hands, so that he will not eat this dirty thing.

“Lieutenant General Karp, don’t joke, I won’t grab a donut with you, I’m just thinking, it’s not interesting to fight the mountain, it’s better for me to fight with you in the future, simply use strength to fight.”

Karp breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it’s not a donut grab with him.

“It’s okay to fight with me, but I will only stay here for about half a year, just within this half a year, you accompany me to train well, and it won’t be long before your two-color domineering spirit will advance by leaps and bounds, and your physique will become stronger.”

For battle training, Karp did not refuse.

He also wanted to make Ron stronger.

“Well, in a few days, we’ll start training.”

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