“This is the inventory of empty islands.”

“I’ll go find it first.”

“I don’t know about Anilu, this damn guy… What the hell do you make of inventory! ”

“I have to hurry inside and take a look!”

Ganfort led Ken to the location where the empty island inventory was stored, and then he quickly rushed in and directly began to look for the devil fruit.


The Ark Proverbs of Anilu are still aside.

So the whole looks like an ark.

It’s not very big, at least not as big as a warship, and it’s a little strange, and the Ark Proverbs doesn’t seem to be an ark traveling on the sea, which is really weird.

“I remember… The Ark Proverbs only need to urge electricity. ”

“It can float!”

“This can be… I have the fruit of thunder. ”

“Isn’t electricity all there is!”

Ken stretched out his hand and touched the material of this ark proverb, which felt quite comfortable, and even some of the places where it was built, all made of gold!

Anilu this guy… Could it be that in the dark it is actually an upstart?

I love to make things out of gold!

But…… It’s cheap to him!

“The Gate of Another Space.”

“Open ——!”

Ken opens the door of the alien space next to him, forcibly expands the border of the door, and then pushes the Ark Proverbs into the otherworld.

Fortunately, I carried a different space with a volume of 100 meters.

It’s still easy to fit the Proverbs!

If it were an extremely large ark… It is estimated that the alien space will not be able to be installed.

Ken hasn’t thought of a way at the moment… How to expand the alien space.

It feels quite difficult, and it is a bit dangerous to expand the alien space.

Because of the alien space… Even Ken can’t control it!

If you get lost in a different space.

He wants to come back then… It’s also a difficult thing!

For this.

He didn’t want to think about it for the time being.

“Enter the empty island inventory first and take a look.”

“I don’t know what treasure there is.”

“If only there was… Sneak away. ”

Ken stepped into the warehouse of the empty island inventory.


“Oh my God!”

He was blinded by the various golden artifacts that shone with golden light inside!

This should not have been made by Ganfort!

Definitely that guy from Anilu!

Really…… As soon as he entered, he heard Ganfort’s irritable grumbling.

“Damn Anilu!”

“He actually demolished the Golden City?”

“Otherwise, where did the gold come from?”

“What is this… How did it all become like this! ”

“And the antiques I collected back then? Why is it gone? ”

“And I was back then… Where did the hidden devil fruit go? ”

“Why is the inventory so messy!”

“I’m so annoyed!”

When Ken heard this, he held back a smile on his face, but he still secretly laughed.


He also began to rummage, but he saw a lot of strange things.

It’s just that for him… None of it.

These are all special items of the empty island.

Anyway, in terms of strength… It doesn’t help.

However, he still secretly took the point as a memorial.


When Ken kicked something heavy at his feet, he looked down and found that it was actually a wooden box that had been buried in dust.


“What is this?”

Ken was a little puzzled, and couldn’t help but turn his head and shout.


Ganfort raised his head with a gray face and quickly ran over.

Anilu had organized his inventory so messily that everything he had put away back then had been disrupted.

Fortunately, none of them were destroyed, what a blessing!

For this.

Ganfort came to Ken’s side, and when he saw the wooden box, his eyes widened slightly, and he shouted in his mouth!

“This is it!”

Ken looked puzzled and couldn’t help asking.


“You said it!”

Ganfort blinked, mouthing and explaining.

“It’s the Devil Fruit!”

“You don’t want the Devil Fruit… As payment? ”

“There is a devil fruit in this wooden box.”

“I remember I bought it for a lot of money!”

The voice fell.

Ken quickly ripped open Ganfort, he squatted down directly, and immediately smashed open the wooden box.

Devil Fruit inside?

You didn’t say it earlier!


After smashing open the wooden box… A lot of dust poured out.

But Ken has excellent eyesight… Underneath the dust lies a snow-white fruit, which looks like a pineapple.

“Natural fruit?”

Ken could tell it straight apart.

Superhuman, animal, and natural are actually easy to distinguish.

Although it is not clear what special abilities it has.

But…… I want to distinguish the kind.

It’s actually incredibly simple!

Natural Fruits… The outside looks like a pineapple pineapple.

Ken quickly stretched out his hand and picked it up, patting off the dust on it.

A special natural fruit… Appeared before his eyes.

“Sure enough, it’s this devil fruit.”

“I remember buying it… It cost 900 million Baileys! ”

“This devil fruit is called the Cloud Fruit, after eating it, the body can become like a cloud, and it is born with the ability to fly, but in terms of attack, it does not seem to be very strong.”

After Ganforer next to him saw this devil fruit, the scene he purchased back then gradually emerged in his mind, and he couldn’t help but explain the role of this devil fruit.

Ken heard this next to him, and his eyes were a little surprised.

It seems to resemble a natural fruit!

For example, smoke fruits, which are natural fruits, can transform the body into smoke, and can even fly at low altitudes, but they cannot exceed ten meters.

It’s just that the smoke fruit… Attacks aren’t very powerful either.

If you compare the most top-notch natural fruits, such as shiny fruits, frozen fruits, and magma fruits, there is naturally a lot of difference!

“I want this Devil Fruit!”

“You didn’t have a suggestion, did you?”

Ken did not hesitate to put this devil fruit in his arms, completely ignoring Ganfor’s promise or not.

He helps solve Anilu… Isn’t that what you deserve!


“Don’t worry.”

“This is for you… I had planned it for a long time! ”

This made Ganfort next to him a little helpless.

However, he is not very rare in this cloud fruit.

He didn’t eat it anyway.

It’s even more impossible to eat it now!

He’s already very old… It is impossible to continue fighting!

Plus the empty island has been successfully liberated.

Ganfort is already satisfied!

“And Ganfort… Where is the Golden City? ”

“Let me see it, shall I?”

“I’ve never seen the City of Gold!”

“It should be prosperous, right?”

Ken suddenly thought of the historical text hidden under the golden bell, and couldn’t help but ask Ganfort next to him: “I don’t have much time, after helping you solve Anilu, I also have to leave the empty island.” ”

This surprised Ganfort.

Didn’t expect Ken to leave so quickly?

He also wants to entertain Ken!

It’s so hard for Ken… Defeat Anilu!

It must be a great price to pay!

Let’s be honest.

Ganfort is a little apologetic… Just use a devil fruit to send Ken.

He doesn’t feel enough!

At the very least, add more!

It’s just a pity that the devil fruit … There is only one in stock!


“I’ll take you now!”

Ganfort couldn’t help nodding and walked directly out of the warehouse of inventory, only to find that the Ark Proverbs next to him had disappeared.

Seemingly…… Should have been taken away by Ken.

He didn’t mind either.

Anyway, the Ark Proverbs are Anilu’s stuff.

Ganfort destroy the Ark Proverbs!

Now Ken takes away… Save him time too!

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