Chambord Islands.

Ken looked at the contents of the newspaper in his hand, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“It seems that this news has spread around the world.”

In just half a day.

This newspaper has already spread all over the world!

Although some remote places may not be clear about this news… But as long as time permits, sooner or later the whole world will know about it.

“Estimated during this time.”

“The headquarters of the Navy has sent the admirals … It’s just not clear which general? ”

“I hope it’s not the Yellow Ape General… I don’t want to face him. ”

Ken couldn’t help frowning, he still didn’t want to face the yellow ape.

The good yellow ape is also considered a relative.

It’s really going to fight… For Kean.

He is also more or less affected by his state of mind.

Plus he is not targeting the headquarters of the Navy this time, but the world government!

“And I’m not kidding.”

“If there is no ten Devil Fruit ransom.”

“I’ll kill Draco directly!”

Ken’s eyes are fierce, and he has already controlled the life of the Draco at any time!


Just wait for the arrival of the world government!

As for the admirals … He won’t face it, after all, they have all met before, so as to avoid revealing his identity!


Ken stared at the contents of the newspaper, his pupils suddenly constricted.

[There is an island in the New World, and a huge bulbous black thundercloud suddenly appears in the sky, instantly destroying the entire island and affecting the surrounding seas]

[According to known intelligence, this is an unknown attack that appeared in about five or six days, and the current investigation seems to be an attack by nature]

Wait a minute.

This huge globular black thundercloud… Wouldn’t it be the Lei Ying released by Anilu at that time?

But it’s fine.

The Great Sage personally transferred “Lei Ying” to the location of the new world, although it was only a random position, but it was also quite dangerous to transfer to the new world!

Fortunately, it did not hurt the place where the crowd was concentrated.

Otherwise it’s bad!

“But… Face irresistible moves later. ”

“You can use it like this!”

“Put irresistible moves… Use the space transfer yourself! ”

“I have to say that this trick is really damaging enough!”

A helpless smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, but he kept the idea of this trick.

It is not clear whether the world government is willing to hand over the ten Devil Fruit ransom.

If not handed over.

Then he will tear up the ticket.


Two days later.

The entire Chambord Islands are already in a deserted state.


The headquarters of the Navy has completely surrounded the Chambord Islands!

No one is allowed to leave the Chambord Islands!

After all, the leader who kidnapped the Draco… Also in the Chambord Islands!

This also makes civilians suffer, and all personnel have already suffered from the Navy began to investigate wildly!

It’s just that.

The leader of the kidnapping… I didn’t show my face at all!

It’s as if disappearing into the Chambord Islands.

This also made the young man who came in person this time feel extremely troublesome!

The leader of the kidnapping… Seems to fall silent?

Could it be that because he didn’t get the ransom of ten devil fruits, he was unwilling to come forward?

It is also possible.

After all, there is no ransom … It is understandable that the leader of the kidnapping did not come forward.

“It’s a real problem.”

“Ten Devil Fruits.”

“I don’t know if the world government is prepared.”

Qingzhi has begun to investigate the entire Chambordi Islands and finds that there are clues.

Once Xia Qi’s bar.

He also personally investigated… And mobilized the photography phone worm in this area, and actually found a shocking scene.

Qingzhi actually found the white-haired Hades Rayleigh, once the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates!

And Xia Qi, who has been retired for decades!

These two actually stayed in the Chambord Islands?

It’s pretty close to the headquarters of the Navy!

However, the two are no longer in the Chambord Islands.


Seven days ago.

A bald homeless man personally entered Xia Qi’s bar, and in just fifteen minutes, he left the bar in a hurry, and he didn’t know where he went.

To know.

Xia Qi’s bar business is extremely poor!

There may be no business for a month!

Now this bald bum-like man… It is actually related to Hades Renly and intelligence Tong Xia Qi, but it is also suspected!

“Hades Rayleigh and Intelligence Tong Xia Qi, these two people have now retired, but they have fallen silent over the years, it may not be what the two of them did, after all, Hades Renly knows very well that if you touch the Draco, you will definitely be attacked by the world government and arrested by the naval headquarters!”

“Could it be… Is that what this bald bum-like man did? ”

Qing Zhi began to speculate based on the clues.


He hadn’t yet decided if it was the bald-headed bum-like man.

Still need to continue investigating!


Qing Zhi found the owner of the bankruptcy reporting agency who wrote news that shocked the world.

This bankrupt boss… See the arrival of the admiral.

He didn’t dare to hide it, but he didn’t add oil and vinegar to tell him about his encounter with Ken from beginning to end.

In an instant.

Qingzhi had already concluded that this bald homeless man was the leader of the kidnapping!

After all.

This time the video… Or Ken personally handed over to the bankrupt boss and distributed it all over the world!

“It’s tricky.”

“Now this murderer … Where is it? ”

Qingzhi felt a little helpless, he couldn’t find any signs of this murderer!

Although there are some clues.


Where is the murderer hiding now?

It wasn’t clear to him… Can’t find it at all!


You can only wait for this murderer to appear in person!

The other party wants a ransom… It is inevitable that it will need to be seen again!

“And… This time the Chambord Islands. ”

“There are actually many unknown strong people who want to watch the play.”

“It seems that they need to be eliminated a little.”

Qingzhi also found that these days, the Chambord Islands came to the strong people of the world organization, they hid in the shadows and did not dare to show their faces, as if they wanted to watch a play.

That’s not a good thing!

Qingzhi as a senior admiral.

He naturally can’t leave it alone!

The so-called “exclude” is removed.

If the other party is not helpless… Qingzhi doesn’t mind killing the other party!

The other side.

Ken was in a different space, and in the past two days, he had not appeared at all.

He looked at the Draco Charros Saint in front of him.

In the past two days.

Charros Saint was getting more and more exhausted, his physique was already bad, and now suffering this kind of kidnapping had exhausted him.

And the food given by Ken.

Charros Saint was actually a little uncomfortable.

As a result, the originally obese Charros Saint actually lost some weight.

But fortunately, the signs of life are quite normal, and it can last a long time.

“It seems.”

“I’ll have to see for myself if the ransom arrives!”

“But I’ve been resting for so long.”

“This trick can also be used again!”

Ken’s pupils shimmered faintly.


He’s advancing into the city… Use the slime doppelganger.

It’s ready to go!

This time the Chambord Islands are too dangerous… Avoid rollovers.

He still let the doppelganger go to get the ransom!

Anyway, if the doppelganger dies… He won’t be backlashed.

“I’ll see.”

“Which general is dispatched this time?”

“And the world government is estimated to have also sent spy agencies!”

“It’s funny, the world government wants to kill me.”

Ken became more and more excited, feeling that the plan to kidnap Draco this time was completely beneficial!

Just get ten devil fruits.

This time it is not a loss at all!

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