Headquarters of the Navy.

Sengoku listened to the contents of the phone worm, his face turned red, and he really wanted to dismiss it.

But the incident was so serious.

He can’t be willful either… In the end, he could only answer.

“I already know.”

“Now start contacting the Vice Admiral and start heading to the Chambord Islands!”

Finish speaking.

Warring States hurriedly hung up the phone worm, really didn’t want to hear the voice of the five old stars!

It’s just that.

Sengoku had a little headache, pinched his brows, and his face was a little tangled.

“Draco kidnapped?”

“What does this kidnapping leader want?”

“Just ten devil fruits… Actually provoked the world government? ”

“Even if the Four Emperors of Pirates… It is estimated that they dare not attack the Draco! ”

This incident is really bizarre.

Never encountered such a thing!

Even if it’s about Draco… It can’t happen before!

Now he is actually kidnapped… Even Draco’s safety now does not know whether it is life or death!

“Let’s send the navy first.”

The Warring States adjusted their mood, since the five old stars asked to send a navy to surround the Chambord Islands, then it can only be carried out!

It’s too bad.

It must be eliminated!


Sengoku began to contact the three major admirals of the navy, the naval hero Vice Admiral Karp, and the wise admiral Tsuru.

I plan to discuss this matter first.


The three generals came to the Sengoku office.

Lieutenant General Tsuru will also come soon.

Only Karp grinds… Finally come slowly!


“Why is it so lively this time?”

“What’s all there?”

When Karp stepped into the Sengoku office, he was a little surprised to see the three generals and Lieutenant General Tsuru here.

After all.

Not everyone now knows that Draco was kidnapped!


“You sit down quickly.”

“Things are going horribly bad right now… Draco has been kidnapped! ”

“I’m not kidding you!”

“Don’t laugh at me!”

The Warring States directly shouted loudly: “What a system like this all day!” ”

Now the situation is serious.

It’s no wonder that Warring States saw that Karp was actually still smiling, he was naturally a little unhappy, so he scolded him on the spot.

He as a marshal of the navy … Being asked by the five old stars all day, his temper is naturally a little not very good.

In an instant.

When the three admirals heard this, they couldn’t help but look a little surprised.

Draco kidnapped?

Who is so ruthless?

However, their three generals also have some headaches, so don’t they want to send their admirals to make a move?

That’s a lot of trouble!

As for Lieutenant General Crane next to her, she frowned and felt a little tricky.

“Draco kidnapping?”

“Sengoku … What’s going on here? ”

“Say it quickly!”

When Karp heard this, his pupils shrank slightly, and he was really a little unbelievable about this matter.

Warring States sighed helplessly and directly said what happened this time.

And the five old stars asked to send troops to surround and suppress the Chambord Islands… He also told the admiral directly, and asked that one of the three of you must rush to the Chambord Islands!


Everyone present gasped.

Does anyone really dare to attack the Draco?

“That’s pretty much it.”

“Now it is estimated that the whole world has cleared.”

“It’s just that our navy headquarters doesn’t know much… Maybe the news hasn’t reached us yet. ”

“Red dog, yellow ape, childish.”

“You three admirals… Who wants to make a move this time? ”

The Warring States matter has also been explained, and I can’t help but ask the three admirals present.

This made the three generals feel troubled.

Every time you encounter troublesome things.

They need their admirals to make a move!

It feels like they are admirals … It’s like a tool man!


The yellow ape’s eyes were a little lazy, and he looked at the two companions next to him, and he actually didn’t make a sound.

For this.

When the yellow ape was about to open his mouth to agree to this matter.

Anyway, I usually encounter this kind of troublesome thing… It was also his shot.


The childish face became serious, and his tone was a little chilly.

“Let me strike this time.”

“I’d rather meet the leader who kidnapped Draco.”


Sengoku was somewhat surprised.

“By you?”

He really didn’t expect that it was Qingzhi who actually agreed to this matter.

The Warring States thought that this time it was still a yellow ape!

Although the yellow ape usually likes to be lazy, for such a big event, the yellow ape even takes the initiative to attack, and does not know what is going on.


Sengoku is more optimistic about Qingzhi … Because the young are doves and belong to the moderate faction.

As for the red dog… The Warring States are not very optimistic.

Every time I let the red dog strike… The things that this guy caused were extremely troublesome.

Sometimes even he, the marshal, cannot be leveled!

Because the justice of the red dog is too outrageous.

It is better to kill a thousand wrong than to spare one!

The idea of justice in the red dog… It is really difficult for the Warring States to understand.

If he is asked to choose three generals as marshals.

The Warring States are more optimistic about Qingzhi.

“Okay then.”

“Qingzhi, you will rush to the Chambord Islands now and lead the navy around the Chambord Islands, this incident is too bad.”

“You have to do your best!”

“As for the yellow ape and the red dog, you guys guard the headquarters, stay well, and don’t act at will!”

“Tsuru and Karp stay, we continue to discuss.”

Sengoku directly ordered down.

The yellow ape doesn’t care, he is bored so he wants to go to the Chambord Islands and meet the leader who kidnapped the Draco by the way.

It’s just a pity.

This time it was not him who made a move, but it was childish.

As for the red dog, it was still a taut face, and no emotions were revealed at all.


The red dog had a cold face, turned his head directly and left, and did not speak at all, it seems that this kind of thing is not worth mentioning for the red dog at all!


The departure of three admirals.

Qingzhi even mobilized the navy and began to assemble a large number of warships, as well as a large number of navies.

After all, if you want to completely trap the Chambord Islands, you must surround a large number of navies!

Thankfully, the Chambord Islands are close.

Even sending a large number of navies is a breeze!


Only Tsuru and Karp, as well as Sengoku, are still here.


“This time you also go to the Chambord Islands.”

“It’s just that you’re acting undercovertly… Can’t be exposed to the world government! ”

“You’d better investigate the identity of the kidnapping leader!”

“I believe that the world government also sent spy agencies, but it is not so obvious!”

“This time the thing… Just trouble you. ”

“As a marshal… Can’t leave at will. ”

“Tsuru is less of a combatant, she is more of a plan.”

Warring States looked sideways at Karp, and couldn’t help but speak: “Anyway, you are also very idle, it is better to take a look this time, and I think this incident, it is estimated that there may be many unexpected strong people in the Chambord Islands!” ”

Karp’s unexpectedly serious face did not refuse.

No one thought of it.

The strong people gathered in the Chambord Islands this time… How many bits exactly!

The world government, the headquarters of the navy sent the strong so much!

Organizations all over the world… In fact, it is also sending strong people.

All want to go to the Chambord Islands to get some fun!

Draco kidnapped!

Something that shocked the whole world!

Everyone wants to see… Who exactly is this dominant!

Fortunately, Hades Rayleigh runs fast, otherwise he will be in trouble at that time!

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