“The help of the Thunder Fruit.”

“It’s really powerful!”

After Ken informed everyone, he couldn’t help but sit down cross-legged and think about it.

And the Thunder Fruit is extremely overbearing.

You can actually forcibly use radio waves, which can reach the point of sound transmission!

Right now.

It will be interesting to see if the world government is sincere in handing over the ransom.

For the Devil Fruit… He desperately needs!

Now he must let the Great Sage evolve into the King of Wisdom, otherwise it will be difficult for him to implement the next plan alone.

And the Devil Fruit Abilities are not so easy to find.

Otherwise, Ken would have gone on a killing spree long ago… Kill all the way!


Below the roots of the Yarchiman mangrove tree, some people began to scatter.

Ken looked down and noticed that some of the personnel were familiar.

There are admirals from the headquarters of the navy who are young and naïve, their faces are solemn, and the previous calm has been completely difficult to cover.

There are also two personnel from the CP0 spy agency of the world government, tall, with long black hair and shawl, wearing a red cape, wearing white clothes, and the mask that CP0 wears as standard.

There are also personnel … Ken is not familiar, it is estimated that it should be the world’s underground dark organization powerhouse, suddenly came to the Chambord Islands, and then wanted to meet him, the leader of the kidnapping of Draco.


There was actually a Kapu who secretly hid and acted secretly, he wore a black robe, did not appear in front of everyone, but came to a more remote place below the roots of the tree.

Ken saw that he was domineering, and naturally he had already scanned it.

I really didn’t expect this naval hero to come here.

And after he said that,

There were actually some people of the underground dark organization, who seemed to have not heard it, still staying in place, their faces showing disdain.

“I’m a little upset.”

“You guys want to come and see a good show… Actually a bit of a tantrum? ”

“This can’t work!”

“There’s a fee!”

“Then punish you a little!”

Ken raised his right hand lightly, a ball of energy thunder gathered appeared in his palm, and whispered in his mouth: “God’s sanction——! ”

The voice fell.

He threw it up!

A furious thunder suddenly erupted.

“Boom ——!”

In the sky for thousands of meters, a huge pillar of thunder and lightning instantly descended, suddenly destroying that area!

He controls his power so that it does not leak out and avoids destroying the surrounding buildings.


This power is suppressed… The damage that causes the center point is terrifying!

In an instant!

A figure of ashes scattered on the ground, and the breath of life instantly dissipated!

That dark organization powerhouse was originally hiding in the shadows, wanting to see a good show, but he couldn’t react at all, and died instantly!

Tens of millions of volts of lightning strikes … If the physique is not extremely strong, it will inevitably die directly!

This is the domineering of the Thunder Fruit!

No wonder Anilu is so arrogant!

With this devil fruit… If there is no way to restrain Anilu, it will definitely be easy for Anilu to kill!

It’s just a pity.

This domineering Devil Fruit ability already completely belongs to him!


When Qing Zhi saw this scene, his brows were a little angry, and he actually killed someone in front of him?

Are you kidding!

He was an admiral… How is it possible to tolerate such a thing!

When Qingzhi was about to make a move.

“All the dark organization powerhouses hidden in the shadows.”

“Those who don’t come in a minute… I’ll keep shooting! ”

“You guys can try it… Come and fight me! ”

“We’ll see… Are you strong? Or am I strong? ”

“Learn from others to join in the fun? Do you deserve it too? ”

Ken used the airwaves to invade the minds of everyone in the Chambord Islands again, and couldn’t help but say these murderous words.


Qingzhi’s brows stretched.

It turns out that the person killed … Not a civilian?

Instead, people from the dark organization?

That’s fine!

Anyway, he just wanted to arrest this group of dark organization members before.

Unexpectedly, Ken was even more ruthless… You can kill on the spot!

The key to this means… What the hell is going on?

It is actually possible to launch ultra-long-range attacks thousands of meters?

This is horrible!


A minute later.

Ken diffused and found that the powerhouses of the Chambord Islands had all gathered under the roots of the tree.

He is somewhat satisfied, it seems that the previous killing of chickens and monkeys has worked!


Ken looked at the two strong men from the CP0 organization with indifferent eyes, and couldn’t help but speak.

“Is the ransom ready?”

“Where are the ten Devil Fruits?”

“Don’t tell me… Your world government is not prepared! ”

“If that’s the case… It seems that Draco can also die directly. ”

This made the two CP0 spy agency personnel feel troubled, and did not answer for the time being.


How could the two of them take it!

Ten Devil Fruits… It’s simply not so easy to find!

They just came to investigate Ken’s identity, but in the past two days, Ken has been hiding in a different space, how can he find it!

After adding Ken mimicry.

Want to know who Ken really is… Simply unlikely!


“I need to meet Draco!”

“What if… Draco is dead. ”

“I’m bound to do something to you!”

Suddenly, Qingzhi spoke up, and an amazing cold air erupted from his body, instantly freezing the surrounding ground, and the icy aura began to spread to the roots of the tree, trying to make a move on Ken!


When Ken saw Qingzhi, he didn’t care, but his face was a little proud.

“Strike at me?”


“Kill me… Where exactly does Draco stay? ”

“Are you clear? I don’t know! ”

“It’s not clear… Do you dare to kill me? ”

“Are you sure you want to give up Draco’s life?”

This made Qingzhi couldn’t help but have some trouble, and quickly stopped.

But it is.

Kill the leader who kidnapped Draco… Not the main goal!

This mission, he must save Draco!

Otherwise, the Draco died.

This is even worse than the incident of being kidnapped Draco!

“You let me see the safety of Draco first.”

“I’m not sure if Draco is dead!”

Qing Zhi frowned, and his tone was somewhat compromised.

There is no way.

Here he is the admiral … There are also CP0 two spy agency personnel.

It should not be difficult to kill the leader who kidnapped Draco.

But…… That’s the mission.

The Navy Headquarters and the World Government must first save Draco!


“But… Let me see the ransom first. ”

“If there is no ransom.”

“Don’t continue to talk about this matter!”

“Next… You wait for the video of Draco’s tragic death to be distributed to the world! ”

Ken couldn’t help but get up, his eyes full of coldness, and replied directly: “And… I am targeting the world government this time, not your naval headquarters, now you this senior general shut up for me, two spy agency personnel over there, now I ask you… Is the ransom ready? ”

He’s standing at the top anyway!

Even if this group of strong people… It also takes time to climb up.

During this time.

He used the Thunder Fruit… It has long been far away.

Even using the door fruit… You can leave whenever you want.

For this.

Is he dangerous this time?

It is simply impossible to be dangerous!

Unless the headquarters of the Navy is in line with the world government … Don’t plan to save Draco!

It’s just that…… Is it possible?

These two organizations… If you don’t save it, you can’t do it!

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