“The Great Sage help me.”

“I need a slime doppelganger!”

“I’m not skilled in this move, I need your help.”

The thought ran through Ken’s mind.


The Great Sage replied.

“I don’t recommend you use this trick… Often use this trick, the impact is still great. ”

“If you are still extremely weak, using this trick is not enough to influence you.”

“But as you get stronger… This trick is not quite suitable for you anymore. ”

“Because the strength of the doppelganger, in fact, there is a limit, and it can no longer help!”

This made Ken feel a little helpless.

If you can use the slime avatar.

He can toss at will, anyway, the death of the doppelganger is not in the way.

“It seems.”

“I still have to go out myself!”

Ken shook his head helplessly and finally decided to come down.


He looked at the Charros Saint in front of him and couldn’t help but speak.

“Fat pig, it’s been two days now, isn’t it very painful?”

“Think about the slaves you once treated!”

“I treat you like this… That’s a great degree! ”

“And I’m going to see the world government now… I don’t know if they want to ransom you! ”

The voice fell.

Charros Saint quickly climbed out and quickly shouted.

“The world government is definitely willing to redeem me!”

“Isn’t it just a billion!”

“Just this little bit of money… If you let me out, I’ll give it to you right away! ”

Ken couldn’t help but be amused.

He needs ten Devil Fruits… Not a billion billion.

But Charros San is such an idiot.

If he explained to the other party… It feels completely unnecessary!

In an instant.

Ken ignored Charles Ross St.

He directly entered the stealth and stealth state, directly tore open the door of the other space and left, returning to the Chambord Islands.


Ken found that the Chambord Islands had become deserted.

Civilians are no longer afraid to leave their homes.

And the streets are full of navies.

Fortunately, he is now stealthy, otherwise he may be discovered by the navy when he comes out!

“Interesting… Could it be that the Navy has already surrounded the Chambord Islands? ”

“It’s a pity that I stayed in a different space these two days… It is simply impossible for the Navy to find me! ”

“But I don’t have to deal with the navy, I’m targeting the world government!”

“And now I need ten Devil Fruits.”

“Then I don’t need to grind!”

“Just say what you want… If the world government didn’t have ten devil fruits! ”

“I’ll kill Draco in front of everyone!”

With this thought in mind, Ken began to rush to the most prominent part of the Chambord Islands.

What is the most visible part of the Chambord Islands?

That must be the root of the Yarchiman mangrove!

He will stand in the highest position and look down on all living beings!


Ken came to the bottom of the roots of the Yarchiman mangrove.

He looked up and saw that the roots of the Yarchiman mangrove tree were so tall, it was simply amazing!

Ordinary people want to climb it.

It’s like climbing into the sky!

But for Kean… It’s a breeze!

“Thunder Elemental Body ——!”

Ken’s body instantly decomposed into lightning elements, spread on the roots of the Yarchiman mangrove tree, and began to climb up in an instant!

Just a few moments.

He has already reached the highest root!

This perspective.

It’s like you can overlook the Chambord Islands!

“Seeing and smelling domineering——!”

“Full release of ——!”

Ken re-transformed into a human form, and the amazing sight and smell instantly spread throughout the Chambord Islands!

The breath of all the personnel … It was already detected by him in an instant!

It doesn’t matter where you’re hiding.

As long as you are in the Chambord Islands… All the personnel appeared under his domineering appearance!

Be aware of the radio waves that pass through the thunder fruit.

His sights are domineering… It is definitely the most extensive sight and domineering in the world!

Not one!

Ken wants to make it clear to everyone… He’s right here!

In an instant.

After staying in the Chambord Islands for two days without gaining anything, he was trying to deal with these strong people hidden in the shadows and deal a little blow to these dark organizations!


“Boom ——!”

Suddenly… An incomparably astonishing domineering aura swept in!

How is this possible!

How could domineering envelop the entire Chambord Islands?


The first thought that popped up in my mind!

The next moment.

A voice actually forcibly entered the minds of all the personnel.

Whoever it is… Admiral, CP0 spy agency, Karp hidden in the shadows, dark organization hidden in the shadows.

Everyone hears this!

“World Government.”

“I’ve been waiting for you for two days.”

“Are the ten Devil Fruits ready?”

“If not prepared… I will personally kill Draco Charros Saint, and I will slaughter Draco in front of all of you!” ”

“Now… The personnel of the Navy headquarters, the personnel of the World Government, and the dark organizations hidden in the Chambord Islands, I now order you to come to me all! ”

“But the comer… At one’s own risk! ”

“As for the civilians… Stay home. ”

“It’s not something you can watch!”

The voice fell.

Not far away.

The place at the highest top.

Instantly a dazzling pillar of thunder light appeared and rushed to the sky!

It seems to be signaling.

All personnel… Hurry up!

“This is domineering.”

“I’ve never seen … And this move. ”

“Can you actually transmit sound into your head?”

“This murderer… It’s hard to deal with! ”

Qing Zhi frowned, feeling that things were getting tricky.

He’s an admiral… Seeing the domineering nature is also extremely well honed!


This move shrouded the entire island with domineering looks.

How exactly did you practice it?

This is simply a real monster!


When the dark organization hidden in the shadows heard these words, there was no one who was not shocked by this!

It is worthy of being the leader of kidnapping Draco!

This sight is domineering… Enough to be proud!

The other side.

Karp’s face was heavy, and he took out the phone worm and dialed Sengoku.


The Sengoku side asked, “What’s going on with Karp?” How do you call me bug? Could it be that the intelligence that the murderer has been found? ”


Just feeling Ken’s astonishing domineering appearance, Karp’s face was solemn and slowly replied.

“Sengoku … This time the murderer is dominant. ”

“He could … Very strong! ”


The Warring States side fell silent: “What’s going on?” Tell me! ”

Karp said what happened before.

Sengoku arranges for him to come to the Chambord Islands and privately investigate the identity of the murderer.

Although clues have also been found.

But…… He’s pretty much the same.

And did not find where the murderer was.

But just now, Ken’s sight and smell were domineering… Completely shocked Karp!

He has seen so many strong people.

But…… I have never encountered such a domineering appearance!

“How is that possible?”

“The domineering thing that shrouds the entire island? The Chambord Islands are not small islands! ”

“Oh my God!”

“Where did this monster come from?”

After hearing these things, Sengoku’s eyes were full of surprise, if he didn’t know that the matter was extremely serious, he would have thought that Karp had deceived him!

“You hurry up!”

“Since this murderer has let you all go.”

“Exactly… You can also meet this murderer! ”

Sengoku hurriedly urged Karp.

Karp also knew the seriousness of the matter, immediately hung up the phone worm, and hurried to the thunder light pillar not far away!

Although it is amazing to see and smell domineering.

But…… Is it so amazing in terms of strength?

This also confused everyone.

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