“How am I going to leave the empty island?”

“It just so happens that I have a new move… You can give it a try. ”

After Ken left the Golden City, this thought floated through his mind.

Now that he doesn’t have a warship, he will need a lot of formalities to return to the headquarters of the Navy.


This time I went back and just handed over the main text of history to the headquarters of the Navy.

Whether he can redeem the Devil Fruit is not clear, and the historical text is not easy to explain.

However, he currently has two Devil Fruits in his hand, and as long as he gets three more, he can exchange them for Evolution Crystals.

“Get the Devil Fruit?”

“No, no, no… I can kill the Devil Fruit Ability and seize the Devil Fruit energy out, so that it can also be counted as one! ”

“Now I have to let the Great Sage evolve completely!”

“It helped me so much… I must let the Great Sage evolve into the King of Wisdom! ”

Ken immediately decided on a plan.

After he possessed the Thunder Fruit, he also possessed the strongest means of explosive attacks!

And with the fruit of the door, it can already be regarded as attackable and retreatable!

It’s just perfect!

“Try my move first.”

“Taking advantage of the instability of space… Create a space transfer door. ”

“I call this trick any door.”

“It’s because it’s arbitrary… I don’t know where it will be teleported. ”

Ken already has a lot of ideas for this move and intends to develop it.

Especially after he saw the Great Sage blocking the space, he could even divert Lei Ying’s attack.

His inspiration came out thoroughly, and he had already determined this trick!


“Anilu desperately unleashed Lei Ying… Now I don’t know where to go. ”

“If it hits the country … Isn’t something big? ”

Suddenly, Ken thought of this, covered in cold sweat, and felt not very good.

Control his body at the time… That’s a great sage!

The Great Sage has no mercy for mankind at all, only serving him!

This way.

The Great Sage seems to have a dark belly… How dare to do such a thing!

You must know that Lei Ying’s explosive damage is enough to destroy the entire country!

I hope that Lei Ying has not been transferred to a place with an extremely large number of people.

Otherwise, it’s a brewing tragedy!

Countless dead and wounded!

But he shouldn’t be thinking about these things now… Now I have to leave the empty island.

“Any door.”

Ken stretched out his hand and touched it in the air, and suddenly a strange door opened.

The inside of any door is full of spiral black space, I don’t know where it leads, there is a strange feeling, creepy.

But Ken wasn’t too worried.

If there is a head, there must be a tail!

After he entered any door… Going out is bound to lead to other places.

It is possible to go to the bottom of the sea in the depths of the sea.

It is also possible to go to the location of the final island of Ralph Drew.

Any location.

It’s all random!

“It feels funny.”

“Try it.”

Ken’s figure walked into any door and disappeared here in an instant.


This arbitrary door disappeared into the empty island and returned to its original state in the air.

The empty island also began to return to its previous peaceful life.

Anilu dies.

The empty island was saved.


New world.

Chambord Islands.

Above a building, a pitch-black door suddenly appeared, full of strangeness.

But for a moment.

The door was opened.

Ken walked out directly, but found that there was no entity under his feet, and suddenly the figure fell, he quickly looked down and found that there were many buildings around, and the streets were also full of pedestrians.

But any door… Actually drove into the air?

What a fun!


He adjusted his body, and when he was about to fall to the ground, he suddenly supported the ground with his arms and fell to the ground easily.

“Which is it?”

Ken looked at the surrounding buildings and the pedestrians on the street, his eyes a little surprised.

After he entered any door, his heart was still a little nervous.

After all, he didn’t know either… Where does this arbitrary door lead.

If you go to the depths of the sea, it’s a bit of bad luck.

Even if the way to the Holy Land of Mary Joa… It is estimated that he will be wanted and think that he is an intruder.

Didn’t think of it though.

The place where the first way to … It’s okay.

It also looks quite prosperous, there is no war, it is a peaceful place.


Ken jumped directly from the roof to the ground.

Want to know where you are?

The easiest way… That is to ask passers-by!


“Where is this?”

Ken quickly found a middle-aged man on the street, took out a thousand Baileys in his hand and handed it over, and asked in his mouth: “I am a little lost, if you can tell me, this money is yours.” ”


The middle-aged man’s eyes lit up.

What a generous shot!

Asking for directions actually has this kind of reward, he can’t hate more!

“This is the Chambord Islands, and the area belongs to numbers forty to forty-nine.”

“There are mainly sightseeing areas and souvenir shops.”

“If you want to buy something, this area is definitely the best choice!”

The middle-aged man quickly replied, and thought that Ken was a newcomer who had just arrived in the Chambord Islands and was not familiar with the road.

“So it is.”

“The money is for you.”

Ken had a look of realization on his face, and then casually gave a thousand pieces of Bailey to the middle-aged man.

A thousand pieces of Bailey for him … Of little consequence.

After all, just catch a pirate … There are almost hundreds of thousands or even millions of bounties.

But he was really surprised.

Didn’t expect the first arbitrary gate location to lead to the Chambord Islands!

“The Chambord Islands are extremely prosperous.”

“I remember there were a lot of areas.”

“There is even an auction site.”

“I wonder if there is a Devil Fruit auction?”

Ken suddenly thought of this and a smile appeared on his face: “If there is… Then I must get it! ”

However, it is not far from the headquarters of the Navy.

It’s easy to get back to the headquarters of the Navy.

Moreover, the rulers of the Chambord Islands here are Draco.

“Draco… I’ll teach you a lesson when I have time. ”

“I hope you don’t bump into it yourself.”

Ken’s eyes suddenly became gloomy.

For Draco.

He was so disgusted!

I believe that the same is true of the top of the headquarters of the Navy!

This kind of person wears a bubble hood because he thinks of himself as noble and disdains to breathe the same air as ordinary people, and treats people of other races as slaves.

It should not exist in this world.

“Or… Kill a Draco first, right? ”

“It just so happens that I’m a little upset with them Draco.”

Ken suddenly had a big terrifying idea.

If you kill Draco.

It is estimated that the whole world will boil!

No one has ever killed Draco!

Hurt Draco… Just have to move the admiral!

If you kill Draco… It is estimated that the world government will not be able to hold its breath, right?

This is a good slap in the face of the world government!

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