Bang bang bang!!!!

At the G5 base, the two figures kept crisscrossing each other, and from time to time there was the sound of air explosions.

These two people, naturally, are Ron and Karp.

Since Ron decided to train his physique half a year ago, he has rarely gone out to hunt pirates, and most of the time he has trained in the G5 base.

The goal of training is naturally Karp, and the training item is, of course, the physique.

Every day Ron has to fight Karp, and it is still a pure physical battle to increase his strength.

In just half a year, Ron’s physique has increased rapidly.

Half a year ago, Ron’s Dao power value was at most more than five thousand, which was about the same as Robluci.

But in just half a year, the long period of physical combat made Ron feel like he had lost his bottleneck and increased rapidly.

In just half a year, he has more than 7,000 power points, which can be described as an leap and bound.

Of course, Ron also paid a great price for such excellent progress.

Every day will be taught by Karp’s iron fist.

But Ron never gave up, because he believed that one day, even if he didn’t use swordsmanship, he could use his fists to teach Karp a lesson.

Nearby, many navies were watching the two.

Every time the two fight, there are plenty of naval watches, including Vice Admiral Kane at the Navy’s G5 base.

“It’s so powerful, it’s worthy of Lieutenant General Karp and Lieutenant General Ron.”

“Of course, Lieutenant General Karp is the one who has driven Roger into corners many times, and Lieutenant General Ron has defeated the Golden Lion.”

The navy couldn’t help but talk about it.

Everyone’s eyes were full of envy.

If they could, they would also want to have the same strength as Karp and Ron.

Even Base Commander Kane thought the same.

“Ron, boy, you are really powerful, it has only been half a year, and you have already improved so well.”

Karp praised and threw his fist.

Two fists as big as sandbags, like bullets, fist madly, very fast.

Only fist shadows appeared in the air.

The navy around them basically couldn’t see the movements of the two clearly.

Ron didn’t lie, just jumped into the sky, his hands waving non-stop, to meet Karp’s fist.

Although Karp’s fists were hard, like steel, Ron didn’t waver.

Karp had a hint of praise in his eyes.

From being beaten by him at the beginning, to now fighting with him, Ron has really improved too much.

Even his son, who is very good, but somewhat incomplete, is far less than Ron.

Ron fought Karp while keeping an eye on the system panel.

[Armed color domineering: LV8 (240,000)]

[Seeing and smelling domineering: LV8 (160,000)]

In half a year, Ron did not go out much, nor did he hunt for sin, but he also made great progress.

It’s only half a year, and simply by virtue of his proficiency, Ron’s two-color domineering has improved a lot.

However, if it is a sin value, it is estimated to be faster.

After a long time, Ron suddenly got rid of Kaikap and jumped to the side.

“Okay, that’s it for today.”

“Okay, let’s go have a good meal.”

Karp did not refuse, walked directly to Ron’s side, and then hooked up, looking like a good brother.

Behind, Peach Rabbit followed, and her beautiful eyes looked at Ron, without shifting for a moment.

At the same time, the headquarters of the Navy.

Marshal’s office.

Marshal Kong looked at the document in his hand and couldn’t help but sigh.

Finally it was his turn to retire.

Having made such a great contribution to the Navy, he is already old, he is old, it is time to go and enjoy the blessings.

It’s just that at this time, it may be troublesome for the Warring States.

“Sengoku, I am about to abdicate, you are the marshal of the navy.”

“Marshal Air rest assured, the Warring States will definitely do their best to completely smash all pirates, for the sake of the justice of the Navy.”

Sengoku immediately stood up and gave a military salute to show his determination.

The Air Marshal bowed slightly.

With the Warring States saying so, he was relieved.

“By the way, Sengoku, what do you think of Ron? I want to recommend him as the new admiral. ”

Field Marshal Air suddenly thought of Ron and asked.

He was very relieved of Ron’s strength.

As for Ron’s loyalty, it goes without saying, he has caught so many famous sea thieves, and he is usually very hardworking.

The only mistake made, that is, once, inadvertently killed CP9’s person.

But that’s nothing.

Anyway, Ron didn’t know the CP9 people, and it wasn’t intentional, and the world government didn’t say anything, so he naturally wouldn’t hold on to this.

Sengoku also understood what Marshal Air meant.

The Navy does not stipulate a few generals, if there is strength, seven or eight generals can also be.

If there are not enough people, one or two generals will also do.

For example, this one of them.

Ron is strong, young, and, like Red Dog, works very seriously.

“Air Marshal, I think so, Ron is very good, he can be a senior admiral.

Once our navy has four admirals, the strength will increase significantly, and even any pirate group can be suppressed. ”

After listening to the words of the Warring States, the Air Marshal nodded and also firmed his inner thoughts.

“Well, I’ll go and apply to the world government, and once the world government agrees, announce it to the world.”


Soon, the Holy Land Mary Joa, the five old stars, received the report of the Air Marshal.

“Everyone, just now Marshal Air sent a message that he is preparing to make Sengoku become a marshal of the navy, and Ron and the three of Akainu become admirals.”

“I agree, the four of them are good in strength and can become admirals.”

A five-old star didn’t even think about it, and directly agreed.

The other three don’t say, let’s say Ron, the strength is very strong, compared to the green pheasant, he is even more merciless for the pirates.

Such a person can quite become an admiral.

The others also nodded, agreeing with the idea of this five old stars.

In the original work, even Fuji Tora and others who have just joined the navy can become admirals, not to mention veteran generals like Ron.

And the strength is very strong, and the talent is very good, and the five old stars have no reason to refuse at all.

The five old stars who spoke first saw that the other five old stars all agreed, and naturally did not refuse.

Directly told this document to Marshal Kong intact and agreed.

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