
The auction continues.

Ken watched coldly as all the slaves were auctioned off.

During this period, there were very unexpected racial slaves.

But for Kean… It’s not worth mentioning at all.

The middle-aged man in a black suit saw that all the slaves had been auctioned off, and he coughed slightly in his mouth and couldn’t help explaining.

“Ahem, guests.”

“All slaves have been auctioned off.”

“Next… It’s an auction item! ”

“That is, our grand finale item – Devil Fruit!”

“This Devil Fruit… Very unexpected. ”

“It suddenly appeared at the fruit stall… Then it was bought by our auction staff! ”

“It is estimated that after the death of the Devil Fruit Ability… Causing the devil fruit to be randomly reborn on the fruit of the fruit stall, what a good luck! ”

“So I will introduce you to this devil fruit, the animal bear ape fruit!”

“Listen to its name… Everyone probably already knows the effect of this devil fruit. ”

“It has the strength of a bear and the sensitivity of an ape, and the combination of these two creatures can make up for the deficiency!”

“It is a relatively common animal Devil Fruit, with a starting price of 130 million Baileys!”

The voice fell.

These nobles lacked interest, and no one actually planned to bid.

It is impossible for them to go to a fight … And the Devil Fruit is so expensive, not everyone can buy it!

After you buy it… I don’t plan to take it myself!

This is true of many aristocrats.

Its own strength is not intended to increase at all … Instead, he vigorously recruited his subordinates.

In case of danger… Naturally, let his subordinates charge.


Ken almost couldn’t help but make a move, his eyes staring at the devil fruit, and he didn’t dare to believe in his heart.

“Is there really a Devil Fruit auction?”

He also thought that this time it was only a slave auction.

But I didn’t expect it… Luck is so good!

He currently has two Devil Fruits in his hands.

If you grab this devil fruit… The goal of exchanging Evolution Crystals is getting closer and closer!


Ken’s eyes flashed, and he immediately decided.

Of course…… The way he snatched was not very reckless.

He can’t grab it in front of everyone, and he can easily get it with a little trick.


A middle-aged man in a black suit pushed a four-wheeled vehicle and slowly pushed it to the center of the venue.

In the middle of the four-wheeled vehicle is a glass jar, and inside is a bright red Devil Fruit.

However, the middle-aged man in a black suit looked a little embarrassed.

Didn’t expect this guest … There was no one bidding for this Devil Fruit.

Is it possible to shoot it or not?

What a headache!

It’s also the finale item… It seems that this group of VIPs does not like the Devil Fruit, but prefers to buy slaves.

For this.

The middle-aged man in a black suit continued to shout.

“If there are no guests bidding, this item will have to be auctioned!”

Finish speaking.

The middle-aged man in a black suit fell silent, and when he found that there were still no guests, he couldn’t help sighing helplessly and pushed the four-wheeler down directly.

Right from this moment.

When Ken saw this scene, a wistful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he secretly said in his heart.

“The Door of Space.”


Ken touched the air, and suddenly not far away, under the inside of the four-wheeled vehicle’s glass jar, a small door appeared, directly devouring the devil fruit, and disappeared directly.

In an instant.

The middle-aged man in a black suit was full of confusion.

The Devil Fruit actually disappeared right in front of his eyes?

The key is that his vision is obscured… I didn’t see the door of space suddenly appear under the Devil Fruit.

It was as if the Devil Fruit suddenly disappeared!

“Oh my God!”

“This is an expensive devil fruit!”

“This suddenly disappeared… Will I be dragged out by the boss to feed the fish? ”

The middle-aged man in a black suit was terrified, and suddenly his eyes became hateful when he looked at this group of guests.

Right…… This group of guests did not bid!

It is estimated that there may be special means … Quietly already take the Devil Fruit!


“Take everyone down!”

“Give me all searches!”

“A thief stole the Devil Fruit!”

“Check it for me!”

The middle-aged man in a black suit shouted in his mouth, and his emotions were a little wrong.

Immediately let the surrounding guards who maintained safety listen to this, and couldn’t help but look stunned, but they still moved and directly suppressed the guests present!

Devil fruits worth over 100 million!

This can’t be lost!

This group of slaves can be lost … Devil Fruit can’t!

After all, slaves can be caught at any time … Devil fruit is so rare.

Absolutely not to be lost!

The other side.

After Ken used the door of space to quietly take away the devil fruit, a bright red fruit appeared in his hand, and a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Easy to get.” ”


He saw that something suddenly became wrong.

Instantly use the stealth stealth state, directly leave the original seat, and go to the backstage of the auction hall.

This group of guards did not learn to be domineering.

As long as he is not touched by the body… Nature cannot be seen.

However, this chaotic scene is now a little more lively.

Ken goes backstage to the auction house and finds a large number of iron cages, all of which are holding slaves.

And outside the iron cage, there are a large number of guards, all with guns in their hands, as long as the slave dares to resist, they will immediately shoot the slave to death!

“It’s pathetic.”

“Give you a chance.”

“It depends on whether you cherish it or not.”

Ken was in a stealth state, and after seeing this scene, he couldn’t help but decide.


“Rokushi Arashi Foot ——!”

Ken rolled up a vacuum attack, directly destroyed these iron cages, and left a word.


“Do not resist … You will be slaves for the rest of your lives. ”

“Don’t you really want to be slaves who are inferior to livestock?”

“Don’t want to, huh?”

“If you don’t want to, resist!”

“Make a big fuss!”

“Kill them all!”

The voice fell.

The slaves’ eyes turned red when they saw the iron cage destroyed.


Naturally, they are not slaves!

Just accidentally caught by this group of auction house guards, resulting in becoming a prisoner of the steps!

“I don’t know who you are though.”

“But I thank you for letting me out!”

“Then I will do what you want!”

“Make a big fuss!”

The slaves of the giant race who appeared at the beginning, seeing that the iron cage was destroyed, instantly attacked out strongly, and directly smashed all the surrounding guards to death!

This move.

Directly let all slaves boil!

A large number of slaves began to rebel against the guards of the auction house!

In particular, the slaves of the giant race are simply unstoppable, as if crazy, madly killing this group of guards!

It’s this group of guards!

Actually caught them… Then sell to the nobility!

Obviously they were also civilians before!

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