Ron lay on the side of the warship, looking at the pirate ship leaving in the distance, and the corners of his mouth curved.

“Doflamingo, you have to work hard to make more artificial devil fruits and give them to me.”

Doflamingo didn’t know that Ron had let him go in order to take advantage of him.

If I knew, I would definitely scold my mother.

This is also Ron does not lack sin values now, or do not look at Doflamingo’s sin values.

If it had been put aside before, Ron’s lack of sin value, even if Doflamingo had a use value, he would not hesitate to solve it.

And now that Ron is in the Navy, some things are inconvenient to do, so he let Doflamingo go.

Behind, Peach Rabbit saw Ron’s smile and couldn’t help but step forward.

“Ron, Doflamingo is a pirate, why don’t you arrest him? Or solved him. ”

The other navies were also very curious.

Ron is notoriously ruthless to pirates, and this time he actually showed mercy to his subordinates.

Everyone is even beginning to think blindly in their hearts.

“Nothing, it’s just that last time, when I was in Rogue Town, I met him, and he was very mysterious at that time, so I wanted to investigate.”

Ron also reacted and immediately made an excuse.

He also subconsciously ignored that there were other navies nearby, and actually released a pirate in front of the navy.

Fortunately, after all, he is a member of the World Government allies, and it is natural to let him go.

The others listened to Ron’s explanation and didn’t say anything, thinking that Ron had discovered Doflamingo’s secret and wanted to investigate deeper.

This kind of thing is normal.

“Okay, pass the order down, secretly follow Doflamingo, but don’t get too close, so as not to be discovered.”

Soon, the naval warship turned around and followed behind Doflamingo’s pirate ship.

But unfortunately, the warship followed for a few days, and it was completely thrown off by Doflamingo.

Fortunately, Ron didn’t care about this either, so he casually made an excuse, then changed direction and continued sailing.

Over the next month, Ron besieged pirates throughout the North Sea.

Whatever is worth sin, Ron solves it all.

If the crime values were only in the single digits, Ron was not such a brutal person and could not see these crime values, and would escort them to a nearby naval base.

In addition to Ron, the other three admirals are also surrounding pirates in other seas.

Basically every day there are newspapers reporting about the admiral.

One day a month later, Ron was resting in a sea area when Peach Rabbit suddenly walked over.

“Ron, there are no more fresh water resources on the warship, we are going to the next town to buy it, what do you think?”

“Of course.”

How could Ron refuse this kind of thing, fresh water is very important, even if it is him, he needs to be replenished regularly.

If there is a shortage of water, how to fight.

After Peach Rabbit got Ron’s consent, he immediately ordered.

“Peach Rabbit, come and help me pinch my shoulders, I’ve been training a little hard lately, and I’m a little tired.”

Ron glanced at Peach Rabbit and patted himself on the shoulder, with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

Peach Rabbit rolled her eyes.

Recently, Ron has not trained much, how can he be tired.

But she didn’t refuse, walked behind Ron, stretched out her hands, and gently squeezed Ron’s shoulders.

Ron closed his eyes and enjoyed it in peace.

I have to say that the peach rabbit is still very beautiful, and with the passage of time, it is becoming more and more mature.

He also began to step up his strategy.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be depressing to end up cheapening others for nothing.

Half a day later, Ron and the others finally arrived in the next town.

White town is another name for the national Frevans, because the whole country has a large amount of metal platinum lead, the whole country is full of ice and snow white, very beautiful.

For this reason, the country is called White Town.

Because the crafts made of platinum and lead are very beautiful, many people buy these crafts, making the people of this country very rich.

But unfortunately, these metals platinum lead have a large amount of toxicity, can accumulate in the human body, and pass on to the next generation.

Once the metal components in the body reach a certain limit, the hair, skin will become snow-white and eventually die.

The world government knew about the situation, but it still hid it, and when it was about to be exposed, it completely blocked the town.

Until the end, the vast majority of the people, except for a small number of nobles, were exterminated to prevent the news from leaking.

The inhabitants of the poor white town, who still do not know it, still live in opulence.

At the port of the white town, the warship slowly stopped.

Ron also stepped down from the warship and looked around.

Although this is not a place where people live, the scenery is very beautiful, and at a glance, there is ice and snow everywhere, which is very beautiful and moving.

Peach Rabbit also stood next to Ron, with excitement in his eyes, and he was equally happy to look at this beautiful scenery.

“Ron, this is the white town, the crafts in it are very good, do you want me to buy you some and put them on the warship, you can decorate your room.”

“No need, I hate these industrial products made of platinum and lead, you don’t have to buy them.”

Ron refused without hesitation.

After all, he knew that these crafts had a lot of toxicity and could accumulate in the human body.

He doesn’t know if he can resist, so it’s better not to buy these crafts.

Otherwise, Ron hadn’t died at the hands of those enemies, and was actually in this metal disease, it would have been tearless.

Peach Rabbit listened to Ron’s words and didn’t think much about it.

Since Ron didn’t want it, she wouldn’t buy it, and she didn’t have to ask for it anyway.

“Okay, let’s go down and take a look, you guys go and prepare some fresh water resources, prepare some food, and don’t buy the crafts here, I don’t like it.”

“Yes, Black Dragon General.”

After leaving the warship, Ron and Peach Rabbit, the two walked alone on the same road, and the rest of the navy had already left.

Ron took the peach rabbit and walked down the street, looking around.

The streets are surrounded by all kinds of crafts.

If it was made of gold, Ron might buy some, but these were all made of platinum and lead, how dare Ron use them.

He didn’t want to get sick for no reason.

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