Ken wanted to find out the whole picture of the Chambord Islands, so he went directly to buy a map of the Chambord Islands.


Some areas are not marked, which is really a headache for Ken, but fortunately he also has a little impression.

No. 1 to 29: Mainly human trafficking shops, human auctions, illegal zones, etc.

No. 30 to 39: There are mainly soap bubble parks, etc.

No. 40 to No. 49: There are mainly sightseeing areas and souvenir shops.

No. 50 to No. 59: Mainly shipyards, coating craftsmen, etc.

No. 60 to No. 69: There are mainly naval garrisons, government entrances and exits, etc.

No. 70 to 79: Mainly hotel streets, etc.

Because the Chambord Islands are close to the headquarters of the Navy.

Even if there are a large number of pirates gathered here… Pirates also dare not be lawless, at most do bad things in secret, and dare not show it openly.

And the naval branch here is held by a vice admiral, who usually deals with the affairs of the Chambord Islands, and the vice admiral is completely enough, even more than enough.

“Now go to Area One and take a look.”

“Although it’s just a population auction… Devil Fruit is also unlikely to be auctioned. ”

Ken felt a little helpless in his heart.

It is worthy of the Chambordi Islands ruled by the Draco.

Actually auctioned slaves on the surface, and even sold slaves.

It’s just incomparably heartbreaking!

This kind of thing… It completely made Ken unbearable, and he wanted Draco to be treated like this!

But this treatment… Ken believes that one day it will be enjoyable to the Draco!


Ken followed the directions on the map and began to head to Area One.

Soon after.

Area XVII.

Ken passed by here.

It’s just that he noticed something was wrong… Passers-by in this area hardly appeared!

It’s a bit too quiet!

“What’s going on?”

“Isn’t the area here welcoming?”

Ken couldn’t help but frown, a little puzzled.

For this.

He felt a little strange, but he didn’t intend to ignore it and continued to move towards Area One.


At this time, in the building next to it, a group of pirates with hideous faces began to slowly walk.

Less than a moment.

Ken was surrounded by this group of pirates, unable to move on.

“So it is.”

“This is a lawless zone.”

“That is to say… This is where the pirates stay? ”

Ken saw this scene with a blank face, and guessed directly in his heart.


The group of pirates who surrounded Ken had a mocking look on their faces, and even said it with a big grin, without intending to pretend at all.

“Little brother.”

“Come in and talk to us?”

“Why are you in such a hurry to leave?”

“It’s been a long time since a lamb has come to our area sixteen!”

“That’s not … The little girl who was the water spirit before… It was perfect!! ”

“Hahahaha… You’re bad enough! ”

And these pirate personnel talked and even put their arms on Ken’s shoulders, as if they were good buddies.


The arms of these pirates suddenly increased their strength, as if they wanted to embarrass Ken!

But Ken didn’t move, this group of pirates wanted to take him down, it was really delusional!



“What did you do before?”

“What a damn scum!”

“Dead ——!”

Ken was originally expressionless, but when he heard the words of this group of pirates, his eyes showed amazing killing intent.

In an instant.

“Nourish ——!”

A terrifying blue-blue thunder lightning burst out from his body, instantly blasting this group of pirates into ashes!


“This area … There is no need to survive. ”

“Then destroy.”

A giant thunder ball appeared in Ken’s palm, like a celestial body, and instantly burst out with earth-shattering power.

In an instant.

“Boom ——!”

Area Sixteen was instantly destroyed!

Previously known as the lawless zone… Disappear in the blink of an eye!

For this.

Pirates, criminals who stayed inside before… All dead!

This is also called the punishment of “heavenly punishment” by the media at that time!

Because of what eyewitnesses said in Area Fifteen next door.

He saw a giant thunder ball at that time, instantly floating in mid-air, and then smashed down, suddenly bursting with terrifying power, directly destroying Area Sixteen!


Ken came out of the aftermath of the explosion without the slightest injury on his body.

For area XVI that has been destroyed.

He had no emotion and no pity.

It’s all pirates anyway… and criminals who usually do bad things.

Otherwise, who would stay in the “lawless zone” of the sixteen regions?

There… Ordinary people don’t know how to die when they go in!

Even…… It seems that an ignorant girl accidentally entered it, causing something unconscionable to happen!

It also caused Ken to feel incredulous.


His emotions instantly became furious… Directly destroy Area 16!

If it was before… He may not have this means.

After all, he didn’t have such a terrifying means of outbreak attack!

Only this time is different… After possessing the Thunder Fruit.

Isn’t this just destroying an area?

If it’s crazy… Give him some time.

He can even destroy the entire Chambord Islands!

But fortunately, when destroying Area Sixteen… No witnesses saw him at all!

After all, the pirates and criminals in Area Sixteen are dead.

So Ken is not afraid of things leaking out.

Even when leaving Area Sixteen.

Ken also uses mimicry sparingly to become the former empty island priest Ohm.

So even if it is found out.

It was only to find out the identity of the priest Ohm!

And not his identity!

“The Chambord Islands are a bit of a mess.”

“It seems that the ruler Draco… I actually plan to leave it alone! ”

“They even allowed the slave trade and slave auctions!”

“It seems that… I had to plan ahead. ”

“Don’t let me meet Draco… Otherwise I don’t mind making you desperate! ”

The corners of Ken’s mouth streaked in a cold arc like a blade.

Is he righteous at heart?

Barely count justice!

It’s just distorted justice!

But at least… He is considered for the people!

He destroyed the area of the sixteenth lawless zone… At that time, there will not be so many unconscionable things!

Although this is to kill the lives of pirates and criminals!

It’s just for Kean.

It’s worth it.

Become a pirate… It doesn’t matter if you did something bad or not.

Ken will also kill without hesitation!

If the camp is not chosen correctly.

Death is also a normal thing.

“Hurry up and get to Area One.”

“I guess it’s very upset over there.”

“But… You’ll have to see, too. ”

The thought of slaves being so miserable made him feel a little unpleasant.


What a damn it!

Only Draco is so bold!

Dare to do this on the surface!

Even the headquarters of the Navy … Nor can it interfere!

Otherwise…… The headquarters of the Navy is so close to the Chambord Islands.

I want to hit the slave market over here… It’s also a very easy thing.


Under the dominance of Draco.

Navy headquarters … There is simply no way to intervene!

For this.

Draco has also abused his power for a long time to do all kinds of vicious and domineering acts in the Chambord Islands!

“Don’t others dare to care?”

“I dare!”

“Draco… Sooner or later I’m going to have to blow down! ”

With this conviction, Ken is moving faster and faster, and is about to reach Area One!

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