Seeing that the auction house has been completely chaotic.

Ken did not continue to disturb and could not help but leave the auction house.

Let’s be honest.

The personnel of the auction house… Naturally, it is not a good product.

Auctioning slaves on the surface… Secretly, it is estimated that I don’t know how many civilians were killed!

After all, wanting to catch slaves … If the slave resists too hard, he can only kill, and then recapture the slave, and cycle back and forth!

This has led to such a hot population auction venue!

A lot of nobles are crazy about this … I want to come and buy slaves from other races!

For this.

Ken gave this group of slaves who had already been captured… The only escape will be.

How about after that.

He just ignored it… The opportunity has been given.

It depends on how this group of slaves chooses.

But it seems that this group of slaves is very bloody… Don’t want to become a slave of the nobility!


Ken quickly left the auction floor.

He has already obtained the Devil Fruit… There is no need to stay there.


There was chaos in the auction venue, and they had no choice but to request the support of the naval division.

This also led to the extreme rush of the Navy today.

Originally, Area Sixteen was suddenly destroyed… Just panic all the civilians of the Chambord Islands.

Nowadays the auction floor is chaotic… The Navy is also extremely difficult to support!

But still send the navy … With a little support.


However, some slaves escaped successfully and sealed all the events of today in their hearts.


No one knows that they were slaves!

All rely on… An unknown powerhouse suddenly breaks the iron cage!

Otherwise, they are still trapped in the iron cage, and they will definitely live a life inferior to livestock in the future!

The slaves were grateful for Ken’s shot.

It’s just that after not seeing Ken’s true face, he was also a little lost in his heart.

This is a lifesaver!

They really want to reciprocate!


Ken naturally didn’t know what the group of slaves were thinking.

He had left Area One completely, and looking at the map of the Chambord Islands, he was heading to Area 13.

Area XIII.

There are people he knows better.

That’s Xia Qi’s blackmail bar!

And…… Once One Piece’s most proud co-captain Hades Rayleigh!

The reason why Ken went to the auction venue.

First point… Just want to see if the Devil Fruit is auctioned!

And yes!

The second point… Just want to see if Hades Renly will sell himself!

That’s right.

Hades Rayleigh likes to drink heavily.

When he had no money… Naturally, sell yourself and exchange it for a sum of money!

Of course.

After each time.

Hades Renly can escape!

That group of nobles bought Hades Rayleigh… It is impossible to stop Hades Renly from escaping!

“I went over this time… It feels a bit dangerous. ”

“But I also want to go over and see.”

“After all, Xia Qi is an intelligence expert and has a lot of information.”

“This is my next plan… Very helpful! ”

The thought floated through Ken’s mind and he couldn’t help but be sure.

Xia Qi has been a pirate forty years ago.

It was also hunted down by the Navy Karp, but was unsuccessfully arrested.

“As for Hades Reilly.”

“This guy is not easy to deal with.”

“However, the naval headquarters is not worried about Hades Renly.”

“I won’t provoke him either.”

Thinking of this, Ken couldn’t help but nod with satisfaction.

If you can find Xia Qi.

He would be able to know where Draco was!

After all, the Chambordi Islands this time are controlled by the Draco.

Draco lives in the Chambord Islands… It’s not impossible!

This time planned.

Ken wants to kidnap Draco with his own hands!


Ken arrives at Area XIII of the Chambord Islands.

But after a busy day.

The night has reached late at night.

The moonlight in the sky is reflected down… It actually made Ken more powerful and more sensitive.

It is estimated that it is the increase brought by the moon lion type!

If it directly turns into the Moon Lion form… It is estimated that the increase will be doubled!

“I remember this bar seemed to be right here.”

Ken hurriedly went deep into Area Thirteen and soon saw a special bar.

The name of the hotel is interesting.

【Xia Qi’s rip-off bar】

Business is extremely unpopular.

No pedestrians entered the bar at all.

After all, Xia Qi is not a serious person… Naturally, it will not entertain people.

In time.

No pedestrians have ever come into this bar, and business is very poor.


Ken stepped in, opened the door to the bar, and sat down directly on the stool.


He saw a young woman with short black hair and a spider-patterned blouse with a cigarette in her hand.

After Xia Qi saw Ken come in, she was a little surprised.

How bad is her business in this shop… Xia Qi knew very well.

No one came to take care of the business for a month.

That’s perfectly normal.


There was also an elderly man with gray hair, a beard on his chin, glasses, a straight scar on his right eye, and a chanting in his mouth.

“This wine!”

“It’s really exciting!”

“It’s Xia Qi, your wine here is too expensive!”

“I can’t afford it!”


Xia Qi’s face was full of helplessness, but she turned her head to look at Ken sideways and couldn’t help asking.


“Do you have anything you need to drink?”

“The wine in our store… It’s not cheap! ”

Xia Qi thought that Ken was a middle-aged man who wanted to come and drink.

After all, the priest Ohm mimicry that Ken has become at this moment is middle-aged on the surface, and it is extremely normal for him to like to drink at this age.

The other side.

After Ken saw Hades Renly and Xia Qi, his face became serious.

Let’s be honest.

He is not afraid of Xia Qi.

But Hades Rayleigh… This is not to be underestimated!

This is the former deputy captain of Roger’s Pirates, once known as “One Piece’s right wrist”.

Even if he is old, his strength has declined.

But it’s not anyone… Can provoke!


“Sister Xia Qi… I know who you are. ”

“And the one next to me… Hades Rayleigh! ”

“I’m here… It’s not about finding fault. ”

“I just want intelligence, so you don’t have to worry.”

“Xia Qi… You set a price. ”

“I want to know if there are any Draco here in the Chambord Islands at the moment!”

Ken took a deep breath, then his eyes became calm, and he spoke directly.


Xia Qi’s eyes became surprised, the smoke had already fallen to the ground, and he really didn’t expect the content of Kenan’s words!

The action of Renly next to him drinking wine suddenly stopped, and his eyes squinted at Ken, his deep pupils shining faintly.


The two acted as if they hadn’t heard.

One continued to smoke.

One continued to drink.

It’s just that the atmosphere is a little wrong.

Renly and Xia Qi stayed in the Chambord Islands for a long time!

Even if the headquarters of the Navy knows that these two people are here… It is estimated that no action will be taken either.

After all, these two are not easy to deal with.

Plus these two have not done anything bad at the moment.

Naturally, turn a blind eye!

“You want to know the intelligence?”

“Or Draco’s intelligence?”

Xia Qi’s mood calmed down, but she was not afraid of Ken, but there was Rayleigh next to her, and safety naturally did not need to be mentioned!

Ken bowed his head slightly and replied with his mouth.

“That’s right… You are an intelligence expert. ”

“It should be clear, right?”

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