“Ron, let’s go, let’s go get something to eat.”

Peach Rabbit saw the hotel on the side, took Ron’s arm, and walked straight in.

At this moment, Peach Rabbit seems to be Ron’s girlfriend, very active.

Ron didn’t refuse, so he was pulled by Peach Rabbit and walked into the hotel.

He wanted a good meal anyway.

But as soon as he entered the hotel, Ron suddenly lost his appetite.

Because all the rice bowls and wine glasses in the hotel are actually made of platinum and lead, how can this kind of thing be eaten.

He didn’t want to get this disease one day.

“Peach Rabbit, I suddenly lost my appetite, or go buy some clothes, I think your clothes are a little old, buy some beautiful clothes.”


Peach Rabbit was immediately delighted and lowered his head shyly.

Ron specifically bought her clothes, whether he liked her, and what should she do.

Accept Ron, or accept.

At the same time, while Ron and Peach Rabbit were shopping, on the sea not far from White Town, a World Government ship gradually approached.

This ship is full of expressionless people in black suits.

In addition to these people, there was a somewhat thin looking man standing in the middle.

If Ron were here, he would find out that this person was Spandyne, the chief of CP9 who he had met in O’Hara.

“Sir, Frevans will be here soon.”

As soon as Spandyne heard that his destination had arrived, he suddenly came to his senses, jumped out of his chair, and saw the sea in the distance.

Sure enough, a small black dot loomed and gradually grew larger.

“Lu Qi, this mission, you must succeed, when the time comes, I will recommend you to become a full member of CP9, you can cheer.”

“Got it, sir.”

The one called Lu Qi was a very young boy, but there was no expression in his eyes and no emotion.

It’s like a killing machine.

This teenager is Rob Luch in the original book, and he is also the strongest teenager in CP9 at present.

Similarly, he has been called the strongest member of CP9 in 800 years.

Once single-handedly solved a kingdom’s 500 soldiers, and solved a pirate group, the strength is very strong.

Trusted by Spandyne.

Of course, Spandyne just used Rob Luge as a tool for his promotion, but he didn’t care too much about Rob Luge.

“Report sir, there is a naval warship in front, very large, it looks like it should be a warship above the rank of vice admiral.”

A member of the One World Government noticed Ron’s warship and immediately spoke.

When Spandyne heard this, he immediately looked up into the distance.

Despite the distance, Spandyne could see a warship directly ahead through the telescope.

“You guys hurry up and get close to that warship early, don’t let them steal credit with us.”

Spandyne also thought that Ron had also come to block the White Town by order from the world government, and he was very anxious.

As an official fan, he will never let go of any opportunity for promotion and salary, even if it is the navy, he cannot grab it with him.

This time is no exception.

Of course, the people around knew Spandyne’s thoughts, and although they were disdainful in their hearts, they did not resist.

They knew very well that if they went against the world government, they naturally did not dare to resist Spandyne too much.

Even if Spandyne looks dumbfounded.

Soon, the ships of the world government approached the naval warships.

The Navy also spotted World Government ships.

However, because they are also forces under the World Government, the Navy did not care and allowed the World Government ships to approach.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

As soon as he approached the warship, Spandyne asked eagerly.

On the warship, a rear admiral frowned slightly.

If this is not a ship of the world government, dare to speak like this, absolutely detain him.

“We are here to replenish supplies and prepare to leave immediately.”

Spandyne breathed a sigh of relief, since it was only to replenish supplies, it meant that he was not here to grab credit.

All the credit this time is his.

Think about it, Spandyne is smiling brightly, like a big idiot.

The people of the Navy looked disgusted.

How can the world government find such idiots as the person in charge, is there a problem in the end.

Soon, Spandyne came to his senses and immediately spoke.

“What are you still watching here? Immediately block the town, do not allow anyone to enter or leave, not hurry up. ”

Soon, several world government ships immediately surrounded the entire port.

At the same time, the countries around the white town also sent a large number of soldiers to block the entire white town, not allowing anyone to enter or leave.

Obviously, the world government knows that the matter of the white town will be exposed immediately, so it wants to completely block the white town and prevent anything from spreading.

On the island, Ron and Peach Rabbit buy clothes for a while before leaving the town.

But before leaving, Ron passed a hospital and saw a teenager at the door of the hospital, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Because the teenager resembles a man, a future death surgeon, Trafalgaro.

Whether dressed or dressed, it’s very similar.

Luo stood in front of the hospital, with anger and anxiety in his eyes, obviously encountering something anxious.

Ron immediately walked up and came to Roll’s side.

“Boy, what’s wrong? Why such a hurry? ”

Law glanced up at Ron, then lowered his head again and didn’t say a word, as if he didn’t want to deal with Ron at all.

The corner of Ron’s mouth twitched.

If it weren’t for the fact that Luo might have surgery in the future, he was a good doctor, and Ron needed such a talent so that he wouldn’t take care of this arrogant little ghost.

But since Law didn’t want to take care of himself, Ron couldn’t be cheeky looking for him.

Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future.

As long as Law wants to seek revenge on Doflamingo, he has a chance to subdue Law.

“Little ghost head, no matter what, we must look forward positively, and only with hope will we have hope.”

Ron said something very philosophical, then took out a stack of Baileys and stuffed it into Roh’s pocket.

After doing all this, Ron took the peach rabbit, turned around and left directly.

Luo silently looked at Ron, still a little grateful in his heart.

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