
A news newspaper that shocked the world began to be born directly.

With the increase in production of production.

The civilians of the entire Chambord Islands had already bought newspapers, and their faces were all shocked when they looked at the contents.

Of course.

Shock aside.

This group of civilians is somewhat gloating!

Draco kidnapped?

Well kidnapped!

Squeeze them every day civilians … The appearance of the Draco usually makes civilians feel fear.

I am afraid that I will be unlucky and suddenly become a slave!

And the leader of the kidnapping … Forcibly blackmail the world government for ten devil fruits!

Otherwise…… If this requirement is not completed.

It is bound to cause Draco to die!

This is absolutely news that shocked the world!

Area XIII.

Unknown bar.

Hades Renly and Xia Qi got this newspaper, their faces full of solemnity.


“Xia Qi.”

“Your intelligence this time… I don’t know if it’s good or bad. ”

“Maybe it’s because of what caused the events here.”

Reilly had a little headache and couldn’t help but complain to Xia Qi next to him.

Five days ago, the uninvited guest who arrived personally purchased the information of the Draco.

Xia Qi did not refuse at that time, and there was naturally business to be done.


Five days later.

Draco has been kidnapped!

Don’t think about it.

Most of it was what the uninvited guest did at the time!

Xia Qi felt very interesting, and she didn’t feel ashamed, but a smile appeared on her face.

“Isn’t that nice.”

“The kidnapping of Draco… You and I have also met for the first time! ”

“Maybe this uninvited guest may be even more daring than your Captain Roger!”

“It feels like the world government is going to be provoked next… The headquarters of the Navy can only send troops to investigate! ”

The voice fell.

Renly couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

“You really are… It seems that you are living more comfortably! ”

“I still haven’t lived well all these years, and I don’t have your mentality at all!”

Xia Qi is really not afraid of anything!

Don’t say yet… Captain Roger was bold enough, though.

But he didn’t dare to kidnap Draco directly!

This kind of thing must anger the world government!

At this moment, it is estimated that the world government wants this kidnapping leader to die on the spot!

“The sky is about to change!”

“Xia Qi.”

“Prepare for… Let’s leave the Chambord Islands for a while. ”

“Next the Chambord Islands… It is inevitable to come to the admiral! ”

“This is no small thing!”

Renly couldn’t help but stand up, holding the wine bottle in his hand and pouring it into his mouth.

He is old and in retirement.

I really don’t want to face the admirals!

Admirals are not easy to deal with!

Even if it was him… If you let your guard down, you may also be killed by the admiral!

And next.

The admiral definitely came to the Chambord Islands to start investigating the history of this incident!

After investigating in this way, there must be clues, and then find Xia Qi and him, the Hades King Renly!

And…… The strong that the world government has hidden for a long time will also appear.

These two kinds of people appear.

He is a Hades Rayleigh… Can’t handle it!

“As you wish.”

“Anyway, follow you.”

Xia Qi was still so calm and did not feel panicked at all.


After the two packed up their things, they completely disappeared into the Chambord Islands.

Go out and avoid the limelight for now!

After all, the reason for this matter… It is very likely that the two of them caused it!

Chambord Islands.

The next step is not calm!


World Government.

Each officer of the Five Old Stars held the latest newspaper in his hand.

The contents of the newspaper have extremely prominent red text.

[Draco kidnapped! ] 】

[The kidnapping leader demanded ten Devil Fruits as ransom! ] 】

[If the ransom demand is not completed, kill Draco!] 】

In an instant.

The faces of each person of the five old stars suddenly became extremely angry, the Draco people are so important, if the Draco are killed, the face of the world government will not exist, and the remaining Draco people are also unbelievable to the world government, they can’t save the world nobles like them, what is the use of your world government?

“Draco kidnapped?”

“Who did this?”

“Maybe it’s a pirate?”

“It can’t be… How could the pirates dare to kidnap Draco! ”

“Quiet… There is no point in us arguing! It is not simple for this kidnapping leader to want a ransom, enough for ten devil fruits! ”

“Ten Devil Fruits? Where did we get the ten devil fruits? Usually, for organizations with rewards, we have all handed them out! ”

“You really want to pay the ransom? Now it is time to quickly contact the headquarters of the Navy and ask them to send the Navy and quickly go to the Chambord Islands to investigate! ”

“Yes, too… The headquarters of the Navy is close to the Chambord Islands! ”

“Then hurry up and let the naval headquarters send admirals, and quickly contact the Warring States!”

The five old stars all have different words.

But in the end.

I actually planned to let the Navy headquarters go out first!

No matter what.

This incident is already extremely serious… It is estimated that organizations all over the world today are watching their world government jokes!

Surrender the ransom?

Will also be laughed at!

But if you don’t rescue Draco, Charros Saint.

Their world government will inevitably be pursued by the Draco to the end!

“I feel… Prepare the ransom first. ”

“If the Navy headquarters cannot find the leader of the kidnapping, and it is found that our world government is not ready for ransom, if the leader kills Draco.”

“The consequences of this … It can be serious! ”

Wearing a white Taoist robe, a bald head and eyes, he was not wearing a suit and beard, and he held a special knife in his hand, and slowly said: “And… We have to be mentally prepared that maybe Draco may die right now! ”

The voice fell.

The remaining four five old stars couldn’t help but frown when they heard this.

Psychological preparation for the worst?

Right…… What if Draco is dead?

The leader of this kidnapping was ruthless and demanded that they hand over ten devil fruits.

But is Draco dead now?

They world governments have no way of knowing!

“Send out CP0 spy agencies!”

“Let them go to the Chambord Islands now!”

A five-old star said for this: “First of all, I want to investigate whether the Draco is dead!” ”

The remaining five old stars bowed slightly.

It’s just that sending the headquarters of the Navy is not enough.

After all, the Navy headquarters has not been convinced by their world government over the years, and the five old stars have all looked at it, but they have not paid attention to it.

This time, a more trusted CP0 spy agency was dispatched… No problem at all!


The five old stars began to contact the Marshal of the Warring States of the Navy headquarters!

And strongly demanded!

Admirals must be sent!

Send a large number of navies!

Full roundup of the Chambord Islands!

No civilians are allowed to flee the Chambord Islands!

They are going to implement … Island closure plan!

The leader of this kidnapping must be caught!

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