Ken’s figure dodged and easily dodged the bullets.



He turned his palm into a knife and cut off this golden pistol in an instant!

“How is it possible!”

Charros Saint looked at the break of the pistol and hurriedly threw it out in fear!

“Shut up!”

“You fat pig!”

“Or I’ll kill you!”

Ken’s eyes were full of coldness, and his backhand was slapped on the face of Charros Saint!



The face of the Charros saint swelled high and screamed, for the first time in his life, he suffered such a blow!


“It hurts——!

Ken suddenly felt greasy in his hands!

This made Ken feel extremely sick… I can’t wait to kill Charros Saint on the spot!


Plan…… It still has to be implemented!

Otherwise, the Devil Fruit would not be able to extort ten of them!


Ken casually tore open the door of the alien space, knocked Charros Saint unconscious on the spot, and then kicked into the alien space.

But at this moment.

The scene was completely chaotic, and the civilians were so frightened that they quickly fled!

Slaves were sent flying … The bodyguard guarding the Draco is dead!

and the kidnapping of Draco, who has now disappeared!

Chambord Islands… It’s going to be a big mess!

The worst thing… Maybe that’s what happened!

No one has ever dared to attack Draco!

Never before!

The world government is crazy about this!

The headquarters of the Navy was helpless for this.

Because the headquarters of the Navy knows … This matter is estimated to be ordered by the world government, and then hurry up to investigate!


“You have been liberated.”

“Can I survive?”

“Look at yourselves.”

“And you women… Don’t worry about being afraid! ”

Ken looked sideways at the group of slaves and the frightened women, and couldn’t help but speak: “If you stay here, your fate will be absolutely tragic, soon the navy will come to investigate, you are so close to the Draco, you are the highest suspect!” ”

Finish speaking.

Ken left the scene directly, his face was calm, it seemed that the previous thing was completely calm!

And no civilians saw him.

Because he is in a stealthy and stealthy state at any time, he has not seen and heard the domineering, and has not touched him, he will not appear at all!

Moreover, it was all his own hands that touched and killed the two bodyguards, and the Draco Charros Saint was directly slapped by him!

It wasn’t outsiders who touched him… Not counting at all!


Ken didn’t reveal his figure at all!

It’s incredibly safe!

Even if there are photographic phone bugs here to capture this scene.

You can’t find Ken at all!


Even if you see a video in photography, it’s just in the air… Suddenly inexplicably appeared means, leading to the kidnapping of Draco Charros Saint!

Soon the slaves here also began to flee, their faces full of panic.

They, this group of slaves, know … If you don’t run away at this time!

At that time, you will definitely be caught and become a scapegoat!


Ken went straight to the market to buy iron cages, as well as photographic phone bugs.

Why buy an iron cage?

He had already made it clear before… It is to let the Draco taste the life of a slave!

First of all.

Put Draco in an iron cage… It seems to be very good!


Ken opened the door of the alien space, dragged the iron cage directly, and entered the alien space.

After getting in.

He immediately found that Charros Saint, who was lying unconscious on the ground, his face was high and swollen, and even when Ken hit it, it seemed that he had broken several of Charros Saint’s teeth!

Causing blood to spread from the corner of Charross’s mouth at this moment.


Ken couldn’t help frowning, and directly put Charrose Saint into the iron cage.

And then.

He picked up the cold water next to him and poured it directly!


Charros Saint quickly opened his eyes and suddenly saw the mimicry Ken in front of him.

Ken will definitely not reveal his true identity, even if he is in a different space, he is very cautious!


Charros St. saw Ken … It is the mimicry god Ohm, and he still has a big bald head with a fierce face!

Frightened, Charros Saint hurriedly retreated, only to find that he was trapped by an iron cage and could not escape!

“You… Who are you? ”

Charros Saint covered his face, the pain made his tears fall out, and he couldn’t help shouting: “Do you know who I am!” I! Charros Saint! Draco! You pariah! Hurry up and let me go! ”

The voice fell.

Ken’s eyes instantly turned cold.


It has also been said that he… That’s Anilu!

Now…… Anilu is dead!

If it weren’t for Draco’s plan for him… Also useful.

Ken desperately wanted to stomp this Draco to death!


Also with a slight penalty.

“Turn down the lightning strike volt a little to avoid electrocuting him.”

“Draco is too weak… I don’t want to kill him right now! ”

A trace of electricity emerged from Ken’s five fingers, instantly swept towards the iron cage, and the iron cage suffered an electric current, directly shocking Charros Saint!

In an instant.


Charros Saint was struck by lightning, his whole body convulsed, foaming at the mouth, rolling his eyes, and almost passing out again!

Ken naturally wouldn’t kill Saint Charrose… He has tried to minimize the damage and torture the other party as much as possible!

“If you’re flying like this.”

“Next time the current increases!”

“Make you more miserable.”

Ken’s tone was full of coldness, and he didn’t put Draco in his eyes at all.

Others may be afraid of Draco.

But Ken won’t!

Draco, a human being with no strength at all… Don’t be afraid!

If you want to kill, it’s a breeze!

“Hurry up and stand up!”

“Otherwise I will continue to torture you!”

Ken pulls out the camera phone worm, a tool that costs him a lot of Bailey to buy to take photographic videos.

He wants to photograph the miserable state of the saint of Charros!

Then send it directly to the news report… And say the demand, direct blackmail!

“You… You! ”

Charros Saint trembled, but being hit by this lightning strike had already made him panic and quickly got up.


Originally, on the ground, a pool of yellowish water was actually exposed.


The corners of Ken’s mouth twitched, a little incredulous.

Is this being electrocuted to incontinence?

Draco’s physique is simply ridiculously poor!

It is clear that he has adjusted the power before… It can’t be possible!


Draco is really weak!

“What do you want to do?”

Charros Saint was full of fear, looked at Ken in front of him, and quickly shouted: “You kidnapped me? Don’t you just want money? I can give it to you! I have a lot of money! Lots and lots! You just have to let me go! I’ll give you the money right away! ”

This scene.

Ken has already begun to record, and he does not appear in the camera phone worm, only the voice appears inside.

He was silent for a moment, ignoring Charros Saint, but directly spoke.

“World Government.”

“I demand that you hand over ten Devil Fruits.”

“Within a month… I need to see ten Devil Fruits! ”

“Otherwise… I will kill Chalros Saint! ”

“I do what I say!”

“You don’t have to investigate my identity… You can’t investigate! ”

Ken lowered his voice and put his voice in a neutral state on the spot, making it impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman!

After these words.

The saint of Charros in the iron cage was so frightened that he sat down.

What the?

Kill him, Draco?

No way?

Is there really a madman who dares to do this?

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