Ken followed Ganfort to the Golden City, he looked at the golden bell cast from gold in the distance, he was simply shocked to his heart, and his mouth couldn’t help but sigh.

“Oh my God.”

“You empty island is really rich.”

“If the pirates come to your empty island… I’m afraid I don’t want to move your Golden City away!” ”


Next to him, Ganforer scratched his head helplessly.

He really doesn’t know… How the ancestors forged the golden city.

How much does this cost!

Ganfort is still very saving… For him.

The Golden City looks flashy.

But the Golden Bell is different.

The golden bell is also known as the lamp of Sandora because of its majestic and wonderful bell, like the light in the night, which can guide the direction and light up hope for the fleet sailing in the storm.

Every citizen of the empty island knows this parable.

It’s just that…… No one has ever ever seen the Golden Bell.

Only the controller of the empty island can know where the golden bell is!

So…… Golden City can be without.

But the Golden Bell must stay!

This also made Ganfort a little nervous, what if Ken liked this golden bell?

Do you want to send it?

Wait a minute…… Sending the clock doesn’t seem to be good!

It feels like you want to curse people to death!


Although Ken is so shocked by the Golden Bell, he is not very needed.

His goal of coming here… The first is the thunder fruit on Anilu’s body.

The second is the historical text under the Golden Bell.

Ken walked away, and Ganfort next to him hurriedly followed.


He came directly below the golden bell, where a stone tablet containing the true history of the “blank hundred years” is kept.

Ken looked at the text above, exactly like the ancient text that recorded how to build the design drawings of the Hades battleship!

Still can’t understand at all!


“Ken… Are you clear about the content of this text? ”

Ganfort looked sideways at Ken and found that Ken’s eyes were obsessed with this piece of history.

For this historical text.

Ganfort also knows … There’s probably something amazing going on here.

It’s a pity that he can’t understand it, so naturally he doesn’t know what is recorded.

“I pretty much know.”

“But you don’t have to ask.”

“This is great for the empty island … Very bad. ”

Ken could not read the ancient text of this historical text.

But what is written above.

He already knew it… The content of this piece of history.

It is the location of the ancient weapon – Sea King!

“Poseidon the Sea King… Isn’t it the white star of Fishman Island? ”

“I remember she was a little fishman girl who loved to cry.”

The thought floated through Ken’s mind.

It has to be said.

Ancient weapons… If you get angry.

It can have an incredible impact on the whole world!

Think about it.

Bai Xing cried sadly… It can even attract a five-kilometer-large sea king class to go crazy about this!

Five kilometers of sea kings!

The destructiveness is simply incomprehensible!

“This historical text can be taken away.”

Ken pinched his chin and thought inwardly.

Anyway, there is no use in staying here on the empty island.

It’s better for him to take it back… When the time comes, it will be handed over to the headquarters of the Navy.

It is estimated that it can also be exchanged for a devil fruit!

Contribute to this aspect… The headquarters of the Navy is still happy to exchange!


Ken asked, turning his head sideways to Ganfort.

“This piece of text… Can I take it? ”


Ganfort was a little puzzled, but he couldn’t understand the main text of history, and it was useless to come.

Anyway, Ken doesn’t take away the golden bell!

For this.

Ganfort smiled and said generously.

“No problem!”

“Isn’t that the text… I can’t read it anyway, you take it at will! ”

“It just so happens that I don’t think a devil fruit can repay you yet!”

“As for gold… You can also take away the points. ”

“But the golden bell means the hope of the empty island… This can’t be taken away. ”

The voice fell.

Ken couldn’t help but stretch out his palm, abruptly peeled off this piece of historical text, and then stuffed it into a different space.

The value of the items in his alien space is not low.

For example, the design drawings of the Hades battleship, two devil fruits, a piece of historical text, and the Ark Proverbs!

The gains this time are not small.

As for gold.

Ken did have some thoughts… He learns the art of Anilu’s Rayjin.

Sometimes it takes gold!

For this.

He found that the Golden City was somewhat destroyed, and large and small pieces of gold were spread all over the ground.

This is the moment.

Gold sparkles and lovelies!

“Then I will be respectful and obey.”

“I’ll just take some gold.”

“As for the Golden Bell… I naturally don’t need to. ”

“Don’t worry!”

Ken hurriedly ran over and directly took all the gold fragments on the ground.

He also knows… What the Golden Bell Means to an Empty Island.

If you take it, presumably Ganfort will also have a headache.

“That’s good!”

Ganfort was assured by Ken, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As for other gold fragments.

Ken feel free to take it!

Take more if you like!


Ken had almost collected a hundred pounds of gold fragments, but it was enough.

For the Golden City.

This hundred pounds of gold… It’s just a slightest!


“Now that my goal has been achieved.”

“I won’t continue to bother you.”

“You put the empty island in order.”

“If there is danger … You can contact the headquarters of the Lower Navy! ”

“Over the years… You should have contacted the headquarters of the Navy long ago for support! ”

“No matter how strong Anilu is… It is also impossible to be stronger than the headquarters of the Navy! ”

Ken also had the idea of leaving, but before leaving, he told Ganfort that if he encountered a crisis next time, it was better to call for help from the Navy headquarters.

If Ganfort had been smart, he would have called for help from the headquarters of the Navy earlier.

It won’t be empty for the past six years… In the control of Anilu!

Although Anilu is strong.

But…… The three generals of the Navy headquarters are even stronger than Anilu!

Physically… It is estimated that you can crush Anilu to death!

“Call for help from the Navy headquarters?”

“For the past six years… I want to rely on my methods to save the country. ”

“But it seems that the idea is still too rotten.”

“Call for help early at the headquarters of the Navy… It is estimated that the same will not be the case with the empty islands. ”

When Ganfort heard Kenn’s words, he couldn’t help but sigh slightly.

He is completely old.

Ideas are naturally inferior to young people.

Still too traditional…

If only he could correct his decadent thoughts.

It may not be impossible to make the empty island prosperous!


Ganfort looked up… It is discovered that Ken has disappeared here.

“Goodbye benefactor!”

“I hope to see you again in the future!”

Ganfor’s eyes calmed down, and he couldn’t help but mumble, “Borusaken… This name will be recorded in the history of the empty island. ”

Finish speaking.

Ganfort turned his head and strode into the distance.

It’s also time for him… Regain control of Back to the Empty Island!

Become the ruler of the empty island again!

Lead the empty island to prosperity again!

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