An unknown corner of the Chambord Islands.

After Ken left the extreme distance, he entered the alien space again, not at all worried that the group could catch up with him.

Anyway…… When he saw that the admiral who came over this time was actually a young child.

Ken was relieved.

It does not mean that there is no danger in being young.

It’s just that Ken doesn’t want to see the yellow ape even more… After all, when it really fights, the yellow ape’s speed is even faster than him!


After entering the alien space.

Charros Saint quickly got up in the iron cage, with a longing look on his face.


“Has the world government paid the ransom?”

“Can I go out?”

He had been in this alien space for a long time, and all the surroundings were dark green and gloomy environment, which for a while scared Charros Saint did not dare to sleep.

For this.

Saint Charros is desperate to get out of here now.

He also began to hold a grudge against the world government in his heart.

Isn’t it just a billion yuan?

Why are you so stingy!


Ken was in a bad mood, his eyes were cold as he looked at Charross, and his tone was displeased: “I have already talked to the world government, they actually did not prepare ten devil fruits, so I am very upset now, if you annoy me, I will chop you to death now.” ”

The voice fell.

“Ray Zhijin ——!”

Ken grabbed a large number of gold fragments at random, and thunder electricity spread out from his palm, instantly condensing the gold fragments and turning into extremely hideous golden machetes.

“Wait, wait!”

“What’s going on with the World Government!”

“Did they abandon me?”

“Isn’t a billion unwilling to hand it over?”

Charros Saint still didn’t know that the Devil Fruit was so cherished, and he thought that he had been abandoned by the world government, and his eyes were a little desperate.

He saw Ken with a golden machete in his hand and began to slowly approach.

Frightened, Charros Saint quickly weakened his knees, quickly knelt down, snot flowed on his face, and shouted in his mouth.

“I beg you… Don’t kill me! ”

“I’m really rich!”

“The world government is not willing to redeem me… You let me go home… I’ll give you the money right away! ”

“I won’t say you kidnapped me!”

The naïve Charros saint, trying to think that money can buy his life, really makes Ken feel that he has a problem with his brain, and he is really an idiot in terms of IQ!

I don’t know.

Ken has the secret of the otherworld… Already cleared by Charros Saint.

There is no way… If you want to trap Charros Saint and not be discovered by the Navy and the world government, you can only imprison Charros Saint in another space.

Let’s be honest.

He never intended to let Charros Saint go!

Now leave the life of Saint Charros.

I just want the world government to make it clear … Saint Charros is not currently dead.

If you get ten Devil Fruits… Ken immediately backhanded and hacked Charrose Saint to death!

“I don’t want to die now.”

“Then you shut up.”

“Don’t shout.”

Ken doesn’t plan to kill Charros Saint now, and his previous move is just to scare Charros Saint, just to avoid this guy coming over and annoying.

“Good, good, good!”

“No problem!”

Charros Saint quickly covered his mouth, not daring to make a sound, so humble, it was really a little funny.

The next moment.

The time that Ken began to wait for passed.

He felt that this time the world government would definitely come up with the devil fruit!

After all.

If only the world government gave up Draco.

When pigs fly!

The five old stars did not dare to do this… Because the real world government is behind the scenes, the master of the Void Throne, but Im!

This is the most noble person among the Draco.

Give up Draco?

Where do the five old stars dare?


Three days later.

Ken took out the last dry food and threw it directly into the Charros Holy Cage to prevent this guy from suddenly fainting from starvation.

And he found that Charros Saint was in a much better state, and not as tired as he was at the beginning.

“Did you really get him used to it?”

“Could it be that I’m too kind?”

“I should be able to be harder than that.”

Ken was a little unbelievable, knowing that the life before Charros Saint was extremely luxurious, and now he was trapped in an iron cage, as if living a slave life.

Didn’t think of it.

It’s funny that it can hold on.

“Fat pig.”

“Today is the last chance.”

“I’ll let you show up later.”

“Did you hear the world government directly?”

“After all, they don’t redeem you… You scold them hard! ”

“If you don’t… Be careful I’ll shock you right now. ”

A dangerous electric current erupted from Ken’s palm, threatening Saint Charros.

He wants to make the world government lose face.

Directly insulted by Draco!

And in the end, the world government handed over the ransom.

Didn’t rescue Draco either!

“No problem!”

“Anyway, I hate the world government!”

“If only you had ransomed me earlier… Neither will I! ”

Charros Saint ate dry food fast food biscuits, and his speech was a little unfavorable, but now that he is used to it, he actually feels very delicious?

“Open ——!”

Ken tore open the door of the other space and returned directly to the Chambord Islands.


He went to the news agency that had been on the verge of bankruptcy.

Didn’t think of it.

The boss did not leave, but decorated the environment.

It’s a good time now.

“This boss.”

Ken couldn’t help shouting: “There will be big news later, you take the camera phone worm, come and shoot, do you hear?” ”


When the boss heard this familiar voice, he was a little puzzled and couldn’t help but turn his head.

But after seeing Ken, he opened his mouth wide in fright, and his tone was a little hesitant.

“How are you!”

Ken was expressionless and repeated.

“There will be big news later.”

“Do you want to come?”

This made the boss a little helpless, but he still scratched his head, and his tone was a little happy.

“Can I go?”

The video given by Ken before has already made him gain a lot, and now he can continue to let him, how is this good?


He still wants to go… As a journalist.

If there is big news… Not personally written out.

There is no soul at all!


“Just remember to go.”

“The location is the highest part of the Chambord Islands!”

“You can now take the camera phone worm and start squatting over.”

Ken couldn’t help but bow his head slightly, and urged directly.


The boss ran back to the warehouse and took out the giant camera bug.


“That big a photography phone worm?”

“What’s the use of this?”

Ken looked at the human-sized phone worm with some surprise.

“This can… A giant phone bug connected to the whole world. ”

“It’s like the whole world is live.”

“I think the biggest news… It’s better to watch it live! ”

“So that it can be distributed to the whole world!”

The boss explained.

He spent a lot of money to buy it, and most of the proceeds this time were concentrated in this giant phone worm!

The next moment.

Ken’s face became a little surprised.

“Like a live broadcast?”

“Isn’t this just… Slap in the face on the spot! ”

“Kind of interesting!”

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