After Xia Qi took a deep breath of the cigarette, her tone was a little surprised.

“What do you want this intelligence to do?”

“Draco’s intelligence… I don’t have much to grasp. ”

She thought Ken was coming… Want to ask what big intelligence.

But he didn’t expect that there was actually information about Draco.

And it’s also the intelligence that the Draco is not in the Chambord Islands!

This intelligence … It doesn’t seem interesting!


Hades Renly is still drinking, but his eyes are staring at Ken from time to time to prevent Ken from suddenly injuring Xia Qi.

Be able to understand the identity of him and Xia Qi.

There is definitely something wrong with the origin of this person’s identity!

However, there are no signs of Ken doing anything at present.

He suppressed Ken on the spot … It doesn’t seem to make sense either!


He already intends to retire.

Not going to shoot.

This also led to Pluto Renly being extremely low-key.

So long… He was not investigated by the headquarters of the Navy!

This also makes Reilly questionable.

It is clear where he is… That’s just the old guy from the past.

Ken…… How is this clear?

It’s quirky!

The other side.

After hearing Xia Qi’s doubts, Ken couldn’t help but chuckle.

“It’s a secret, I can’t tell it.”

“But Xia Qi… Do you have Draco intelligence? ”

“If not… I won’t bother either of you. ”

“As for the location of the two of you… I won’t expose it either. ”

“After all, offending you two… It’s about the same as looking for death. ”

This made Xia Qi feel bored.

She wondered why Ken wanted to know about Draco.

But come to business, she naturally will not refuse!

She’s so bad as an intelligence expert… With so much intelligence, you naturally have to sell it!

“Three hundred thousand Baileys.”

“This intelligence is not big intelligence.”

“It’s a good price.”

Xia Qi exhaled the white smoke and said directly: “If you think it’s cost-effective, then pay the money.” ”

Ken pinched his chin and thought for a moment.

Xia Qi’s harvest of information is correct, and there is no need to question whether the intelligence is false or true.

For this.

Ken has no cash on him though… But he has gold pieces!

Fortunately, he got a hundred catties of gold on the empty island.

Otherwise, you really have to die poor!

He directly took out a few pieces of gold and placed them on the countertop.

“I don’t have cash.”

“Use this instead.”

Xia Qi did not hesitate, took it directly, and then put it away.


Xia Qi directly said the information, and did not intend to grind.

“Draco often reside in the Chambordi Islands, although they sometimes leave.”

“And the area where Draco often appears is Area Thirty-One!”

“Area 31 is a civilian street.”

“Draco often goes here… It is estimated that he wants this group of civilians to bow down to him! ”

“Draco is also this virtue, it is really inferior enough.”

“Intelligence is pretty much like that.”

“Is there anything else you’d like to ask?”

Finish speaking.

Next to Ken couldn’t help but ponder.

“It seems that I am not mistaken.”

“This Draco who stayed in the Chambord Islands… It should be the one who controls here. ”

“It seems that… Planning can begin! ”

“If Draco appears in the Thirty-One Region.”

“You can kidnap Draco!”

As for why he kidnapped Draco.

Ken also has considerations… After all, Draco is a representative figure of stupidity and money.

He needed ten devil fruits.

Only got three so far… Even if you find the Devil Fruit ability to kill.

It’s also hard for him to put together ten!

For this.

Kidnapping Draco… Threaten the world government to come out with ten devil fruits!

The Navy headquarters has Devil Fruit trophies in stock.

The world government is afraid that there are even more!

The world government naturally will not let Draco die… Face this threat.

Ten devil fruits even if they are distressed… The world government can only take it out with tears!


Ken couldn’t help but say thanks.

“Thank you for your answer.”

“I don’t have anything to ask anymore.”

“Leave it for now.”

The voice fell.

Ken stood up straight and wanted to leave.


The Hades king next to him Renly stretched out his hand and pulled Ken’s clothes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


“Don’t rush to leave.”

“Talk to the old man?”

“I have no ill will towards you.”

“There’s no need to be so wary of me.”


Ken’s face was full of surprise, and he thought that Hades Renly was going to strike, and he was almost ready to fight back.

Didn’t expect to want to chat?

This gave Ken some headaches.

Hades Rayleigh is naturally difficult to cope with the past!

But…… Then chat a little!


“Naturally, there is no problem.”

“It’s a request from Senior Hades Reilly.”

“I can’t help it.”

Ken looked calm and sat down again, not feeling the slightest panic.

This made Hades Reilly couldn’t help but squint.

Know his identity… It was so calm.

There should be two cases for this.

First, there is a brain problem, which should be unlikely.

Second, the strength is not weak, I feel that I can deal with him!

Hades Reilly’s intuition is accurate.

He thought Ken was the latter!

It’s really going to fight… I don’t know what’s going on!

However, Hades Rayleigh naturally will not make a move!

He has already retired… Naturally does not want to fight.

After all, this kind of thing is too troublesome.

There is no benefit in having fought!

“Let me guess.”

“You know the identities of me and Xia Qi, proving that you are not ordinary people.”

“And you want to know the information of the Draco, generally no one wants to know the information of the Draco, because it is completely useless.”

“You’re next… Wouldn’t you want to attack Draco? ”

“My intuition is super accurate, so I guess anything, basically can’t be wrong.”

“But I suggest you… Quickly put this mind down. ”

“Attack the Draco… It is equivalent to looking for death! ”

Hades Reilly touched his chin, his face was a little interested, and then said slowly.

This made Ken next to him look surprised.

Worthy of Hades Rayleigh!

Did you guess so accurately?

But think about it.

Who will sit idle and have nothing to do … I want to get information about Draco!

It doesn’t make any sense at all!

It’s just that Ken is different… The brain circuits don’t look like normal people at all!


Ken didn’t answer, his expression calm, as if acquiescing.

This made Hades Renly’s eyelids jump wildly, and he had some doubts in his heart.

“I’m just guessing.”

“Could it be true?”

“Is this guy looking for death?”

“If you attack the Draco.”

“It is estimated that the world government will be crazy!”

“Even ask the headquarters of the Navy to send admirals out!”

“When the time comes, my life … It can’t be settled! ”

“Nope… I have to persuade down! ”

The more Hades Renly thought about it, the more wrong it became.

This is if the admiral comes to the Chambord Islands.

Later he lived… Wouldn’t it be possible to divide it in peace?

He finally retired and wanted to spend his old life in peace.

I don’t want to get involved in this pirate era.

If this is disrupted!

That’s a real hassle!

Naturally, the headquarters of the Navy will not let him, the deputy captain of Roger’s One Piece Regiment!

When the time comes, it will become serious.

Send naval hero Karp all over the world to hunt down his words… Isn’t it troublesome to death?


“Listen to me!”

“Don’t move your mind!”

Reilly continued to persuade.


Ken remained silent, then suddenly stood up, ran straight out of the bar, and disappeared!

“It’s not!”

“Don’t you run!”

Renly’s eyes widened and he ran away like that?

He doesn’t eat people either!


“You go with him.”

“Anyway, people didn’t have any ill will towards us.”

Next to Xia Qi, she felt funny and smiled.

Renly rolled his eyes helplessly, his face full of helplessness.

“You don’t know how serious the situation is.”

“When the time comes… Exactly as I said. ”

“This person attacked the Draco.”

“We’re going to have to leave the Chambord Islands completely!”

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