After leaving Xia Qi’s bar.

Ken’s eyes became a little helpless, and he couldn’t help but think in his heart.

“Hades Rayleigh, this old fellow… I have to say that I guessed accurately. ”

“But guess what…”

“Renly doesn’t know my identity either.”

To know.

He is now mimicking the full face of the priest Ohm, and no one can find out his true identity at all.

This is also why Ken is so bold and dares to go to Xia Qi and Hades Reilly!

Even if it provokes Hades Renly… Ken is also safe and sound!

It’s really going to fight… Renly may also suffer!

And this means of mimicry.

At the moment only he knows… And the Great Sage!

The closest person, the yellow ape… Ken didn’t tell either.

Once exposed, he will use this means … It is inevitable that it will not leak out, so if it is clear to those who care, it will be very bad!

There are no impermeable walls under the sky.

Can this means not be exposed… Try not to expose it first!


“Draco’s stay in the Chambord Islands surprised me.”

“And Draco often appears on Civilian Street No. 31.”

“Free tomorrow… I’d be able to take a look. ”

Ken’s eyes became cold, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “If I were to see Draco… Kidnap directly on the spot! ”

The voice fell.

Ken directly tore open the door of the alien space, directly entered the alien space, and began to rest.

He was in a hotel outside.

Still not very reassuring.

Only into the otherworld… Definitely the safest place!


In a different space.

Ken has everything ready.

It is to prevent all kinds of situations from happening!

It’s just prudence!



Ken re-ripped open the alien space and returned to the Chambord Islands.

It was still early, the sun had not yet appeared, and many people were asleep at this time.

Birds that don’t rise too early have bugs to eat, and Ken is still clear about this.

After he became a slime, the time for rest has been greatly reduced.


Ken followed the map’s instructions and began to rush to Area Thirty-One.

Upon arrival.

“Let’s squat first.”

“Good luck… Maybe you can meet it today. ”

“Bad luck… It is estimated that you will never touch it in this life! ”

Ken jumped directly on top of the tallest building and began to search his surroundings, and if something went wrong, he could know right away!

Anyway, he also planned to consume, and it was not very urgent at all.

Now leave the Chambord Islands… That is, back to the headquarters of the Navy.

Over time.

The day passed.

Two days passed.

Three days passed.


Lasts beyond the fifth day.

Ken couldn’t help but be angry at all, his expression was a little depressed, and he couldn’t help but curse secretly in his heart.

“Draco, this group of dog things.”

“Aren’t you usually crazy?”

“Why didn’t you show up this time?”

By reason.

This group of Draco… He must often come to the civilian street to run amok and domineer.

As a result, the civilians here were extremely panicked, afraid of the arrival of the Draco.

If he is fancy by Draco… Life after this is miserable!

A life that is completely inferior to livestock!


“Hurry up, hurry up!”

“Don’t move!”

Passers-by on the street began to panic, quickly knelt on the ground, lowered their heads, did not dare to look at it casually, and their faces were full of horror.


Ken, who was in the tallest building, instantly discovered this scene, and his face couldn’t help but be ecstatic.

“This is?!”

“Draco coming?”


He looked sideways.

Found not far from the edge of the street.

A draco with curly black hair, a fat face, thick lips, and a often runny nose, actually sits a slow-moving human slave walking underneath!


There were a large number of women next to the Draco, and this group of women were unwilling, but they did not dare to protest, their eyes were a little red and swollen, and they seemed to have cried.

And around the Draco, there were two unknown men in black close to the Draco, who seemed to be the bodyguards of this trip!

And a large number of slaves … Behind him, he looked miserable.

The group suddenly appeared.

Led to the civilian population here … Instantly panicked!

Those women… All of them are the wives of Charros Saint, the Draco!

Charros Saint often forcibly marries his favorite woman as his wife, and he looks no different from an idiot, as does his IQ, and is very, often snatching the favorite woman as his wife, and abandoning it after getting tired of playing!

Whether you agree or not!

If he was fancy to a woman by Charros Saint, the Draco… You have to be a wife!

No resistance!


The Draco of Charros once had thirteen wives, eight more, and five have been furloughed.

Even put the wife who took the leave.

Forcibly sold as slaves!

It’s just crazy!

“This can also become a Draco?”

“How does it feel like a fat pig!”

“If I don’t kidnap you… Am I not all sorry for Providence? ”

Ken had excellent eyesight, and after seeing this Draco clearly, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help twitching, and he felt a little unbelievable.

It’s disgusting enough!

But wait five days.

Finally…… Success waits!

In an instant.

Ken fell directly to the ground and instantly entered a stealth stealth state.

He was so upright in the middle of the street!

No one could see him anyway!


“This group of civilians looks disrespectful to me.”

“You don’t even dare to look at me?”

“Looking for death?”

Charros Saint sat on the slave, looked at the kneeling civilians around him, his face was full of idiots, and even took out a golden pistol in his pocket.

If only he was not happy to look at civilians.

Shoot directly!


When Charles Ross saw a civilian woman kneeling down, with a beautiful face and a beautiful figure, he suddenly had a lustful idea and shouted in his mouth.


“This woman is not bad-looking!”


“Get her for me!”

The voice fell.

When the slave, who was a saint of Charross, heard this, he couldn’t help but grit his teeth.


If their pack of slaves did not obey orders.

They’re going to have to die here!


Two slaves came out… Walking towards the commoner woman who was favored by Charros Saint, he wanted to arrest him.

I’m sorry.

They are also a last resort!

“Fuck off.”

In the middle of the empty street, there was an icy voice.

In an instant.

As if they had suffered a heavy blow, the two slaves were instantly kicked away and fell into the distance.

“The plan starts now!”

After Ken kicked the two slaves, his figure flashed away in an instant, and he came directly to Charros Saint!

“Not good!”

The black-clothed men surrounding the two Charros Saint suddenly felt the danger coming, and quickly planned to protect Charros Saint!

“Dead ——!”

“Six Style Finger Gun!”

Ken gathered his strength on his fingers and instantly killed the two bodyguards who protected Charros Saint!

To know.

He’s incredibly fast now!

The amazing speed of the thunder fruit… It has already made Ken want to kill this group of mediocre bodyguards, it is simply a breeze!

The next moment.

Charross’s face appeared terrified, he couldn’t see Ken at all, and fear was born.

But the death of the two bodyguards beside him scared him pale, and he quickly shot!

“Don’t you come here!”

“Bang bang!”

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